Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Probably TCG, U Rumble, some anime eps, and movie.
May or June is the bonanza.
May or June is the bonanza.
Probably TCG, U Rumble, some anime eps, and movie.
May or June is the bonanza.
How come no one is talking about this months coro coro. Are we just sure its gonna be more mewtwo stuff? Or has it been confirmed that there would be no info? Also this has got to be the most drip fed pokemon gen.
I'd say they will wait until June, since this is the first time new content from a new main series Pokemon game will be shown at E3. We will probably get a trailer at E3 that shows small glimpses at around 20 or so new Pokemon and then Coro Coro will probably start a steady stream of info every month after that.Probably TCG, U Rumble, some anime eps, and movie.
May or June is the bonanza.
I'd say they will wait until June, since this is the first time new content from a new main series Pokemon game will be shown at E3. We will probably get a trailer at E3 that shows small glimpses at around 20 or so new Pokemon and then Coro Coro will probably start a steady stream of info every month after that.
I'd say they will wait until June, since this is the first time new content from a new main series Pokemon game will be shown at E3. We will probably get a trailer at E3 that shows small glimpses at around 20 or so new Pokemon and then Coro Coro will probably start a steady stream of info every month after that.
I said around, could go as low as 10. But it really feels like they have been holding back and since the game will be at E3 it seems like the perfect time for a blow out.I really wouldn't expect that, if I were you...I don't think we'll even get much more than 20 Pokémon before launch.
Sakurai and Masuda talked about being excited to see each other's games at E3 on twitter.Why do you think it's going to be shown at E3?
I really wouldn't expect that, if I were you...I don't think we'll even get much more than 20 Pokémon before launch.
I said around, could go as low as 10. But it really feels like they have been holding back and since the game will be at E3 it seems like the perfect time for a blow out.
Also weren't more than 20 revealed before launch with Black and White, many of which were just show for like a second in trailers and clips on Pokemon Smash? I'm not expecting like a full on "Here is this new pokemon, its name and type." but instead just seeing them for a short amount of time in a trailer.
Sakurai and Masuda talked about being excited to see each other's games at E3 on twitter.
Yeah the number probably won't be matched, but we have no idea how many they will add, all we know is that the total number of Pokemon we be brought up over 700.Black & White was different. First, it had the highest amount of new Pokémon ever, a figure that won't be matched in X & Y. All the Pokémon, even ones in trailers on Sunday and Oha Suta, got revealed officially before launch. The amount was unprecedented, but still only matched up to around a third of the total amount.
Pokémon X & Y will have some presence at E3, sure, but it won't be huge, it won't be a showcase of over a dozen new Pokémon. It'll be 3 new Pokémon at most.
They haven't been holding back, they've been following their usual reveal patterns, barring the revelation of the starters and legends, every reveal so far has been related to the upcoming movie in Japan. We'll get the start of actual information next month or the month after.
Yeah the number probably won't be matched, but we have no idea how many they will add, all we know is that the total number of Pokemon we be brought up over 700.
I highly doubt they will only show 3 new Pokemon at E3, this is the first time they are releasing main series games world wide at the same time, they definitely want to push it hard at E3.
The games would following the regular patterns if it wasn't revealed in January and being released in October. I mean Black and White were revealed in April and released in September.
Black and White wasn't announced until April 9th, all we knew in January was that new games were coming.Not true. Pokémon Black & White were actually first revealed on January 29th 2010, with Zoroark's silhouette following a week later. The difference is that they showed content on the reveal this time.
I seriously doubt we'll see much at E3, new Pokémon wise. You're putting your hopes up ready for disappointment. There may be a demo, but it'll utilise a lot of old Pokémon and the Pokémon we know at that time
I don't know how you can be so confident after Nintendo's showing last E3.
I may not be remembering correctly, but I don't think Pokemon ever had a major presence at E3.
Well we know they definitely have some good stuff to show regarding Wii U games.
Correct, this is the first time it will, and thats a pretty big deal.I may not be remembering correctly, but I don't think Pokemon ever had a major presence at E3.
Pikmin 3 comes out next month doesn't it? Any ways we already know they are gona show a new 3D mario, Mario Kart, and Smash 4 with possible appearances by other Wii U games like X.Yup, Pikmin 3 again.
Black and White wasn't announced until April 9th, all we knew in January was that new games were coming.
I think you are doubting to much. E3 is a huge part of the industry and Nintendo has always made big reveals at E3 and this is the first time a new main series game will be there. Nintendo will definitely have a new trailer with new content to show. How much can't truely be known since this is a first for Pokemon.
Yup, Pikmin 3 again.
Correct, this is the first time it will, and thats a pretty big deal.
I wouldn't be so sure, we don't really have anything in Pokemon's past to compare to for an E3 reveal, and E3 reveals are typically pretty large.It's comparable with all reveals, why do you think we have only seen movie related stuff the past few months?
A new trailer is likely, yes, but again it won't show a plethora of new Pokémon. They'll take the opportunity to reveal less than a handful of new ones, but they won't just include ones and not reveal them as we saw on clips on Oha Suta.
