pretty awesome stuffRavidrath said:A friend posted this on Facebook, so I felt I would share it here.
It's a giant Japanese sumi-e style painting of the first 251 Pokemon.
pretty awesome stuffRavidrath said:A friend posted this on Facebook, so I felt I would share it here.
It's a giant Japanese sumi-e style painting of the first 251 Pokemon.
This reminds me of back in the release of original Gold/Silver, they split up the books then too. Funny, considering the Platinum Version guide from last year was a combination book.Ondore said:So I went to check Amazon's price for the inevitable guide (it's a weakness, I know) and discovered that they're splitting it again, just like Diamond and Pearl.
Walkthrough book
This blows.
Why in the world would you spend money on guides? Everything is neatly placed on the internet, free of charge.Ondore said:So I went to check Amazon's price for the inevitable guide (it's a weakness, I know) and discovered that they're splitting it again, just like Diamond and Pearl.
Walkthrough book
This blows.
Blu_LED said:Why in the world would you spend money on guides? Everything is neatly placed on the internet, free of charge.
Use something like
Yeah, here's oneCocopjojo said:Has someone created a Pokedex iPhone app yet? I'm still waiting.
Wow!Surgeon Rocket said:Yeah, here's one
Cocopjojo said:Wow!
Wait... "not available in US Store..." wat
Cocopjojo said:I knew it was too good to be true.
Chozo said:The problem is that it apparently uses the information off of Bulbapedia without permission, and the admins there aren't particularly happy about that fact (to the point where they apparently redesigned each page to fuck with the app program).
I'm surprised Nintendo hasn't released one. I'm sure we'll get something eventually, whether it's for the iPhone or its own piece of hardware.Chozo said:According to the head guy at Bulbapedia, Nintendo and the Pokemon Company have apparently sued/shut down apps that were free and got permission from Bulbapedia to use their site info, so a Pokedex on the go is apparently not meant to be (ironic, if you think about it).
In some of the PokeWalker courses. There's an event course which lets you get a lvl 5 Beldum with Iron Head, Zen Headbutt and Iron Defense. Sooo good. Having Magby was great for the first part which was pretty barren of any fire types.vectorman06 said:How did you get a metatang, elekid, and magby that early in the game?
Teknoman said:About the Pokewalker: If you gain exp while walking, do you also get EVs? Or is it just exp in the basic sense with no EV added? Also if you run into a pokemon while using the walker, do you have to stop and catch it at that moment?
No EVs, gaining a level (which you can only gain 1 per session) is like giving rare candy. You don't run into the pokemons, you can choose between two 'minigames' where you can get pokemons or items. Sound can be turned off.Datwheezy said:This. Also, does it make any noise? If the thing starts beeping like crazy when I run into a pokemon, that could be a problem at work/in class :lol
Probably.Metroid Killer said:Is the wifi locked to the cart?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.Anybody having a spare:
Metroid Killer said:Mew GET!
Awesome this is the very first event legendary pokemon! Though I'm almost afraid to use him... I don't really care about EVs, and all the metgame suff, but at the same time I feel I need to do him justice a make him as good as possible...
Which apparently is my main problem with pokemon games. Everytime a pokemon evolves or if I catch a new cool pokemon, I want to add it to my team, slowing down my game a loooot.
My current team(all around lvl 31-34, cept for Eevee which will be Umbreon)
And have 3 shinies (Pideotto, Gyrados and Tentacruel) which may not be much, but I'm pretty excited about all this rare stuff, which I never experienced in Pokemon Red.
Also is it just me are some dual types just overpowered in regards to the type strength/weakness. I mean dudes like Forretress and Quagsire may have a 4x weakness to another type, but that is also the only type they are weak against, and then they are resistant and immune to a whole lot of types. Is it just because I'm only playing the main game that they seem so powerful?
Progress: 7 badges, pokedex 109, playtime 114hours!
If you've already picked him up from the Pokemart (and have thus set his Nature in stone aleady), then "as good as possible" may not be good enough!Metroid Killer said:Awesome this is the very first event legendary pokemon! Though I'm almost afraid to use him... I don't really care about EVs, and all the metgame suff, but at the same time I feel I need to do him justice a make him as good as possible...
I'm game for one of those right now.Teknoman said:Starting to get into GAF battle mode mindset again :lol
I'm planning on making a thread for something like that a week or a month or so after HGSS is released stateside. I figure that would be the time when interest would be highest.Balb said:I'd be down for an organized Pokemon tournament if anyone is willing to create one.
I'm not exactly up on how all these games work, I mean I play them all, catch a ton of Pokemon, and spend too much time playing them. But how do you get Pokemon like Mew? The only way I've ever had a Pokemon like that is when I was 13 and stole my friends copy of Red.Metroid Killer said:Mew GET!
Awesome this is the very first event legendary pokemon! Though I'm almost afraid to use him... I don't really care about EVs, and all the metgame suff, but at the same time I feel I need to do him justice a make him as good as possible...
