Do we know if the candy bonus is just for caught Pokémon, or is it for everything that would normally give you candy?
Do we know if the candy bonus is just for caught Pokémon, or is it for everything that would normally give you candy?
Double for hatches, catches and transfers, quadruple for buddy.
New iOS update killed the game for me. I walk a lot and usually listen to podcasts with the app open then pull my phone out when I heart the sound effect for a Pokémon nearby. The latest update lowers the volume of any other sound when you have the app open so I can't hear the podcasts. Not walking around in silence just to play the game :/
For nests: Be sure to use
Great resource for finding nests. If you discover a nest first, be sure to add it! Esp when a new nest rotation occurs.
Or you could turn the sound effects and music off inside the game and turn on the vibrate notification for when pokemon are nearby.
Super useful, thank you! I just discovered a Charmander nest thanks to this! Geez I'm going to be walking like crazy this upcoming days to take advantage of the double candy thing D: It's in moments like this where it sucks not having a car nor a bicycle hah.
Not with a Go+Cars and bikes are actually detrimental in my experience.
Not with a Go+
For nests: Be sure to use
Great resource for finding nests. If you discover a nest first, be sure to add it! Esp when a new nest rotation occurs.
Speaking of wish, there is a Growlithe nest next to my work. Score!
Third 10k egg just hatched. Another Electabuzz. That's 3 total 10k eggs in 24 levels. 2 Electabuzz, one Eevee. What have I done to deserve this.
buddy gives you 4!
everything else is 2x.
Going to have to plan my buddy... was working on a charmander but might switch to dartini.
Yeah they need to fix the volume levels. It was already too loud vs. music in my car now its even worse.![]()
Yep that was Drowzee No. 1000 yay.
Did they give any time when exactly the halloween special will start?
I'm glad to see that this thread and the community still exists. I haven't played or kept up with the thread in a while, and was worried that others felt the same, and that the game would soon be dead. I'm a little upset with the colored eggs to be honest. It just seems like a useless update that they threw in just to have something in the notes. I was initially patiently optimistic about tracking, trading, legendaries, and gen 2, but now I'm starting to lose faith in Niantic's follow-up on these features. I am excited for the Halloween stuff, I've been one Drowzee away from a Hypno for months!
I don't even know what a softban is.
Does anybody know when the event starts? I haven't gotten any candy bonuses, but I just caught the first Drowzee I've ever seen by my house.
So, the halloween event actually begins in two hours, right?
? What makes you say that? Niantic is in San Francisco, so I wouldn't expect it to go up until midnight Pacific Time at the earliest, unless there's something I'm missing?
based on previous ingress events the event won't go up midnight pacific.
it will either go up at 5pm pacific (12am UTC)
the other time floating around is 10am UTC tomorrow which is when the last ingress event started apparently which would put it at 3am pacific 6 am eastern.
they could in fact run it at 12am pacific for pokemon though and not base it off ingress times.
so the event is either 2 hours away, 9 hours away, or 12 hours away.
It's live! Just got 6 for charmander randomly
It's live! Just got 6 for charmander randomly
And you still only get 1 for evolving.