Andrefpvs said:(That's76800!)![]()
I've decided, I'm never beating the last guy! This is too good, over 350000 a day![]()
D-Pad said:How do you not beat the last guy? Just lose to him? Won't you also lose?![]()
Crunched said:How can you not beat him?? I already went through the whole process, how to you manage to repeat it?
How can you not beat him?? I already went through the whole process, how to you manage to repeat it?Andrefpvs said:
Ah I see. Oh well, I have like two million pokebucks and >100 of every item I really need. No point in more cash I guess.Andrefpvs said:I lose on purpose and lose about 9800. This far outweighs the 350,000+ I make every day with Lucky Egg + Prize Money Power +++ (from the Entralink).
That means the next day I can rebattle the first five members of the family for massivedamagecash.
upandaway said:I have no clue who you're talking about
KingK said:I guessing they're talking about the Riches family in Undella town.
farnham said:i thought i might wanna get a milotic and went back to diamond and pearl and feebas farmed a bit
Soule said:Whoa didn't realize my friend code changed when I bought a 3DS? Explains sooooo much haha
EDIT: Added my new FC to the list in OP, is there some way to remove my old one or should I even bother?
AzureJericho said:Winter in games is always so awesome. Winter in real life? Hit or miss. :lol
On another note, anyone else kinda wish if there were more places to grind/trainer & gym leader rematches/scenarios in the game after finishing the E4 rematches? This is beginning to remind me of my Pokemon Red days with how much I'm pining for more in-game fights beyond E4 marathons to get to Lvl. 100.
Finally, just who is that chick in the Ferris Wheel? I finally saw the event and it's all still "whoa" to me.
dc89 said:Hi! I'm currently training up before the elite four, and I'm looking for someone with a Tirtouga? Just wondering if anyone could trade.
I don't really have anything special in return though, sorry!![]()
dc89 said:Drop me a PM btw if this is possible.
Thanks PokeGAF.
dc89 said:Drop me a PM btw if this is possible.
Thanks PokeGAF.
D-Pad said:Andrex:
Really?! IMG Tags work inside the code tag?!
I was going to point to Bulbapedia, but that didn't return the results I wanted. Which acronyms? We could help you out.Renoir said:Iam still a poke newb, even though I dabled in the older games.
I was wonering is there is a chart some where explaining all the acronyms?
I do if you give me a second to infect one.ShikaTheReaper said:Anyone got a spare pokemon with pokerus?
Espada said:I sent you a PM. Just let me know and I'll trade over the Tirtouga.
dc89 said:PM'd you back with my FC. There's no rush for it, I appreciate that you can help me though.
ShikaTheReaper said:Anyone got a spare pokemon with pokerus?
Espada said:Alright, I just added your FC and I'm standing by in the Wi-Fi club.
dc89 said:Just finished my battle and I'm heading in there now.
Thanks very much man! That is really appreciated. Thanks for going out of your way and making some time to help a nub like me :')
Espada said:No problem, man. It was a breeze to meet your request. Besides, you got lucky by getting a female Tirtouga on the first shot. Take care of that Dome Fossil, too.
Have you been inside since Midnight? YOu have to go into a building and come out for Winter to start.Black-Wind said:Humm, wonder why my game didn't turn to winter :/
Is it because I only started Last Sunday?
EDIT- ^^^ I would also like a light ball :3
I'm listening to RH right now (videotape) and Slick Mahoney is spankin to the beat lmaoChorazin said:I got one easy on the GTS by offering up one of my version's exclusives. If no one has one give that a shot.
Like how? I have been inside buildings/ caves and stuff as well as outside.Roto13 said:Have you been inside since Midnight? YOu have to go into a building and come out for Winter to start.
Yeah, it should be Winter. Are you sure the date is right on your DS?Black-Wind said:Like how? I have been inside buildings/ caves and stuff as well as outside.
Do I have to SAVE outside? Cause I save inside the Pokecenters or healing homes (I want my lil character to be warm and safe when I turn it off ... don't look at me like that >_>)
Anyway, I'm thinking about starting a journey to make an Adamant Nature Shiny Axew. Thats gonna be tricky :/
But I'm gonna name him Toothless when I get one! :]
Oooh, my 3DS was set a day behind for some reasonRoto13 said:Yeah, it should be Winter. Are you sure the date is right on your DS?
70-75 I thinkKingK said:What levels are the elite 4 at when you go for the rematch? My pokemon are all around level 65 right now, plus a level 71 Volcarona.
Also, Skarmory looks awesome with its animation in this game.
KingK said:What levels are the elite 4 at when you go for the rematch? My pokemon are all around level 65 right now, plus a level 71 Volcarona.
Also, Skarmory looks awesome with its animation in this game.
Which pokes did you have in mind?DoomXploder7 said:hmmm, gonna finish my living pokedex and then start my battle sub team, 3 more things to do to get white card.
Tornadus/Thundurus should be available before the E4 IIRC.-Pyromaniac- said:lol my Mienfoo attacked virizion twice to get it to red, and not even low level red, the highest health one could get while being in the red zone. And I caught it with my first normal pokeball.
For some reason I expected the second legendary to be harder to catch than the first. Probably got lucky. But this leads me to my question. Are those the only 2 "special" pokemon I can catch until post game?
Gravijah said:Opelucid City (Black) still has the best town music. Deal with it, bitches.
hermit7 said:So who did you guys use your masterball on? Used mine on Tornadus, but I am regretting that.
May just restart with a new poke.
Gravijah said:Opelucid City (Black) still has the best town music. Deal with it, bitches.
It's kind of sad that's theEspada said:70+, with the highest level pokemon in the E4 Version 2 being Alder'sLevel 77 Volcarona