Alright then.Andrex said:Considering I just made it today, no. But there could be. I myself just have no plans for it.
Andrex said:Gotta go with Garbodor. Higher stats.
Gravijah said:psst andrex is a google fanboy
Masked Man said:You picked Garbodor--that seals it. You win my heart <3
ColtraineGF said:edit: Guess it's fine...or not? Each page has that Surfing Pikachu.
Andrex said:I for one am shocked and appalled!
Teknoman said:Just guessing that maintenance = game sync, unless it always does this every Friday.
Heh.Gravijah said:introducing the new ShockApp from google
Izayoi said:Chrome sucks.
Yeah, I said it.
Andrex said:You say that.
But Firefox does not have any of my extensions.
Forkball said:I asked this last page but which dragon line is worth training?
eek5 said:hydreigon is awesome. really late evolution but worth it
Izayoi said:lol[IMG][/QUOTE]
See, the problem with doing that is now I'm really curious what that second search term in Gelbooru is.
[spoiler]got any mudkips[/spoiler]
I was showing that I use Chrome alongside Firefox. Google's auto-translate stuff is pretty neat.Andrex said:I don't get it.
-posted via Quick Reply
Gravijah said:that's cause you're racist against the cutest animal in the world
oh man we need a pokemon based on it... it could be... FIRE/NORMAL
The correct answer isStateofMind said:When's the earliest you can find a Luvdisc? I haven't come across any fishing rods yet (in the bit city, 3rd gym).
you don't get a fishing rod for a long time....StateofMind said:When's the earliest you can find a Luvdisc? I haven't come across any fishing rods yet (in the bit city, 3rd gym).
Izayoi said:I was showing that I use Chrome alongside Firefox. Google's auto-translate stuff is pretty neat.
I don't actually hate Chrome, basically.
Fuck you made me explain it.
StateofMind said:When's the earliest you can find a Luvdisc? I haven't come across any fishing rods yet (in the bit city, 3rd gym).
DoomXploder7 said:you mean a flaming fox? maybe one with six tails and it'll evolve into a nine tailed fox.
What is the most common word that starts with a "c" searched on Gelbooru in conjunction with another phrase, do you think?Articalys said:See, the problem with doing that is now I'm really curious what that second search term in Gelbooru is.
got any mudkips
DoomXploder7 said:you mean a flaming fox? maybe one with six tails and it'll evolve into a nine tailed fox.
dexterslu said:Just picked up White to play on my 3DS, but I can't figure out how to save? I hit start and nothing happens..Any ideas?
I'm going to guess "chibi" or "cosplay."Izayoi said:What is the most common word that starts with a "c" searched on Gelbooru in conjunction with another phrase, do you think?
Also, I do. Give me a few minutes. I'll post when I'm in the Wi-Fi Club.
dexterslu said:Just picked up White to play on my 3DS, but I can't figure out how to save? I hit start and nothing happens..Any ideas?
Gravijah said:
You have a very innocent mind, I'll give you that.Articalys said:I'm going to guess "chibi" or "cosplay."
Grazie. Good luck with the shiny breeding.
Hmm... think you're using the version opposite what you had before. Need to add it, hang on a sec.
Izayoi said:You have a very innocent mind, I'll give you that.
Well, my other guess was cat but I wasn't sure if that was the right direction.Izayoi said:You have a very innocent mind, I'll give you that.
Same version, White.
I'll be giving out more later tonight. Right now it's food time.
Hydreigon is incredible. Haxorus is merely okay. Great attack, but let down by poor defenses.Gravijah said:Hydreigon and Haxorus are both really good. I like Hydreigon better because of how he looks and his typing.
That reminds me, I found this from Veekun's main page today:D-Pad said:Did you know that, according to Bulbapedia, Alomomolas are among those with the highest egg cycles in the game? Like, over 10,000 steps! Amazing!
And none hatch the way you want them to. > >;
lolGravijah said:Oh. I know what it is.
Damn it, TPCi. Why do you taunt us?Gravijah said:maintenance is over
no global link it seems![]()
Izayoi said:lol
Damn it, TPCi. Why do you taunt us?
I've got some Mudkip to give away, if anyone is interested.
And by a few I mean over 100. Seriously, someone be interested.