Now that plus can catch uncaught pokemon, but Nintendo said they wont ship more plus until November, SMH.
I ordered it off Amazon and supposedly it's coming sunday... sure
I bought it really because of the bebefit kf being able to play while driving. living in LA I'm in my car so much...imagine all the pokestops I can hit![]()
Amazon has Sunday delivery with prime now so I don't see why that will be out of the question.
I think it's more because some people who pre-ordered haven't had their ship yet.
Should I evolve my 100% shellder that is level 11 or my 84% 14/9/15 level 24 shellder? I don't have any extra candy.
I also evolved a nidoking with fury cutter and earthquake. Does it have any hope of living a normal life?
Trainer level 25.
The Go+ has a ping interval of a few seconds. Because the range of Pokestops is smaller than the range of wild Pokemon, if you're in transit it really is random whether the device will pick up stops for you to activate. And then you have to hope there's no Pokemon nearby because it will prioritize the Pokemon. At least wild Pokemon have a reasonably big range.Is anyone finding that you have to be a lot closer to Pokéstops for the Go Plus to register them? With just my phone I can be right on the edge of the circle, but with the Plus it won't notify me until I'm almost right on top of it.
The Go+ has a ping interval of a few seconds. Because the range of Pokestops is smaller than the range of wild Pokemon, if you're in transit it really is random whether the device will pick up stops for you to activate. And then you have to hope there's no Pokemon nearby because it will prioritize the Pokemon. At least wild Pokemon have a reasonably big range.
I just caught a 1036cp Mr. Mime with it so at least it's able to catch high cp rare Pokemon. They probably upped the catch rate for the Go+.
I think it's just a flat rate honestly which is affected by whether the Pokemon is green, yellow, orange or red.It's too early to establish that, I mean, we don't even know the Go+ catch rate yet. But I think it's safe to assume that the flee rate drastically increases if you are traveling at high speed.
That means it failed to connect to your phone. I think. I just eject the plus and turn the bluetooth off/on to reconnect.I think my Plus is running out of battery already. Every so often I get a short buzz and a red light. It also seems to automatically disconnect about every hour or so. :/
I've noticed that it sometimes disconnects if I manually click on a different Pokemon when it's actively pointing to another as well. Maybe a bug?I think my Plus is running out of battery already. Every so often I get a short buzz and a red light. It also seems to automatically disconnect about every hour or so. :/
I've noticed that it sometimes disconnects if I manually click on a different Pokemon when it's actively pointing to another as well. Maybe a bug?
I thought that it should immediately disconnects if you manually touch one pokemon on the map in order to catch it or if you fight a gym.
Was there a nest migration in the last few days?
Was there a nest migration in the last few days?
yeah that shit just happens randomlyUhm, I used my Plus for the first time today and I'm pretty sure it gifted me 3 km while driving in a car.
I got my plus last night and I have no idea how to connect it. It doesn't show up under Available Devices in the app. And the guide is no help.
Yup. I even turned it off and on again. Even restarted my phone.Is your Bluetooth on? Mine worked instantly.
Yup. I even turned it off and on again. Even restarted my phone.
yeah that shit just happens randomly
i've had all my 9 eggs hatch simultaneously
and i farmed 2 lapras candy today
best 40 bucks i ever spent
Is your device supported? Does it use low-energy Bluetooth?
I really hope that they don't fix it, cause something is definitely fishy with the distance counter.
Go walk then!I wish they gave up 1 candy per km for every starter and not only Pikachu. Especially since they are rare as fck and u need 100 candies for the 3rd evolution. >_>
Uhm, I used my Plus for the first time today and I'm pretty sure it gifted me 3 km while driving in a car.
Go walk then!
Go walk then!