Which apparently is my main problem with pokemon games. Everytime a pokemon evolves or if I catch a new cool pokemon, I want to add it to my team, slowing down my game a loooot.
My current team(all around lvl 31-34, cept for Eevee which will be Umbreon)
And have 3 shinies (Pideotto, Gyrados and Tentacruel) which may not be much, but I'm pretty excited about all this rare stuff, which I never experienced in Pokemon Red.
Also is it just me are some dual types just overpowered in regards to the type strength/weakness. I mean dudes like Forretress and Quagsire may have a 4x weakness to another type, but that is also the only type they are weak against, and then they are resistant and immune to a whole lot of types. Is it just because I'm only playing the main game that they seem so powerful?
Progress: 7 badges, pokedex 109, playtime 114hours!
There's a Mew wi-fi giveaway going on in Japan right now, I think.AwesomeSyrup said:I'm not exactly up on how all these games work, I mean I play them all, catch a ton of Pokemon, and spend too much time playing them. But how do you get Pokemon like Mew? The only way I've ever had a Pokemon like that is when I was 13 and stole my friends copy of Red.
Blu_LED said:Why in the world would you spend money on guides? Everything is neatly placed on the internet, free of charge.
Use something like
Sixfortyfive said:There's a Mew wi-fi giveaway going on in Japan right now, I think.
I can't even imagine to strain it must be to "transfer" your Pokemon over. My best Pokemon are still sitting in my Diamond game, because it's just too much of a hassle to get them to to Platinum.Teknoman said:Exactly.
Keep up on all that stuff on There were quite a few for platinum already via wi-fi mystery gift.
EDIT: All the HG/SS sprites seem better than anything so far this gen.
Actually...should I even bother moving my diamond stuff over to platinum now, when I know i'll still have to transfer everything (extra tms and stones too) to Soul Silver?
Blu_LED said:I can't even imagine to strain it must be to "transfer" your Pokemon over. My best Pokemon are still sitting in my Diamond game, because it's just too much of a hassle to get them to to Platinum.
Is there an easier way other then catching a SHITLOAD and Bidoofs in Platinum, and trading each and every one?
Yeah it seems gaf is pretty much caught up in the pokemon craze at the moment, but I guess this is a very exciting time to be a pokemon fan, up-coming remakes and new gen speculation.Sixfortyfive said:There are no less than 3 active Pokemon threads on this board at the moment.
Ondore said:So I went to check Amazon's price for the inevitable guide (it's a weakness, I know) and discovered that they're splitting it again, just like Diamond and Pearl.
Walkthrough book
This blows.
Link?Surgeon Rocket said:Ah, sorry. Thought it was a compliant one.
I think there's a few others out there, I know of one, but it's not an App but simply something formatted for the browser on an iPhone.
I can't say for sure, but TM26 (Earthquake) is usually something you want to hold onto for later. Haven't checked any HGSS lists so I don't know what's common and what isn't in that one. They usually change them around at least a little bit so that a few TMs uncommon in one set of games (DPPt) are common in the other. Check some item guides on Gamefaqs and CTRL+F the TM you're thinking of using to see if you can just buy it somewhere later.Metroid Killer said:How rare are the different TMs? It's quite difficult to find out on bulbapedia/serebii. There are so many different place you can get them from, some limited, some unlimited. Then there's breeding as well. But could any one name the most rarest TMs?
There are things difficult for him to learn though. Grass Knot and Thief in particular are TMs I'll miss.Sixfortyfive said:I can't say for sure, but TM26 (Earthquake) is usually something you want to hold onto for later. Haven't checked any HGSS lists so I don't know what's common and what isn't in that one. They usually change them around at least a little bit so that a few TMs uncommon in one set of games (DPPt) are common in the other. Check some item guides on Gamefaqs and CTRL+F the TM you're thinking of using to see if you can just buy it somewhere later.
I usually make sure that my primary Pokemon fighters are male so that they can pass down egg/TM moves via breeding if the need arises. Smeargle is also very handy for copying and passing down moves.
Ondore said:So I went to check Amazon's price for the inevitable guide (it's a weakness, I know) and discovered that they're splitting it again, just like Diamond and Pearl.
Walkthrough book
This blows.
I'm gonna go tomorrow. I hope I can just pull my car up in front of Gamestop, and pick of the signal.-Mikey- said:Anyone going to Gamestop today to get Pichu?
Blu_LED said:I'm gonna go tomorrow. I hope I can just pull my car up in front of Gamestop, and pick of the signal.
I'm sorry, but both seem equally as creepy to me. :lolGravijah said:I'm sorry but sitting in your car and creepily playing Pokemon < Manning up and going inside for Pokemon. :lol
Blu_LED said:I'm sorry, but both seem equally as creepy to me. :lol
Bingo. I mean it's not like Gamestop is Toys R Us.Gravijah said:I'm sorry but sitting in your car and creepily playing Pokemon < Manning up and going inside for Pokemon. :lol