When they say next saturday...is it the one this week or next week? :/
When they say next saturday...is it the one this week or next week? :/
See, I stop watching this thread for a couple days and look what happens
We need a Pokemon hype train pic.
I'm getting so much mileage out of this comic this weekend.
Well, time to pull this out again.
please stop looking at this thread more often
Oh lawd, more Pokémon Smash.
We have to sit through a half hour of horrible randomness just to see three new Pokémon.
My head still hurts from what I had to sit through during the Black 2 White 2 reveal. >_<
Glad to hear some news is coming. I need something to keep me going, man.
I need my fix.
It means CoroCoro will be boring and empty. These will showcase the artwork, so what will CoroCoro have the week later. Nothing, that's what
Chances are a press release will be sent out Saturday night with screens etc
Anyone feeling a sudden urge to want to see these screens as soon as possible?
Always rehost >_<
And Ash still isn't Champion. To progress!The anime is now 16 years old!
Boss Doggie said:What about Exeggute?
Also: OT, but is it sad that my addiction to Kinder Chocolate and Maltesers is so great that I bought 3 packs of each at the store this morning?
And Ash still isn't Champion. To progress!
I need to get me another one of them strawberry creme pies at McD's later, didn't know they brought them back. Wish I could enjoy dark chocolate as much but alas :x
*mumbles something vaguely related to Pokemon*
Wait a second, I just had a realization. What if the question mark is the Pokemon?
Well now I want a chocolate milkshake. *makes note to buy one*Yeah, for some reason dark and white chocolate unsettle my stomach, but I looooooooove me some milk chocolate. I may have to borrow my friend's blender so I can make some chocolate shakes out of Kinder Chocolate. That stuff's the bomb.
Oh yeah. Um, how about that Pokémon Rainbow? Do you guys remember how silly that was?
Well now I want a chocolate milkshake. *makes note to buy one*
Milkshakes... ice cream...
look at the magic ice cream
Also, from a /vp/ thread, this Eevee Akiyama Friends image...
I'm pretty sure A Series of Unfortunate Events already jumped that shark:
Also, from a /vp/ thread, this Eevee Akiyama Friends image...
Well now I want a chocolate milkshake. *makes note to buy one*
Milkshakes... ice cream...
look at the magic ice cream
Also, from a /vp/ thread, this Eevee Akiyama Friends image...
Well, time to pull this out again.