I'm not doubting too much, I just know how they work after this much time
It's much more likely it will just be at their presentation, RPGs don't lend themselves to show floor demos all that well and when Pokemon does demos they don't give you a very good idea of how the game actually works.Come on.
Smash Bros and 3D Mario! Some good stuff is gonna be shown, maybe even Bayonetta 2 and Retro's game.
If that's the case, why are you very confident that they will show stuff regarding Pokemon at E3? Do you mean have a booth and it being playable, or do you mean it being part of the presentations?
Sorry if you answered this earlier, I'm just jumping into the discussion.
I wouldn't be so sure, we don't really have anything in Pokemon's past to compare to for an E3 reveal, and E3 reveals are typically pretty large.
I understand that you have a pretty good idea of how the reveals typically work, but the only pattern they have really followed this time is the movie Pokemon reveal(they even did that a bit differently since they revealed it before Coro Coro and world wide). They are doing a lot differently this time, such as revealing the starters and mascots right away and making every announcement at the same time world wide. I guess we will have to see.
I've been through many E3's and I never get my hopes up any more, I'm just judging based on what they've been doing differently this time and how E3 typically works. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, won't bother me.I just don't like seeing people getting their hopes up when it's likely to be dashed :/
It's much more likely it will just be at their presentation, RPGs don't lend themselves to show floor demos all that well and when Pokemon does demos they don't give you a very good idea of how the game actually works.
The reason I'm so confident is because we do know it will be there because of Masuda and Sakurai on twitter and it only makes sense to do something relatively big. I've followed E3 as a whole and E3 announcements are almost always one of the following.
1. A small reveal of an unannounced game
2. The first in game footage of an announced/unannounced game
3. A blow out or big reveal of something new in an announced game.
True, but I wouldn't expect a floor demo being anything more than showing off how the battles look now.Well I think that would apply more to brand new RPGs. Pokemon is an evolving RPG, so the basics should be known. Have they ever had a playable Pokemon demo at E3?
I don't think that Masuda's and Sakurai's twitter conversation amounts to E3 reveals. They both work together in regards to Smash Bros and pay attention to each others' games.
Gonna place some games fitting your criteria.
1. Retro's game, Zelda 3DS, Kirby 3DS, & whatever surprises they have
2. Bayo 2, 3D Mario, Mario Kart U, SSB4, the stuff mentioned before, and some more
3. 3D Mario, SSB4, & MKU seem to fit this
Though one thing that is different about this time is the fact that they are doing worldwide announcements, so that could change how they present Pokemon.
Mine are probably Azumarill and Scizor who also happen to have pretty cool abilities.
18 ultraballs to catch a paralyzed metang with 1hp. Really?
They have crazy catch rates. Don't know why. Other pseudos aren't as crazy.
Gotta go with Duskballs at night.
Kyurem was easier even. Just baffling.
Kyurem and Metang both have a catch rate of 3. You got lucky with Kyurem.Kyurem was easier even. Just baffling.
R/S actually(well maybe not really easy, just easier), but Kyurem's is 3.They started making the cover legends really easy to catch since D/P. It's kinda nice I guess.
They started making the cover legends really easy to catch since D/P. It's kinda nice I guess.
I thought it was done rather well in B/W.Even Kyogre/Groudon were easier than usual.
I liked how Emerald and Black 2/White 2 didn't force you into catching the cover legendary, unlike the other games since Ruby/Sapphire... IMO catching legendaries should be a post-game thing requiring some extra effort. Getting them just handed to you feels wrong.Yes, I know BW2 'just hand you' the musketeer trio. I just ignored them!
I hope so, I absolutely hate trying to catch roaming Pokemon.Do you guys think roaming pokemon will still be a thing in X/Y? I never liked them and there weren't any in B/W2, right?
Do you guys think roaming pokemon will still be a thing in X/Y? I never liked them and there weren't any in B/W2, right?
How is Emerald anyway? I haven't tried gen 3 yet.
The game is pretty good, but the climax and pay off for the plot is underwhelming to say the least.How is Emerald anyway? I haven't tried gen 3 yet.
The game is pretty good, but the climax and pay off for the plot is underwhelming to say the least.
At least the games have nice climaxes starting with D/P.I love Emerald, it's definitely the way to play gen 3. The recolours of Brendan and May still bug me though.
You shouldn't be playing Pokemon games for the plot anyway.![]()
I love Emerald, it's definitely the way to play gen 3. The recolours of Brendan and May still bug me though.
You shouldn't be playing Pokemon games for the plot anyway.![]()
Almost 60 hours into White and I haven't yet faced Cynthia or the E4 for the second round. This is what I get for training Larvestra and Staryu from level 1 to 60.
That's what EVs are for
Also in-game changing abilities is just broken. Not as broken as using both abilities at the same time, but broken nonetheless.
OH GOD YES. White 2 is the first game I have gotten anything to level 100 since crystal just because of stuff like the White Treehollow.White 2 has amazing grinding spot--White Treehollow. I forget the Black 2 equivalent, but it's basically the same thing.
The Nimbasa stadiums are also great for grinding. Have you been using those?
Roaming Pokemon need to happen again.
All legendary Pokemon should be roamers.