I did 70 and had three minutes to spare so at least another ten.
10km egg: Scyther no. 3 *sigh*
Off to the next one.
Seems this info have not been here yet but Eevee have been changed to 5km egg.
Seems this info have not been here yet but Eevee have been changed to 5km egg.
Eevee could have changed to the 5k egg category
Also getting reports that Eevee might be a 5k egg now. Not sure if true of course. Remember though, if it is, that means any 10k egg you might have gotten before now could still be an Eevee.
Plus the eevee now apparently being a 5km thing, seems like quite a lot of changes.
Shit yeah. Goddamn robot pokemon in your face.Now that Eevee's out the 10k box, there's a bigger chance I can get my coveted PINSIRRR bitches
People don't read the threadI mentioned it, GulAtiCa mentioned it, Red Fire mentioned it.
Now that Eevee's out the 10k box, there's a bigger chance I can get my coveted PINSIRRR bitches
This is my current top Pokemon:
I live in Eevee town, so I have plenty of those. Hell, caught 2 700+ CP Eevees today, which as you see in the pics are a new Vaporeon & Flareon. Always good to have extra pokemon for training.
Professor Willow has discovered that Pidgey & Rattata no longer hatch from Eggs. He also found that Eevee now hatches from 5 km Eggs only.
Professor Willow has discovered that you may encounter other Pokémon where Pidgey, Rattata, and Zubat were previously more commonly found.
Professor Willow has discovered that you may encounter other Pokémon where Pidgey, Rattata, and Zubat were previously more commonly found.
Anyone knows if Tauros is common in New York? Going to NY for the weekend and Tauros is nowhere to be found in Miami.
Oh wow, professor Willow said more things. =p
That's another good change, too.
Oh wow, professor Willow said more things. =p
That's another good change, too.
I can't for the life of me get a second Vaporeon and it's pissing me off. I've gotten a dozen Flareons and a half-dozen Jolteons, but just ONE Vaporeon.![]()
Supposedly Tauros is no where to be found in Miami but is found from Daytona Beach, onward. I'll test the theory out next weekend. =p
So it's gonna take two more years to complete tiny ratatas achievement.
Is Tauros US only? Have never seen it and dont know anyone who has it
Yep. Farfetch'd, Kangaskhan, Mr. Mime and Tauros are region exclusive. Respectively in Japan, Australia, Europe and North America.
Yes, South America, Africa, most of Asia and the poles are SOL.
Farfetch'd may include a lot more of East Asia then.I saw a farfetchd in hong kong disneyland last month. Didn't catched it as I don't have mobile data there.
OMFG thank you for doing those changes, Niantic! Just the past week during the Halloween event I hatched 2 motherfreaking Pidgeys and a Rattata. I was so pissed I wanted to throw the phone. THAT was the #1 reason I didn't spend real money on buying incubators and I'm glad I didn't but maybe I will now that those two useless 'mons no longer hatch from eggs!
I want Farfetch'd. He looks cute. All I have are a bunch of Kangas: