All Pokemon should be roamers.
All Pokemon should be roamers.
Everything needs a capture level of 1.
So what if it's broken? This is about making Pokemon training as convenient and streamlined as possible rather then being a total pain in the ass.
How annoying is it if you get a Pokemon with great stats but the wrong ability? One less time sink to worry about while breeding can only be a good thing.
The Nimbasa stadiums are also great for grinding. Have you been using those?
Sports stadiums?
You get good items for winning later on as well.
You can face them more than once?
Espeon with magic bounce is ace. <3
If only Flareon received something more useful. Guts isn't bad at all, but it's not what it needs. Oh Flareon...
Espeon with magic bounce is ace. <3
If only Flareon received something more useful. Guts isn't bad at all, but it's not what it needs. Oh Flareon...
If they just give it some good physical fire attacks it would be fine. I'd love for them to introduce a physical version of flame thrower.Flareon needs to be reincarnated into a less shitty mon.
Espeon with magic bounce is ace. <3
If only Flareon received something more useful. Guts isn't bad at all, but it's not what it needs. Oh Flareon...
Flareon needs to be reincarnated into a less shitty mon.
They don't even need to introduce a new move, just give the poor thing flare blitz.
Instead Zebstrika gets Flare Blitz.
Good moves alone wouldn't be enough.
It needs some better Speed too.
But it will always be the best Eevee evolution regardless.
Let's go a step further and just remove Flareon from the games altogether.
So, I've beat Cynthia and the Elite 4 for a second round and messed around on the trains and caught the legendaries available in White. Anything left to discover or am I better off moving on to White 2?
Get the Magikarp.
Breed Magikarps.
Raise Magikarps.
D-did something about Magikarps change since I played Yellow, or is it still just to get Gyrados?
Why does the White 2 professor look like a jackass? Juniper's design was just fine =I
Here, have some terribad fakemons for kicks:
Not sure what you're saying.