List of Top 5 Pokemon that need an evolution
1. Pinsir
2. Mawile
3. Qwilfish
4. Dunsparce
5. Smeargle
Bonus: Luvdisc
1. Dunsparce
2. Maractus
3. Sableye
4. Tropius (BANANA BEARD)
5. Absol
List of Top 5 Pokemon that need an evolution
1. Pinsir
2. Mawile
3. Qwilfish
4. Dunsparce
5. Smeargle
Bonus: Luvdisc
List of Top 5 Pokemon that need an evolution
1. Pinsir
2. Mawile
3. Qwilfish
4. Dunsparce
5. Smeargle
Bonus: Luvdisc
pinsir cant evolve because it would destroy the world
I'd rather they make new Pokemon than make new evolutions to old Pokemon.
I wonder if they'll just keep going... are we really going to have 1000+ Pokemon at one point? 2000+? Jesus.
and i wont know any of them
List of Top 5 Pokemon that need an evolution
1. Pinsir
2. Mawile
3. Qwilfish
4. Dunsparce
5. Smeargle
Bonus: Luvdisc
Have we had a Pokemon based on a hummingbird yet?
Gyrados with a stupid high special attack...hmmm
02. Gyarados - Needs more SpA stat to work with that movepool
I thought Breloom was a bird at first due to it's sprite.
might be a little too broken
But in all seriousness, Shiny Magikarp should be Blue.
Hold on, I think I see it. Kind of resembles a toucan, just with a much smaller beak.
It's hard to see once you know what it is.
Modified it a bit more so maybe it's easier to see.
Why does every Pokemon need to evolve.
What do you people have against single stages.
'cause i wanna use 'em![]()
'cause i wanna use 'em![]()
But then they're not the same Pokemon!
lol wutConsidering its kinda shady nature (Or maybe he just doesn't know what his 'presents' do), maybe they should give him some dark type moves.
lol wut
Delibird, the Delivery Pokémon. Delibirds most unique attack is giving presents, however, some of these presents have been known to explode. Sometimes, Delibirds presents can actually restore energy to its opponents.
Granted that's its entry from the anime but still.
Delibird, secret santa or santa with a mean streak? You decide!
Wow, this gives me ideas...*goes to write*
Since Delibird was brought up, I have to say it's one of my favorite Bird Pokemon in the entire series.
I also got reminded of this awesome mini-game from Stadium 2.
2/10Gameboy Color me interested.
What's this? They aren't showing the three Pokemon Ash is choosing until next week? Oh the suspense! I wonder who he will pi-
He's totally going to use Snivy, Leavanny and Scraggy isn't he.