if you think you will use the 3ds in the future then it's worth it i suppose.Brettison said:Man I REAAAALLLLY want to play this game, but still haven't made a decision on the portable front. My DS Lite is borked because the cracked hinge lead to a break lead to my top screen not functioning last year. I waited to see what was coming 3DS wise, but $250 is expensive. Yet it's hard for me to rebuy a DS at this point.
One of my good PC gaming friend's has Black too, and said he'd play multi with me if I ever get it too. UGH what to do!!!
isny said:I caught my Reshiram with a quick ball last night. It was lawl. No wonder some of you say they're the new Master Ball...
uhhh the catch rate for reshiram/zekrom are higher than most pokemon. it's so someone doesn't get fucked over at that point since you basically need to catch it in order to move on in the story. quick balls are great but those legendaries aren't something you should judge them on.isny said:I caught my Reshiram with a quick ball last night. It was lawl. No wonder some of you say they're the new Master Ball...
I have a shiny Lampent, but it's part of my team. I guess I can try and catch another shiny Litwick or two.AzureJericho said:No one here has spare shiny Litwick family members? I'm hurting for a shiny Chandelure and GTS is trolling me with offers for them in exchange for lvl. 9 or under legendaries. >:|
LMAO!Andrex said:I think I'm going to try and get a shiny.
Black-Wing, halp!
Victrix said:I will persevere through this sea of Under Level 9 bullshit and trade my way to a Zekrom, oh yes, I will
Negotiations or regular GTS?Xavien said:Wow, just traded a level 1 Timburr for a Shiny Probopass on GTS.
First Shiny evarSeriously 277 hours and no shiny :/
Schmitty said:Negotiations or regular GTS?
What's the Probopass' original trainer?Xavien said:Wow, just traded a level 1 Timburr for a Shiny Probopass on GTS.
First Shiny evarSeriously 277 hours and no shiny :/
Roto13 said:What's the Probopass' original trainer?
Xavien said:Does anyone have a pokemon from the Gabile/Garbite/Garchomp line that i could trade with? Have all starters and quite a few others to trade.
dc89 said:I'll go breed you one now!
Victrix said:Speaking of the (useless) GTS, which out of the way countries have you found to be useful to search? Other than US/Japan of course. I've had some luck with Canada, France, Australia, but not many other places.
The inability to browse more than 7 results per search is infuriating, but given how much other stupid is packed into the GTS, I shouldn't be surprised.
dc89 said:Ok Xavien its ready, I really need to catch a mon with Flame Body :x
FC is 2nd to bottom on the list! Just trade any White only Pokemon if you don't have any just throw a random at me =)
Xavien said:Awesome, thanks![]()
Black-Wind said:LMAO!
I'm loving your takes on my user-name!
I can help you if you're going to RNG Shiny Pokemon (breed or not, that also have beastly IVs. I mean DAMN at Toothless! I didn't expect that but I guess thats the good side to breeding with a flawless Ditto and a pimping Haxorus. I'm gonna train him on my Black Game along with my Beastly Shiny Scraggy+Shiny Zangoose because they deserve it).
I want to do Char next but the thing is, in order too hit the same seed for my Shiny Axew/ Scraggy/ Zangoose/ Ponyta I have to have one with the right nature first PLUS my Flawless Ditto PLUS the Power Item for SP.A to be forced down (That seed has a base Sp.A of ZERO but a base of 30 in everything else which works great for the Adamant/ Jolly natures like the ones above but Char needs a nature for Sp.A AND a good chance of getting a 30/31 in SP.A)
EspeonHoly Order Sol said:So today I hatched an Eevee (yes, just one) out of boredom and got this:
Eevee - #133 (Modest)
HP: 31
Att: 20 - 23
Def: 16 - 17
SpA: 31
SpD: 30
Speed: 31
Now to decide...
Rapstah said:What would be the most out-of-place and hilarious (while preferrably competible) move lineup to teach a Smeargle? It'd probably be best if the moves were sketchable from random encounters.
Rapstah said:What would be the most out-of-place and hilarious (while preferrably competible) move lineup to teach a Smeargle? It'd probably be best if the moves were sketchable from random encounters.
Rapstah said:What would be the most out-of-place and hilarious (while preferrably competible) move lineup to teach a Smeargle? It'd probably be best if the moves were sketchable from random encounters.
Sagitario said:Finished Black the day before yesterday....
Some semi-random bullet points about the game:
- Battling thewould have been so cool [some kind of 2nd quest like HG/SS].Seven Sages and the Shadow Triad
- What about those girls in? I wanted to know moreN's castle(I know I said the story sucks, but the final moments of the game were so epic)
Shiny Boldore is sexy. Want some help evolving it?upandaway said:![]()
I am no longer a shiny virgin *sniff* found him while looking for a Deino. I named him Bolbro.
yes the original colors look better on Gigalith, shut up I know
Nah I'm cool for now, thanks. No rush to evolve him, although he will look way better. Gigalith is one awesome fucker.Roto13 said:Shiny Boldore is sexy. Want some help evolving it?
That's the thing, I already use a Gigalith on my team. I can't just replace them based on their appearance, that's racist!Roto13 said:Are you going to use it on your team? It's kind of satisfying.![]()
I... I don't know. I'll have to think about this.MicH said:Are you gonna nickname him GigaBro when you evolve him?
I think you have the menu colors mixed up, Impish is +Def and -SpA, a really good nature for him. Clearly, you need a better calculator:upandaway said:That's the thing, I already use a Gigalith on my team. I can't just replace them based on their appearance, that's racist!
Besides he's Impish (-def +sp.atk) and the IV calc says his stats are impossibleso for now he just makes me feel happy.![]()
I... I don't know. I'll have to think about this.