Something majestic and beautiful like its first stage, such as:

Something majestic and beautiful like its first stage, such as:
You know: I've never really loved Pokemon themselves, not as much as I love the world of Pokemon and the consequences that the existence of these critters have had on it. I just feel so out-of-place whenever Poke-GAF starts talking about old-Gen evos and other stuff pertaining to Pokes. They're neat, and I have my favorites, but I'll have to agree with Satoshi Tajiri that the more interesting part of the Pokemon world is human culture within it, and the trainers themselves.
The creator of the series (lol)That's an interesting take...err who is Satoshi Tajiri?
That's an interesting take...err who is Satoshi Tajiri? I honestly love both equally, I'm just more prone to talk about Pokemon themselves since...well yea.
I tried using the Dream World for the first time the other day. I put the Pokemon to sleep, and checked it 20 or so hours later and it still wasn't in a dream. Don't entirely understand the concept.
You know: I've never really loved Pokemon themselves, not as much as I love the world of Pokemon and the consequences that the existence of these critters have had on it. I just feel so out-of-place whenever Poke-GAF starts talking about old-Gen evos and other stuff pertaining to Pokes. They're neat, and I have my favorites, but I'll have to agree with Satoshi Tajiri that the more interesting part of the Pokemon world is human culture within it, and the trainers themselves.
I refuse to believe the actual same human being makes both Super Effective and VG Cats.
I mean, I know Pokemon humour is pretty easy, but come on
I don't read the manga. Nor do I write fan-fiction, if you were going to insinuate that next.To bad the manga sucks.
Part of the problem with him is that, honestly, he's not that relevant anymore. Masuda, Morimoto, and Unno are new Pokemon directors post-Tajiri, and Tajiri's been in charge of Game Freak more at a managerial scale, even if he's making the big company decisions. The guy's quite interesting, however, and I hope he pitches in to design future games at Game Freak. They'll always be making Pokemon, but finding time to indulge in other experiments is a very good idea.Wow, do I feel like an idiot. I didn't even know he was responsible for the series. Guess I never looked up that part.
I don't read the manga. Nor do I write fan-fiction, if you were going to insinuate that next.
Yeah: Scott Ramsoomair isn't that good at doing web-comics. I personally like F@NBOYS a lot because of the character art and genuine thought put into the jokes. Super Effective! is pretty good, and probably the best thing Ramsoomair will ever do at this rate.
Dedicated to Chet Rippo[IMG]
Anyone have an Ursaring? I want it on my main team on White[/QUOTE]
More proof that Gurren Lagann+Anything=Awesome.
I do have an Ursaring, by the way. PM me your FC if you want it and/or a Teddiursa.[/MG][/QUOTE]
[URL=""]Bit late, aren't we?[/URL]
Sounds like you're just mad at the author. He can get away with it because his comics are still awesome. Ramsoomair can't because, outside of Super Effective!, his stuff just sucks.F@nboys was awesome until every comic became "HURR DURR NEXT WEEK GUYS I PROMISE". Got dull.
Penny Arcade was always the funniest gaming webcomic, anyway. BitF is most charming.
That's correct: I'm "weird". I just watched Harold and Maude for the first time. I no longer think I'm that crazy, you know.No, I was just going to call you weird.
Sounds like you're just mad at the author. He can get away with it because his comics are still awesome. Ramsoomair can't because, outside of Super Effective!, his stuff just sucks.
Can we have a Harold and Maude thread derail?
First of all, you have to go to, create an account and link your game to it. Then you have to follow these steps:
- Wifi -> Game Sync -> put Pokémon to sleep
- Go to the website, log in and go to "Dream World" section
- Screw around planting berries and stuff
- Go to the Rainbow path part of your house and from there to the dream island
- Explore the island playing minigames and stuff, if you manage to befriend a Pokémon, you can transfer it to the game when you finish the island and you're sent to the Tree using a berry. If you don't transfer any Pokémon, you can visit the island again (max between 5-7 times every day)
- Keep doing stuff
- When you're done (remember you just have an hour) click the "OFF" button to log out, chosing the option "Wake up your Pokémon". Once you're done, you cannot play in the web again in 20 hours more or less (you can still visit to check your stats in the random wifi matches)
- Go back to your game and do the Game Sync again.
- Local Wireless -> Entralink -> Go to the forest on the north to capture the pokémon you've transfered
It seems a little convoluted but it's actually pretty straightforward when you understand it.
Dedicated to Chet Rippo
Anyone have an Ursaring? I want it on my main team on White
Nothing more satisfying than loging into ranked matches in the Global Terminal, find the usual script kiddie with cloned/hacked/whatever usual suspects and pwning him with a Gastrodon![]()
haha i get it
where's the funny though
Giga Drill Breaker
also it's TTGL it doesn't need an explanation.
but that's not funny
Yeah, see, just dropping a TTGL reference into something just 'coz there's a character with a drill doesn't automatically mean hilarity. That's the trap Family Guy fell into.
Although I did laugh. And I just laughed at the wombo combo reference in Nuzlocke. But you know. Just sayin'.
Nuzlocke loves to go overboard on references, but what makes them so funny is that most make no sense. Sometimes I think he writes the plot specifically to put well-placed references in.
Yeah, it's just some left-field shit. I think the fact it's all punctuated with LOST references that go over my non-LOST-watching head makes it all the better.
If Pokegaf made a Pokemon themed comic, what references would we throw in it? Who would be the artist (Chet)? Who would be the writer?
If Pokegaf made a Pokemon themed comic, what references would we throw in it? Who would be the artist (Chet)? Who would be the writer?
GAF references of course...
If Pokegaf made a Pokemon themed comic, what references would we throw in it? Who would be the artist (Chet)? Who would be the writer?