I've been trying really hard not to spoil myself on anything.btkadams said:im assuming you havent spoiled yourself on the final formsthe final form of the Baconator is really cool looking!
Diamond was somewhat ruined for me because I already knew everything. This time I'm taking it nice and slow and enjoying all of the Pokemon. I like that I have to figure out what type a Pokemon is, what type new moves are, and all that fun stuff. It feels like a fresh game to me, since there's not much in it that's old, other than the basic idea of the game.
I'm back to using Pokemon I like the way they look, or if they impress me some how (like the surprisingly powerful caterpillar thing). For Diamond it was a race to find the Pokemon I knew exactly were the best to use, and basically felt like I was just going through the regular motions as I was playing it.
Pokemon is nice because there's no missable content, so it's not like me just exploring is going to lead me to miss something.
I also downloaded a ticket, but I didn't look anything up. I want to be surprised when I get a little side-quest somewhere along the line.
I just wish the Pokemon names were easier to remember. What happened to Charcoal + Salamander, or Geo + Dude. Now we have weird stuff like Ottowattowaterpokemon and others.
Stuff like Venipede, Archeops and Watchog are great names. Oshawott is not. What is that, some kind of oil monopoly british fellow or something (eh wott)?
Oh wait, it's an otter wearing a seashell bra. Silly me.
Oceanott would have been a better name and had the same meaning. No need to make things sound fancy. We're all used to Pokemon names as being one word + another word with basically no variation at all (90% of the last 4 generations' pokemon follow this pattern).
It's like they went "hey Pikachu, Lapras, Suicune, Kyogre, Rayquaza and Dialga were some epic names, let's make an entire generation of Pokemon with names like those!"