I thought I red that they prolonged it for a week, sweet.supposed to be going till friday
I thought I red that they prolonged it for a week, sweet.supposed to be going till friday
I just arrived at Disney World and it's the Promised Land. I'm just constantly smashing my pogo+ button and catching everything I can but the items are pulling up still lol
Damn, you're there at the best time right now. Well, maybe the double candy before could have been better, but too many ghost types.
Have fun, and grab a Dole Whip for me!![]()
Theres also a weird bug since before the last update... if you are listening to music with aux/headphones plugged in, it will lower the music when the game is open. When a notification pops up it will return the volume to normal (which is really loud if you are in the car with an aux cable)
Anyone else run into this/ know of a fix?
Another Scyther from a 10k egg.
Thats like my 4 or 5th now. Fuck. Where's my Lapras niantic??
Well, Father McBusy obviously doesn't have an hour to take down a gym, but YoungGuy FreeTimeson does.
What I'm saying is that I haven't seen the movement I expected from this event over here. Maybe the game is deader than I thought.
I've now gotten 200 coins from gyms. My life is complete.
Bag upgrade or pokemon storage upgrade?
I've now gotten 200 coins from gyms. My life is complete.
Bag upgrade or pokemon storage upgrade?
When I first started playing it I would have picked bag, but now I'm not sure. I have 64 great balls and 74 ultra balls. It's not like I need more. Although more is better.
I have not yet purchased one pokemon storage upgrade. Unless you play a LOT you shouldn't be hoarding any extra pokemon. Only keep high IV pokemon with relatively high CP for evolving. Any others should be transfered for the bonus candy. I only keep a small regiment of ratatas and pidgeys for evolving when I use a lucky egg.
Second Drag has Steel Wing / Hyper Beam. This day is getting worse and worse.
Gyms must be going down so fast.That sucks! Both mine (100% and 97% IV) got dragon breath/claw. I'm contented. I have one more dratini at 91% IV that I'm waiting to evolve.
Finally. No more Electabuzz, Magmar, Jynx, Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee from 10k eggs. Maybe Munchlax will be 5km :3I am stoking up on certain candy for pokemon in preparation for Gen II. Zubat, Horsea, Chansey etc.
Also wonder how theyll deal with the Eggs, obviously theyll replace pokemon like Electabuzz with Elekid but im worried about there being too many pokemon choices out of the eggs especially the 5k eggs. Maybe they might make Kanto and Jhoto specific eggs or better yet put your incubator into jhoto/kanto mode and a pokemon from that region will hatch.
Congrats. Niantic softbanned you!I got an Evee from a 5km egg??????
Somehow I warped from my apartment in Ghent Norfolk all the way down to near Great Bridge Chesapeake, at least 20 miles away. What is up with the game's GPS?
Bro u got 400 coins a dayI can't believe how much money I wasted on this game.
Is there any way I can ask for a refund?
Their change to the gym system completely ruined all of my goals with this game.
100.Bro u got 400 coins a day
Don't be like that........I can't believe how much money I wasted on this game.
Is there any way I can ask for a refund?
Their change to the gym system completely ruined all of my goals with this game.