How's the anime? (Sun/Moon) I quit after Ash lost the Kalos league but my kid is slowly dragging me back in with season 1.
I haven't watched it since after Ash caught Rockruff but it's okay but the slice of life angle and Ash going to school isn't cutting it for me and I miss him going on adventure through the region and challenging Gym Leaders.
In fact as far I am aware Ash hasn't even left Mele Mele Island.
What's the general and your consensus on Sun/Moon games now that they've been out for awhile? I loved the SP campaign but hate the way they handle 6v6 battles. I love the way they did it in Kalos and ORAS with the PSS. I always got battle request while playing single player and always challenge some random who wanted to do 6v6 battles. Honestly the way 6v6 is handle in Sun/Moon is the only reason I stop playing it. I would've had many more play threw if they installed a better system or kept the PSS.
Personally I felt that Alola is an interesting region than Kalos with interesting NPC, lore and with a Legendary Pokémon Box mascot that actually plays a role in the game and not as a battery like the gen 6 counterpart.
However the game is far to liner, which gets worse in the later part of the game so that sense of exploration isn't there.
I also felt that some of the story pacing isn't done well like Gladeon and I hated Island Trial with a passion as I didn't find battling wild Pokémon that I can not capture or run engaging.
The game is also far too easy, with cave design being brain dead simple which makes me wonder to why did Game Freak even bother creating the Pokéride system if they are going to do anything with it and throughout the adventure no trainers ever once have Pokémon more than 2 which got annoying went facing certain class of trainers as they were suppose to be harder to fight but Game Freak actively went out of their way to make the Pokémon series devoid of challenge.
Now I get that Pokémon is an all age series and that making a game harder would put off the younger players but that doesn't excuse the fact that Game Freak could have easily gotten around this fact bring and expanding challenge mode from Black and White 2 to give the expert players a challenge.
They also need to stop treating their audience like idiots and just let them play the game rather than handhold them to the end as that is not how I want to play Pokémon.
Thoughts on the new Pokémon and Ultra Beast? My problem this gen wasn't the Pokémon and their designs it was their base stats. I love Mareanie and a couple of others but I didn't like how slow this gen was.
I liked the new Alola Pokémon, found Ultra Beast to be disappointing as they hyped up them up prior to the game release giving me the impression that they play a big role in the game when it turns out that they are barely in the story, with Nihilego being the only one you fight during the story the rest come post game and just feel tacked on.
As for Alolan form, don't give a crap about them as they are straight up gen 1 pandering just recoloured and retyped version of Kanto Pokémon that don't really differ much from the original, so I don't view them as new Pokémon and won't be adding them to my team in the future.
Any rumors about Pokémon on the Switch? I'll take links or insider info threw PM and promise not to say anything! (I know my chances of getting inside info are less than zero. Worth a try though.) But seriously, I haven't been following news on this.
Well just a few days ago Marshadow was unveiled, so gen 7 seem to be a much shorter generation than expected and we should get some news of "Pokémon Star" sometime later this year.*
*I am just speculating as I don't have any insider knowledge and there is a high chance I could be wrong.
It's a strange feeling, considering I've been a massive fan since the beginning.
I feel ya, I felt that way since I was disappointed with Gen 6 and while gen 7 did improve some thing in my eye it didn't capture the same level of excitement that I had when playing gen 1-5.
The series is heading in a different direction than I want it to and I fear that if it continues that way I am unlikely to stick around for future games.