Gravijah said:Opelucid City (Black) still has the best town music. Deal with it, bitches.
Those are both funny ways of spelling (both).KingK said:That's a funny way to spell (White).
Gravijah said:Opelucid City (Black) still has the best town music. Deal with it, bitches.
Those are both funny ways of spelling (both).KingK said:That's a funny way to spell (White).
But the average is higher overall.Articalys said:It's kind of sad that's thehighest level opponent in the game. Nobody in the 80s like DPP or HGSS.
Articalys said:It's kind of sad that's thehighest level opponent in the game. Nobody in the 80s like DPP or HGSS.
TheOGB said:Those are both funny ways of spelling (both).
Andrex said:Opelucid City (White) has the best music, followed closely by Village Bridge with everyone performing.
Gravijah said:It's not worth restarting over, haha. You can get another master ball if you really want. Not that there's much to use it on.
Alright, you got me.KingK said:wait,Who was level 80 in Diamond?
Andrex said:White Forest has the best music, followed closely by Village Bridge with everyone performing.
jman2050 said:White Forest's music annoys the shit out of me.
Concurred on Village Bridge though.
Thanks AndrexAndrex said:Yeah, I'll do it. I thought it was strange when I saw your name at the bottom again.
Articalys said:Alright, you got me.Only in Platinum, DP caps at 74. And if you actually didn't know it's Barry after you beat the E4 twenty times.
Barry would eat Red for breakfast. (assuming you pick Turtwig) Barry's Heracross and Inernape are capable of sweeping Red's entire team, with Staraptor cleaning up anything left.Andrex said:Barry is the second strongest trainer in the whole series. RESPECT
Wiseblade said:Barry would eat Red for breakfast. (assuming you pick Turtwig) Barry's Heracross and Inernape are capable of sweeping Red's entire team, with Staraptor cleaning up anything left.
There's Tornadus or Thundurus, and the third Musketeer.-Pyromaniac- said:lol my Mienfoo attacked virizion twice to get it to red, and not even low level red, the highest health one could get while being in the red zone. And I caught it with my first normal pokeball.
For some reason I expected the second legendary to be harder to catch than the first. Probably got lucky. But this leads me to my question. Are those the only 2 "special" pokemon I can catch until post game?
Forkball said:Ok I beat it today. What now? I'm looking around the new areas but damn what a huge spike in levels. Everyone has level 65 pokemon? WTF. Should I be doing something else before I check out the new areas?
Jeels said:So Gaf, Cofagrigus, Chandelure, or Jellicent? I need a ghost type.![]()
If you're not already using a fire type, Chandelure is the way to go.Jeels said:So Gaf, Cofagrigus, Chandelure, or Jellicent? I need a ghost type.![]()
Vect said:Chandelure is on top of my most wanted shiny list.
Andrex said:Chandelure is this generation's Drifblim.
Mank said:Anyone else randomly not update to Winter? My game registers that it's the 1st, but no Winter. I don't know if it's cause it was my first time putting it in the 3DS and it thought I was playing with the clock or something, but it makes me sad. Hopefully it'll be better tomorrow when I try again... :|
Articalys said:Those extensions look great; I really should move over to Chrome one of these days but I'm too used to Firefox.
So, finally got my Thundurus. Would anyone be kind enough to lend me a Tornadus for a short spell so's I can catch myself a fertility god? I'd return it within the hour, success or not, and do the same for you if you needed the same favor in reverse.
Gravijah said:I'm always jumping between Firefox, Opera and Chrome. They all kind of suck though.
for battle sub i was gonna use chandelure, hydregion and conkeldurr.D-Pad said:Which pokes did you have in mind?
Masked Man said:Andrex, between this thread and the extensions you posted, you are quickly encroaching upon EmCeeGramr's coveted position as my favorite poster on GAF. <3
Andrex said:Why do they all kind of suck? You can PM me your answer.And I'll actually know right when I get it thanks to that Chrome extension!
Gravijah said:It's been a while since I've used Chrome, maybe I should try it again. Though I don't really use extensions, since I'm the kind of person that likes to adapt to something rather than tinker with it to suit my needs.
These extensions are amazing, makes Gaf even better, is there a FF version of Quick Reply though?Andrex said:Now comes the time where I abuse my position and use it to prop up something completely unrelated to the topic at hand.
I made three Chrome extensions in the past few days that some of you might be interested in:
NeoGAF Quick Reply
OK, that's enough. Back on topic!
Amoongus!Amoonguss or Garbodor? Both are quirky I love them.![]()
upJTboogie said:These extensions are amazing, makes Gaf even better, is there a FF version of Quick Reply though?
Jeels said:Here's another round, this time the Poison types.
Amoonguss or Garbodor? Both are quirky I love them.![]()
Teknoman is down for maintenance?!