Maybe weak to grass then?
We would need a pair of new types for better balancing. Though maybe not. Dark and Steel was meant to balance the ridiculous Gen I psychics.
Fun with fat......I'm partially creepy out yet I can't stop chuckling.![]()
I'm not sure about fire, but it definitely seems like they were trying to knock psychics down a peg and raise up fighting.Weren't they also made to boost Fighting & Fire types?
Fun fact. Poison-type is the only type that has yet to have a Legendary Pokémon of its type
Now I really want a Poison type legendary. What would they base it off though?
Now I really want a Poison type legendary. What would they base it off though?
Now I really want a Poison type legendary. What would they base it off though?
Now I really want a Poison type legendary. What would they base it off though?
They're all abilities now. They stopped differentiating when Black & White came out. Garbodor from Dragons Exalted with a tool attached is the only one.Anybody here who knows about the pokemon TCG mind telling me cards that can shut off poke-powers/bodies/abilities?
Fun fact. Poison-type is the only type that has yet to have a Legendary Pokémon of its type
I always have a Poison type on my team.
Hey guys episode 11 is up! This time with guest!
That's a very good idea, i'm proud of you Samurai Mio
I noticed you got the Dowsing MCHN, now let the free rare items come pouring in! I enjoyed the special guest and I hope you do more of those soon.
Arcanine looks like he has boobs.
You think they'll make a demo for XY?
She's a swordmaster!
Two town demo with dancing guys acting as a barrier to the third town
"Buy the full game and we'll stop dancing~"
Also, you guys know how Ledian is likely based off a Sentai Hero with its design, perhaps a homage to Kamen Rider? Well, the first two enemies Kamen Rider often faces is a spider than a, go look at the National Dex at which Pokemon come after Ledian. 0.o
They're all abilities now. They stopped differentiating when Black & White came out. Garbodor from Dragons Exalted with a tool attached is the only one.
Here's the list of Colin Moll, the Nebraska State Champion from last weekend:
If you mean in older formats (so wouldn't be allowed now), Dialga G X had something that shut down Pokebodies.
Well I mean older formats, I don't plan on playing in official tournaments just with my friends. We all play unlimited so really any card goes. I'm thinking about using fossil Muk since it seems to be the easiest to stop my friend's annoying Chandelure.
They're called pecs. And I blame Arcanine's weird outline.
I don't think a lot of new cards are usable actually due to how broken Unlimited is. For example, there's one deck called Porydonk that just works to win on Turn 1 by returning all of the opponent's Pokemon to their hand and off the field: think the main problem with playing with the older cards vs. the newer ones is that there has been a power creep with each new generation of cards or so especially with Pokemon's HP and attacks. I mean, it is still doable but it would be pretty hard for the Fossil Muk to survive a couple hits.
But of course, it's up to you. See what works well.
Yeah my friend told me about this deck hahaha. Pretty broken. The fun part of unlimited is being broken though. I want to beat my EX using friends with normal pokemon so they know that it's not all about these fancy jerks.I don't think a lot of new cards are usable actually due to how broken Unlimited is. For example, there's one deck called Porydonk that just works to win on Turn 1 by returning all of the opponent's Pokemon to their hand and off the field:
Edit: I mean if you're trying to be competitive, for funsies with friends it shouldn't be too big a deal.
I think the main problem with playing with the older cards vs. the newer ones is that there has been a power creep with each new generation of cards or so especially with Pokemon's HP and attacks. I mean, it is still doable but it would be pretty hard for the Fossil Muk to survive a couple hits.
But of course, it's up to you. See what works well.
How would you feel...
...if this was actually Chespin's Final Form?
How would you feel...
...if this was actually Chespin's Final Form?
In Japan, I think at the Pokemon Center, they have pictures of card artwork on display and such...someone took one of the pictures and edited in a fake card I guess. It's a pretty unusual idea for a fake, since that's not a medium you expect to see, and an even unusual-er idea for a Pokemon.
I know they're pecs, I'm saying they look a little flabby.
The man himself!Yeah my friend told me about this deck hahaha. Pretty broken. The fun part of unlimited is being broken though. I want to beat my EX using friends with normal pokemon so they know that it's not all about these fancy jerks.
You could also run a Pokemon Center stadium to heal 20 on your bench each turn making his 3 damage counters turn into 2. Though if he's using Chandelure I assume he's switching between two?Fossil muk just has to be in play for the ability to kick in. So he's not going to be up front. He just has to stop my friend's annoying ass chandellure's ability to hit anything on my bench.
How would you guys feel about an Aether / Holy type? It's kinda sorta the fifth of the five classical elements and an often standard type in Japanese RPGs (for example all standard FF elements have a Pokèmon counterpart, except for Holy). Furthermore, when you think of nymphs and sylphs, they fit rather well with that concept; an extra point for aether, much like sylph, having an indirect relationship to the air -- the air as in "spirit" rather than as in "wind".
I think it would fit great. Perhaps even for Xerneas and Yveltal.