Does Gyarados fly in the anime? I saw this on bulbapedia today:
Despite being part Flying type, the only Flying-type move it can learn is Bounce. However, it has been seen flying in the anime.
Does Gyarados fly in the anime? I saw this on bulbapedia today:
Despite being part Flying type, the only Flying-type move it can learn is Bounce. However, it has been seen flying in the anime.
I actually sort of had a "duh" moment about Doduo and Dodrio the other day.
They do have wings, the Pokedex even references Doduo's.
It's just an artistic design to have them "wingless", because most large birds, such as emu, when they're walking around have their wings folded up right near their body and you can't tell where the wings begin from the body. Doduo is just an exaggeration of that.
They can learn HM Fly =p.
Ok, well.... MANTINE CANT! HA!
Edit: Also, my latest episode is up. Where something amazing happens.
Very impressive catches this episode, especially the second one!
Guys, should I go with HP ice, electric or grass with heatran? I'm so undecided![]()
It has appeared several times in the anime. However, it's typically in water or curled up on the ground. It has jumped out of water, but I don't actually recall it ever sustaining flight. I may be wrong though, but I did a quick search through my archives and saw nothing.
Its kinda just hovering above the ground like Geodude does.
Think that depends on the rest of your team, and their coverage!
I don't use a fixed team so this is why I'm so torn, anyway I think I'm gonna go with hp electric, gyarados is too dangerous.
You could always give him Dragon Pulse to make up for HP Ice.
Not only is sky form shaymin often times shown flying it also ... has what are clearly wings coming out of it's head. Gyarados would have been a better example and even that could be argued.
Theres also the fact that Eevee-evols are ALWAYS clear in their typing in both appearance and naming. They went as far as to make a fish themed evee-evol but some how for flying they decided "leeets not make it clear at ALL and name it after fairy-folk!"?
Yep, it could be useful to hit kingdra on the switch too.
Grass might have been good for Rotom-W. I guess it probably wouldn't OHKO though.
Im in the 8th gym in Black 2 and I gotta say, the little details in this game are really exactly what the series needs more of. More shit to do, more ways to train your pokemon, PWT, the pokemon selection, geez. they really went balls to the wall. that being said, im still very underwhelmed by the art direction after the masterpiece that was HG/SS
Huh, Heatran is a special attacker?
Didn't know about that. I guess I should use Heat-chan now.
Is no one doing a Mystery Dungeon OT? How sad.![]()
Is no one doing a Mystery Dungeon OT? How sad.![]()
Except that a Sylph is an Air elemental, and the ribbons make it looks really floaty
I'm really new at doing this and hate being all APB about requests when I don't hang around a sub-GF enough, but I hope I'll get lucky with this. Anyone have a spare Adamant Speed Boost Blaziken hanging around? Name your price (I hope to God I have something you wnt in exchange).
PM me though, I'll catch up with you later in the day.
Man these Mareep look pretty dum-
fuck you internet
edit: this Dragonite is PISSED, holy shit
Hey guys. Episode 14 is up. We have a guest again. This time he brings along some ill fated luck.
Chuck: First Blood Pt. I
To be honest, you'd probably get a better response in places like serebii, with dedicated trading threads.
Your request is also super specific, for a distribution Pokemon only distributed in Japan or Korea.
Wait seriously? I really don't know all the specifics regarding Dream World and its Pokemon so thanks for this.
To answer the question of obtaining evolutionary stones before the Elite Four, yes it's possible. For a Water Stone you either need a phone call from Fisher Tully or it's 2,500 points in the Pokéathlon Dome on Wednesdays.
Then you can get a Poliwrath or Starmie!
Shame about the bad luck though, can't always have it easy on these runs.
Thanks for the help. I'm glad you are so invested lol
Hopefully you're running 4x Rare Candy with all those Stage 2 evolutions! Is he using Eelektrik with that Rayquaza EX?Problem here is that we're doing an unlimited tournament. The rules are your standard 60 deck but also allow a 10 card side deck that lets you substitute a few cards in between matches with different opponents. I'm thinking of using the plasma storm crobat in a combo with, BC Scolipede with poison point, virbank gym and a weezing that gives +1 poison on my bench. I want to try and get a good combo going. I already plan to have some rescue energies and holon WP energy to make my scolipede have a 0 retreat cost and be able to be saved in case it gets knocked out. Same goes for crobat except it won't have the holon energy since it's not needed. I'm using Muk for the match against my friend's Chandelures, and then the gym helps me against my friend who enjoys using Rayquazas and switching them in using sky arrow bridge. I'm also planning on leaving a hypno on my bench and trying to put my friend's pokemon to sleep every turn. I feel like everything is a bit disconnected though. I'm afraid that my friends will be able to keep retreating and thus cure themselves of any statuses I inflict on them. I have two gust of winds in order to make it so they can't escape so easily. My other friends, use a dragon deck which will be hampered by muk as well, a reshiram deck which doesn't seem like it'll be too much trouble, and a metal/plant deck which is alright. I just wanted some good advice on maybe making my deck flow better because I want to win the competition hahaha but doing so without using any EX pokemon. Oh, and my side deck has some gliscors and the Lvl. X gliscor and a Victini. Gonna try and get them with that cutting turn and kill them in one go thanks to Lvl X Gliscor's ability. I just don't think that Bouffalant would fit well hahaha. I have two cleffas that I intend to use as wall. I was thinking of using a Dark Gengar to make it more of a sure thing that my cleffa doesn't wake up, but against my friend's chandelure then there's no point since he'll kill it with it's ability. That damn thing's ability is my biggest problem really. Muk is the only solution I've found for it.
Have you subscribed and or followed me on Twitter?No problem! I'm quite into watching these now so helping you out is the least I can do!
Man these Mareep look pretty dum-
fuck you internet
edit: this Dragonite is PISSED, holy shit
I think it has to do with Ampharos taking static from the Mareep in order to Thunderpunch, or something.ive only ever seen the GIFs and I cant stand to watch the anime, like literally no matter how good any episodes content is getting past the terrible intro music these days makes me cringe and vomit.
can someone explain wtf the context is of these ampharos surprise buttsehcks GIFs