Nope. There seems to be hints in the code that may change though. In the meantime, yeah, the game's always been absolutely garbage at it. 2000 CP Scyther up first against near-3000 CP Rhydon and Golem, with no enemy Pokémon weak to Scyther? SURE WHY NOTCan we change the automaticly selected team when we challenge a gym?
For it isn't not even choosing the highest CP or the favourites... I don't get what the selection is based of.
So what you're saying is, it would explicitly be beneficial to NOT calm down, because freaking out can and does change things.![]()
Pokémon GO @PokemonGoApp 45 seconds ago
Trainers level 28 and above: You can now participate in Raid Battles at select Gyms around the world.
Can we change the automaticly selected team when we challenge a gym?
For it isn't not even choosing the highest CP or the favourites... I don't get what the selection is based of.
Wow, got a Free Raid Pass. Did they lower the lvl required already? I'm still lvl 29, or I can get one, but not use it until I'm 31?
Wow, got a Free Raid Pass. Did they lower the lvl required already? I'm still lvl 29, or I can get one, but not use it until I'm 31?
Trainers level 28 and above: You can now participate in Raid Battles at select Gyms around the world.
Wow, got a Free Raid Pass. Did they lower the lvl required already? I'm still lvl 29, or I can get one, but not use it until I'm 31?
Edit. Just a few seconds later
Honestly, this seems like a silly thing to complain about. I honestly find the new way fun. Taking down 10 pokemon at once was usually non-existant I noticed.
We need to have our own preseleted/recently used teams. So annoying to have to switch out mons everytime. Especially when it takes like 4+ times you fight the same gym.
You don't understand why they want people to travel every day in an augmented reality game? The old system was terrible and I collected 100 coins every day. In a year it's been saturated with cutthroat players taking up all the gyms leaving low level players in the dust. It was literally survival of the fittest.While I greatly appreciate the increased coin rate and am glad they're listening, this still doesn't help with the fact that my Pokemon in my rural gyms are stuck there for weeks until someone knocks them out. I don't understand why they got rid of the system of just pressing a button to collect and then having a 21 hour cooldown. Or just have the Pokemon bail when it's achieved maximum coinage.
Well that's annoying. The tracker tab showed me that the raid was starting in around 13 minutes but when I got to the gym it wasn't going to kick off for another 38 minutes.
I hope the map eventually gets some kind of detail. "Continents are darker than oceans" is a liiiiiiittle lacking, lol.
Are raids not available in the UK? I have none starting near me and I'm level 28.
You don't understand why they want people to travel every day in an augmented reality game? The old system was terrible and I collected 100 coins every day. In a year it's been saturated with cutthroat players taking up all the gyms leaving low level players in the dust. It was literally survival of the fittest.
1 coin/10 minAre Pokémon coming back with more coins I believe my Snorlax just came back with 17 coins after 3 hours
1 coin/10 min
Oh nice, the 50 cap sucks tho but I wasn't going to get more than that a day anyways1 coin/10 min
Is this still with a 100 per day cap? Shouldn't be that hard to get 100 then, only requires 100 cumulative mins across 20 Pokemon
Is this still with a 100 per day cap? Shouldn't be that hard to get 100 then, only requires 100 cumulative mins across 20 Pokemon
Is anyone else getting an error message when they try to feed berries to pokemon in gyms? It seems like after feeding 5-6 of them I can't do any more feeding.....there's just a red "Error" bar that drops down from the top of the screen each time I attempt it. It goes away after 10-15 minutes and I can resume feeding.
I get that, but not everyone are like us. I interact with people on a daily basis and one of them didn't even know you could collect coins. He put them in gyms but the game never explained to him that you need to press a small button in the shop menu every 21 hours. Some people used their strongest Pokemon to prestige gyms and didn't know the most effective way was to use less than strong Pokemon. A number of them got disillusioned and quit after their low cp pokemon got kicked out by someone of the same team. If Niantic wants the game to grow for younger generations, then giving these small payouts as opposed to being completely unavailable to the non-hardcore was absolutely the right call. The old gym system was broken.90% of my problems with the current economy would be fixed if they let you travel to a gym to collect your Coin earnings. That's how I presumed it was going to work when they unveiled this system in Ingress.
Having to wait for someone else to knock my pokemon out of a gym is ridiculous. I don't even know if I want to feed my teammates' pokemon because maybe they want to get it back. If you feed a pokemon that's been there for more than 7-8 hours you're basically just wasting coins that its trainer will never get.
. If Niantic wants the game to grow for younger generations, then giving these small payouts as opposed to being completely unavailable to the non-hardcore was absolutely the right call. The old gym system was broken.
You can get a free raid pass every day but you can only have one in your inventory. Premium raid passes are unlimited I presume and are purchasable for 100 coins.It's about 100F outside. Will wait for Evening to raid it seems. How much do tickets cost?
You can get a free raid pass every day but you can only have one in your inventory. Premium raid passes are unlimited I presume and are purchasable for 100 coins.
100 for a premium raid pass, whatever that gets you.
you can have as many premium raid passes as you want.You can get a free raid pass every day but you can only have one in your inventory. Premium raid passes are unlimited I presume and are purchasable for 100 coins.
Whenever there's a big update and more players are on, gyms get really stuff really buggy right now or is that just me?
I was having issues like the game auto swapping my Pokemon in a gym battle, and everyone healing thus causing me to time out, etc.
was weird.
Watched a few YouTube videos and I'm definitely going to have to go out of my way to get these raids done purely for Rare Candies alone. It's the only way I'm ever getting an Ampharos or a Tyranitar. Rare Candies in general are amazing. They completely remove the reliance on eggs to get candy for rare Pokemon, which means eggs getting super crowded once Gen IV and beyond come out will be less of an issue.
Report is that raids are now showing up at non-sponsered locations!