Killing the scanners killed the event for me. Didn't find any Larvitar on my own and the lures were awful.
My local scanner didn't stay down long, stopped showing IV info though.
It's been down for today though since the event ended, so not sure if Niantic changed something again. Will see if it comes back up.
Niantic started shadowbanning accounts somewhere around Monday. They stopped showing rare Pokémon to shadowbanned accounts, so scanners can only show commons.
My scanner still works fine, can still see Dratinis, even now. Maybe time for you to try some others? I use <-- Use this link to make sure you remove permission from the not allowed apps if you use Google. (Obviously, don't remove Pokemon Go, as then that's silly.)
Also, if anyone here is using any service that logs into your POGO account, delete & remove permission now! Esp those IV checker apps. Those are against the TOS, and you will get shadowbanned, or just plain banned.
The one I use is IV & Toolkit for Pokemon Go, which does not require credentials, it's just a floating overlay that you line up with your exp bar. That, and ones where you upload screenshots, should be safe, right?
I'd still give them one month give or take.So the gym rework has to come next week, right? Otherwise we'll be nearly into the third quarter of the year.
I still think it was scheduled to come out the week of the grass event but had to be pushed back so that's why they hastily threw together that short event.
So the gym rework has to come next week, right? Otherwise we'll be nearly into the third quarter of the year.
I still think it was scheduled to come out the week of the grass event but had to be pushed back so that's why they hastily threw together that short event.
That was all speculation to begin with, my money's still on the gym rework happening this summer.
I mostly used the Rocket Map types one that give an overview of an entire city so it was more to see where fun stuff appears. Easy to use for checking nests.
I always wanted to try out one of those full city wide scanners for where I live. Just checked out rocket maps and there's all this setup process AND you need your PTC/Google account, which makes me think there's a risk of your account getting shadowbanned if you do it. Meh, I guess that's why I never did it before.
I use pokehunt which does Belgium and the netherlands.What scanner do you use to check for nests? Not a lot of people around here continue to map out all the city's nest on Silph Road, so many of them go unconfirmed. think my POGO+ fell out of my pocket yesterday.![]()
I now have 3 Rhydons with that exact moveset and 1 with Mud Slap / Megahorn....... I have similar bad luck with Machamp too... So annoying... Oh well. Hopefully they introduce the ability to re-roll moves... lol
It sounds similar to sukkel which is Dutch for sucker so it's good gym fodder to piss people off lolSpeaking of, what's the point of Shuckle? It can't be evolved, and it has horrible CP values. I don't think it will go over 300. I mean, even Magikarp can be hoarded to make something good later on.
I may max out a shuckle to piss everyone off.
Wouldn't that only piss off your stardust supply lol
naw, i have level 30 or so shuckle though not perfect it's not THAT much of an investment. as of right now I don't care too much about stardust since it's taking me forever to level and the things I power up are so rare for candy anyway. I have maxed out slow Bros and poliwrath because I like's not about cp for me. with the gym rework it might matter though, those people with 10 maxed out dragonites with a million stardust invested in them are gonna have no where to put them if the rumors about having only one or two of the same kind of pokemon in a gym are true.
I got that perfect BLISSEY
My scanner still works fine, can still see Dratinis, even now. Maybe time for you to try some others? I use
Anyways, though I used it, most of my Pokemon this event came from just walking around & being lucky.
Also, if anyone here is using any service that logs into your POGO account, delete & remove permission now! Esp those IV checker apps. Those are against the TOS, and you will get shadowbanned, or just plain banned. <-- Use this link to make sure you remove permission from the not allowed apps if you use Google. (Obviously, don't remove Pokemon Go, as then that's silly.)
Your the one here that caught the perfect one right? Damn crazy! I'm on the lookout for a perfect Dratini, lol
Your the one here that caught the perfect one right? Damn crazy! I'm on the lookout for a perfect Dratini, lol
Oh no. I've been using pgnexus recently. Does that mean I'm going to get the ban hammer?
You will likely get shadow banned. Which means any rare pokemon, won't show up. So, delete that app. Check manually instead. Make sure it's not still connected if you use google (delete the permission)
Yeah, I use that tracker too. They really improved it in last few weeks. Wish it actually gave the timer for Pokémon though.It wasn't an app. it was a website i visited. Either way deleted my account. I'll just use the calculator site. Also, becuase holy shit didn't know tracking sites were a thing again.
Yeah, I use that tracker too. They really improved it in last few weeks. Wish it actually gave the timer for Pokémon though.
I got that perfect BLISSEY
I have two perfect Golbats, two Slowbros, a Machamp and an Exeggutor.
Though nowadays I toss mons away without checking so I might have had perfect weedles, pidgeys and rattatas along the way.
Why that. Make it your buddy and max it out! Life goals!I have a perfect iv level 1 snorlax and it makes me sad
I have a perfect iv level 1 snorlax and it makes me sad
My Gyarados came from a lv 1 Magikarp. Time to start walking!Why that. Make it your buddy and max it out! Life goals!