Yes, Mew's sillouete is there, but there's no way to see it unless you're hacking.
Thanks legs.[img][/QUOTE]
would you post a picture of your hot legs please?
Ontopic, I feel like the gym changes were never really necessary.
What they really needed to fix was the bubblestrat. Cause that is clearly an issue/bug.
A level 10 gym is supposed to be hard to take down, but it was even harder to bring it up to level 10 if it were not of the bubblestrat.
I felt like they shoulda made it even harder to bring down a level 10 gym, especially if its just 1 trainer attacking it.
Why should 1 trainer be able to take down the work of 10 different trainers?
Y'all complain that it takes an hour to solo a level 10 gym? That's nothing compared to the work it took to bring it up to level 10 (not considering bubblestrat).
Now with this new prestige change its gonna push even more players to use the bubblestrat.
For any of you that have caught/evolved Dragonite, does the silhouette of Mew appear right next to him? He doesn't show in the Pokedex but I remember watching a Trainer Tips video where I could have sworn I saw his silhouette.
Thanks legs.
I have one lonely Snorlax that I caught months ago... he's only 452 CP, he has Zen Headbutt and Hyper Beam, and is 'above average' but his stats 'exceed my calculations!'
In other words, he's not great, but he's the only one I've ever seen in the game, shall I just give up on finding a good one and pump some stardust into him!?
Yay finally got enough candy to evolve a Dragonite and replace the CP 300 one I caught.
He's at 2157 now and looks like he'll reach 2300-2400 maxed out (at trainer level 25), and knows Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw.
I'm halfway there.Thanks legs.
That's a great moveset for attack or defense alike. Congrats.
The Dratini I evolved was appraised at 80%+ with perfect attack.
I think it would be Mewtwo after Dragonite but I don't think you can see his silhouette, it's not in the Dex and I don't think I saw it when I captured him, you can see them for the legendary birds when you first capture a Pokemon next to them.For any of you that have caught/evolved Dragonite, does the silhouette of Mew appear right next to him? He doesn't show in the Pokedex but I remember watching a Trainer Tips video where I could have sworn I saw his silhouette.
So, out of 100 eggs, only 4 where 10km ones. That means it's a 3-5% chance of actually getting one?
I'd say that the ratio increases with more eggs. I've hatched more than 500, and of the last 100 I get the feeling that there were at least 10-15 10km eggs.
5% is average yesSo, out of 100 eggs, only 4 where 10km ones. That means it's a 3-5% chance of actually getting one?
5% is average yes
by the way i walked 800km. probably more but oh well
Yep, I've been randomly getting that now for weeks. Really feels nice when I do get itSo my game randomly turned to 60 fps mode for a couple of minutes this morning. It was so beautiful. I wish i could have that permanently.
What the fuck happened around my house.
The Dragonite ran away
WowWhat the fuck happened around my house.
The Dragonite ran away
Yes.Is 500 Prestige the max you can get for defeating one Pokemon while training?
A gym collapsed and spilled its contents on your house.What the fuck happened around my house.
The Dragonite ran away
Huh, I hatched a Geodude from a 2k egg earlier. Annoying as I only care about hatching Bulbasaur now so that's a 2k egg wasted.
Huh, I hatched a Geodude from a 2k egg earlier. Annoying as I only care about hatching Bulbasaur now so that's a 2k egg wasted.
I love how Poliwrath flexes his muscles when he releases his special move. Way more fun than boring Vape.Why do they have to make Hydro Pump to be Poliwrath's Ultimate supermove for both attacking and defending gym? Other and more suitable pokemon (ie. Vaporeon) already using that.
Submission is a lot more interesting looking and fit Poliwrath's wrestler-like figure but God forbid variety in the Pokemon Ultimate movesets. I actually have both and it kills me knowing that the more boring Hydro Pump is a lot stronger in both damage and DPS as far as supermove is concerned.
Anyone know where Farfetch'd is most frequent in Japan right now, preferably Nagoya? Been hanging in Tsuruma Park (previously a popular spot for Farfetch'd) for three days now but still nothing.
Farfetch'd tend to spawn near or around the Ishinomaki Station more often during the Lapras Event till 23rd November 2016. Happy Catching![]()
I really so bad want to hatch a Clefairy or Jigglypuff from a 2k egg. Why the heck are they so rare to get from eggs?
Nests have changed today but a report from TSR says this...
But that was on on Nov 14. And nests changed a few hours ago, so...
Pikachu to Bellsprout at my local nest, apparently. Talk about a downgrade.