Where do people find those sprites? I can't seem to find them. The one site that do contain the sprites have lowered fps.
Yo, Joe, whatever happened to "mystery Pokemon" like next weekend's and such being revealed via trademarks?
Back during the pre-DP days, when we got the silhouettes of movie Pokemon in CoroCoro, I remember people always within a few days found the names of the New Pokemon via those trademark sites. Like, it happened with Manyula/Manene/Usohachi and Buizeru/Tamanta/Perrapu I recall.
How come that never happens anymore? Having the names to speculate with always made it funner, imo.
They seem to have trademarks filed ahead of time, but not publically accessible until after the reveal. For example, two weeks ago the Nymphia trademark got revealed.
I check every Tuesday for new trademarks so don't worry, if anything does come I will spot it
I always use the ones from Pokecheck.
You can compare it if you want to viewing the Pokemon on the status screen - it runs the exact same animation loop at the same speed.That's what I meant by "source cuts down fps of animation".
Well now I want a chocolate milkshake. *makes note to buy one*
Milkshakes... ice cream...
look at the magic ice cream
Also, from a /vp/ thread, this Eevee Akiyama Friends image...
An ultraball I tossed only rocked once before it was successful capture. What black magic is this
Flareon guy looks way too happy to be Flareon.
It is a great privilege to be Flareon.
I've only got up to Ruby/Sapphire but it's awesome. Gonna buy the Advance series when I can. Only own RBY right now. Blows the anime out of the water and really the only Pokemon thing I follow aside from the mainline games and TCG.What does PokeGAF think of Pokemon Adventures manga? Its my favourite adaption of the series by far.
What does PokeGAF think of Pokemon Adventures manga? Its my favourite adaption of the series by far.
I'm reading the GSC portion, it makes me want to replay Heart Gold even though I beat it all last month. Dragon Dance Gyarados is too broken.
Maybe I'll do it again, with a different team so Pokemon I didn't use last time.
It is a great privilege to be Flareon.
So outside of the Pokemon Adventures Manga GSC, what others are worth picking up? The Diamond/Pearl saga?
The RBY saga for sure!
So outside of the Pokemon Adventures Manga GSC, what others are worth picking up? The Diamond/Pearl saga?
So outside of the Pokemon Adventures Manga GSC, what others are worth picking up? The Diamond/Pearl saga?
So outside of the Pokemon Adventures Manga GSC, what others are worth picking up? The Diamond/Pearl saga?
Hahahah oh god, Pokemon Showdown APF sprites!
I never liked the manga series. The anime is stupid but at least it's stupid fun. The manga made me roll my eyes occasionally.
I mean really? Legendary birds mashfest? Time suspension?
I like the D/P series, since it is a fresh reboot of the series. The dynamics at the start are definitely interesting since it has all three of the heroes travelling together for a bit so there's more interactions among themselves instead of seeing two or three stories at once.
B/W is probably the weakest one since it is playing heavily towards Black's gimmick and White hasn't been of much use so far.
Yeah, DPPt is absolutely amazing. Dia and Pearl are an amazing combo.
Haha fuck you.New episode...![]()
The Electric Tale of Pikachu.
Boss Doggie's stamp of disapproval is the strongest stamp of approval available.I never liked the manga series. The anime is stupid but at least it's stupid fun. The manga made me roll my eyes occasionally.
I mean really? Legendary birds mashfest? Time suspension?
Boss Doggie's stamp of disapproval is the strongest stamp of approval available.
What is a Karen-ist?
I think its someone use just uses a Pokemon because they genuinely like that Pokemon as opposed to "ZOMG THAT POKEMON HAS AWESOME STAB AND STATS I"LL USE THAT"
Oh, you mean losers.
I think its someone use just uses a Pokemon because they genuinely like that Pokemon as opposed to "ZOMG THAT POKEMON HAS AWESOME STAB AND STATS I"LL USE THAT"