I don't even see how they could really do that, since Mt. Coronet is like the defining region of Sinnoh that everything branches off from.I just hope if they do a remake Mt Coronet is not significantly nerfed.
Though, I wish they would find a way since Mt. Coronet is really one of the largest issues I have with Sinnoh. Having the defining feature of a region just be a generic cave that you're constantly going in and out of is really, really boring.
Like... I know that, objectively speaking it isn't like DPPt actually have more cave-based content than any of the other regions, but it's just like, instead of having it spread out through multiple caves that are spread far apart and that each have their own separate gimmicks (like, simple ones in RBY like Rock Tunnel being dark, Seafoam Islands being an optional cave focusing on strength puzzles, and Victory Road of course putting everything together, whereas in later entries we get stuff like Chargestone Cave and Reflection Cave and stuff that even if they're not complicated gimmicks is more than we had before), but in DPPt, it's just the same cave over and over again, with nothing particularly interesting about it.
And I know most of the time you're just in and out, no big deal, but I just don't really want to be inside Mt. Coronet at all to begin with. And it definitely doesn't help that feeling that Sinnoh also has several mini cave/cave-like areas leading up to Mt. Coronet like the Oreburgh Mines and the Ravaged Path (and nevermind the Underground stuff, a step back from the variety of Secret Bases which shows how committed they were to the whole cave thing) which themselves are super small and no big deal at all, literally, but it all just adds up to me, especially when you have the typical Victory Road at the end of the game on top of all that because like... why? Why even have those there (and yeah, I know, Hokkaido, but still why does shit like the Ravaged Path even exist instead of just putting a stupid Rock in your way like R/S does on Route 111? Why the superfluous cave just for the sake of having another? Why is Stark Mountain, a postgame area, the only even somewhat volcanic one and not even hotsprings or anything anywhere else and, Distortion World aside, the only one that even tries to do anything different at all? dlfjsldfjsdljkjj).
And yeah, if the Gen IV games do get remade, that probably means that HMs will be back and I'm definitely not looking forward to that at all.. Sigh... Just, fuck Sinnoh and its stupid caves. If they find some way of actually making the different parts of Mt. Coronet actually feel distinct from each other, that would be great (especially since it's really easy to come up with an excuse for the different sections of Mt. Coronet to look distinct from each other: Team Galactic and Cyrus trying to control Dialga and Palkia makes them start getting REALLY mad even before Cyrus zeroes in on them, and Dialga/Palkia lashing out against Team Galactic distorts the appearance of Mt. Coronet as you progress through the game, giving each section its own unique appearance and puzzles, which makes a particular degree of sense since we're talking the PokeLords of Time & Space here and that shit would be easy for them, even by accident. Done, and kills two birds with one stone--makes it clear that stuff is really getting real and heating up while you're progressing through the game and really driving it home how fucked things would be if Cyrus really gets his hands on these things, and makes Mt. Coronet more interesting at the same time.). Otherwise, not looking forward to Sinnoh being defined by the most boring parts of Pokemon games again and suffering for it.