My wife made new versions of her Kanto starters this weekend. 7 years apart.
Is your SD card working properly? It might be that the update file is corrupted. I believe the game save is on the cartridge though.
Why wouldn't it be distributed with the movie?
I thought Ash-Pikachu and Ho-oh were the distributions? Didn't know there were more but I thought they would have announced it already.
What happens if you load Pokémon Bank like your original intent? Does it give you a similar warning?
The digital versions of Pokemon have anticheating mechanisms for the save files. A unique code is generated every time you save and it is stored on the system memory. If the code in the save file and the code on the 3DS memory don't match you get the incompatible save error.
Sun & Moon officially begins on May 19 on Disney XD.
It's gonna be weekly.
After CN was getting better about airing episodes sooner, Disney XD goes and ruins everything.
if pokedex entries are now supposed to be written by "biologists" , whats even the purpose of sending a kid out to collect data, when the data is just pre written entries?
Kind of defeats the purpose of the dex being this incredible piece of tech.
then again this is the same world where nobody has ever seen how pokemon reproduce so its a bit laughable when they try to play it seriously with any of the science stuff
Eh don't think too hard about it. The whole world doesn't make too much sense if you think too hard about it.
Alternative explanation: all the adults in the Pokemon world you run into get awkward when some little kid asks them about the subject, either simply because they're a kid or because they're worried that the kid's parents will be some nutjobs that will completely freak out on them if they explain the birds and the bees to them in any capacity, so they just pretend to know nothing when a main character asks them.if pokedex entries are now supposed to be written by "biologists" , whats even the purpose of sending a kid out to collect data, when the data is just pre written entries?
Kind of defeats the purpose of the dex being this incredible piece of tech.
then again this is the same world where nobody has ever seen how pokemon reproduce so its a bit laughable when they try to play it seriously with any of the science stuff
I pretty much loved everything about Sun and Moon except the festival plaza. PSS was so much better, it needs to come back in the next game.
They have, but not recently, and each time they revealed plenty of Pokemon from the next generation to compensate.If there is no game it'll be interesting to see what they'll do since they revealed Marshadow. Have they done a year with nothing after an entire gen's dex was revealed before?
The anime's odd at the moment, because they've touched basically nothing of the post-Melemele content from the games- I don't have any real sense of how quickly they're going to go through all of that, or even if they're going to try.Hmm then yeah, at the very least we should at least be getting some glimpses of new stuff soon. That makes me wonder how the show will deal with it though... I assume it's not anywhere near close to showcasing all the Alola Pokemon right? Maybe the slice of life format was done knowing Gen 7 would be really short or something.
(By the by, my daughter asked about that trainer whose Charizard that has that condition where he reverts. lol... She thinks your story is different and cool.)
The anime's odd at the moment, because they've touched basically nothing of the post-Melemele content from the games- I don't have any real sense of how quickly they're going to go through all of that, or even if they're going to try.
They've already hinted that they're going to tackle some form of the Aether plot line at some point as well, which just complicates things.
- Masuda confirms that he isn't directing Pokemon games anymore and has moved into the producer position permanantly. He says that being a producer means that he's more distant from the development team and allows him to travel to events like this.
- A Colosseum/XD style game isn't on the cards as they feel that the main appeal of those games was seeing Pokemon in 3D. Now that the main series is in 3D, it would be too easy to do.
- Masuda's favourite theme is Cynthia's battle theme (think this was already known) and his favourite recent theme is the field music in GO. Ohmori's favourite is the Giratuna battle theme.
Masuda still makes music, but his contribution in recent years has been far less than it used to be. When Masuda started directing, Go Ichinose began making the majority of the music instead and Masuda primarily composed/arranged the battle themes. By Gen V, I think he stopped arranging music completely, leaving it to others and stuck to compsition. He did arrange a couple of themes in Sun/Moon, but the soundtrack was primarily done by Hitomi Sato and Minako Adachi, with Ichinose being the director of the sound team.I thought Masuda still makes music for the games though?
Anyone here played the Pokepark games by chance?
I am wondering how you actually LEVEL in the first game... I can see the stats but have no clue how to make them go up? Is it by simply running around that you can upgrade dash for example or do you need to keep battling over and over etc. or what?
You need a find a character that will train you, that's how you level up your stats.
if pokedex entries are now supposed to be written by "biologists" , whats even the purpose of sending a kid out to collect data, when the data is just pre written entries?
Kind of defeats the purpose of the dex being this incredible piece of tech.
The Pokedex has always just been an encyclopedia with pre written entries since the beginning of the series. The whole "The Pokedex is written by the protagonists" or "The Pokedex writes itself(lol)" memes were complete and utter nonsense pushed by people who clearly always skipped past what all the Professors said about what the Pokedex is and how it works at the beginning of each Pokemon game. You think that seeing how the Pokedex worked in the anime would have clued some people in.
The whole point of the Pokedex has always been for young trainers to go out and explore the region to discover Pokemon for themselves whilst unlocking all the Pokedex entries along the way and learning about the Pokemon in the process, it's basically a massive collectathon and a educational tool at the same time. Professors needing the help of kids to find out shit they should already know would make no damn sense lol. I mean the Pokemon world already doesn't make sense, lets not make things worse.
Umm idk Professor Oak pretty plainly states he needs you to fill the pokedex because he never didThe Pokedex has always just been an encyclopedia with pre written entries since the beginning of the series. The whole "The Pokedex is written by the protagonists" or "The Pokedex writes itself(lol)" memes were complete and utter nonsense pushed by people who clearly always skipped past what all the Professors said about what the Pokedex is and how it works at the beginning of each Pokemon game. You think that seeing how the Pokedex worked in the anime would have clued some people in.
The whole point of the Pokedex has always been for young trainers to go out and explore the region to discover Pokemon for themselves whilst unlocking all the Pokedex entries along the way and learning about the Pokemon in the process, it's basically a massive collectathon and a educational tool at the same time. Professors needing the help of kids to find out shit they should already know would make no damn sense lol. I mean the Pokemon world already doesn't make sense, lets not make things worse.
Yeah. I mean, I know Oak's a senile old man who can't remember his grandson's name but he doesn't seem far gone enough to think that Ponyta can jump Ayers Rock or think that Alakazam has an eleventy-billion IQ or whatever. That's definitely the exact kind of stuff kids would make up--anyone who remembers or hangs-out for kids for any period of time knows that those are the exact kind of things they love to make up about anything. But then again, why would Oak give kids the task of filling in the thing, knowing full well that's the kind of stuff that they would write, being kids and all?Umm idk Professor Oak pretty plainly states he needs you to fill the pokedex because he never did
I think its better to file this one under "dont overthink it"
Masuda into producer role explains a lot. So, Morimoto directed new generation when?
There is the often-forgotten aspect of the Eurogamer report about Stars, which is that there would be more creatures to collect. Considering they're running out of Pokémon to reveal just before the purported launch of Stars, might it be time to revive the half generation theory again?
I guess it would be Gen 8 if that were the case.It's impossible for it to be Gen 6.5. There's no such thing as half gens.
It has new Pokémon, therefore it is Gen 7
"Pokémon Star" better bring back Gyms, they are miles more interesting than Island Trial.