Make sure you're training like Rocky 4, and not Rocky 1.
literally never heard of this thing before
literally never heard of this thing before
We need to start on class for Billie. Pokemon 101! We'll teach her everything she needs to know.
literally never heard of this thing before
Froslass shouldn't be any kind of Pokemon. Worst design of all time.
Worse than Dunsparce. Worse than Magmortar. Worse than Lickilicky.
Froslass shouldn't be any kind of Pokemon. Worst design of all time.
Worse than Dunsparce.
it's too late. just give up.
Don't you diss my Dunsprace, Andrex. Just because you don't appreciate its intricate beauty doesn't mean that it's badly designed.
Don't you diss my Dunsprace, Andrex. Just because you don't appreciate its intricate beauty doesn't mean that it's badly designed.
Dunsparce makes me wanna puke.[IMG][/QUOTE]
[quote=Professor Beef]Dunsparce is the worst. It totally belongs in Gen 2, the worst gen for Pokemon.[/quote]
Oh yeah? Well, Agumon is the worst Digimon. Totally outclassed by Commandramon.
While you're busy mopping up piles of your own disgorge, I'll be busy petting my genetically perfect fairy worm.
I like Dunsparce.
Also like Froslass.
High five.I would say that nobody would notice if Dunsparce was suddenly deleted from the future games, but that would be a lie.
Everyone would be busy having a party over the removal.
Since the trend seems to be giving new evolutions to older Pokemon, what would Dunsparce evolve into if they did that?
Since the trend seems to be giving new evolutions to older Pokemon, what would Dunsparce evolve into if they did that?
Give an evolution to a Pokemon who deserves it, like Farfetch'd or Luvdisc.
Give an evolution to a Pokemon who deserves it, like Farfetch'd or Luvdisc.
Something majestic and beautiful like its first stage, such as:
but dunsparce deserves one. it would go from normal to bug/dragon.
Pupitar!Something majestic and beautiful like its first stage, such as:
It's not a bug or a fucking dragon, good god
Something majestic and beautiful like its first stage, such as:
hey billie since when did you get so hot!
OMG YES!! WINGS!Something majestic and beautiful like its first stage, such as:
I don't think the guy who drew that knows what Dunsparce is supposed to be.
And Farfetch'd's evolution would just have him carrying two sticks, just to troll the fans of it.
It's not a bug or a fucking dragon, good god
nobody wants a farfetch'd evolution.
unless it becomes flying/fighting.
Something majestic and beautiful like its first stage, such as:
Like Kadabra > Alakazam?
yes it is.
List of Top 5 Pokemon that need an evolution
1. Pinsir
2. Mawile
3. Qwilfish
4. Dunsparce
5. Smeargle
Bonus: Luvdisc