Gravijah said:Please don't ask passing children if they'd like to get inside your car and check out your Pokemon. :lol
Heck, ask them if they want to play with your Wii while you're at it :lol
Gravijah said:Please don't ask passing children if they'd like to get inside your car and check out your Pokemon. :lol
upandaway said:Anyone with two carts feeling so nice that he'll grab one for me too?![]()
Gravijah said:How long is this going to last? I've got Pokemon DPP, and extra copies of DP sitting around...
MagniHarvald said:No idea, but if you could pick up one for me as well![]()
Is this Pichu thing ever gonna cross the pond? How about Jirachi, still unavailable outside of Japan, right?
if this is in regards to a pichu, i'll get you one if i go there in the next few days(unless someone gets it for you first)upandaway said:Anyone with two carts feeling so nice that he'll grab one for me too?![]()
Anarchistry said:Preordered HG, SS, AND bought myself a Dsi today. My wallet am cry
Anarchistry said:Preordered HG, SS, AND bought myself a Dsi today. My wallet am cry
Gravijah said:I'll only be able to afford Soul Silver at the moment. 8( Kinda makes me sad since I usually pick them both up.
You're my kind of guy.Fimbulvetr said:Any choice other than silver is the wrong one.![]()
MagniHarvald said:To all you people who buy both games, how do you do it? Do you play them both at the same time? Do one first and the second afterwards? Do you try completely different teams for the two games? Do you just use one for "serious" playing and the other to farm/trade version exclusives?
Seems weird to me to buy what is almost the same game twice.. Then again I had two copies of Silver (one I got at a present for Christmas 2000, the other I found on the ground at my bus stop. The first copy was my main copy (250 pokedex, tons of 100s w/o any RCs), and the second was my farm/goof-off copy that I could start over as often as I'd like (multiple save files for Gen V please Game Freak!)
Well since I'm a competitive battler, I play through both games at the same time. I play through one normally. After I finish it I transfer my old Pokemon to it and make that game my main one for battling. Then I will play the other one and use it to catch legendarys or just to playthrough the game again or do speedruns or One Pokemon Runs.MagniHarvald said:To all you people who buy both games, how do you do it? Do you play them both at the same time? Do one first and the second afterwards? Do you try completely different teams for the two games? Do you just use one for "serious" playing and the other to farm/trade version exclusives?
Seems weird to me to buy what is almost the same game twice.. Then again I had two copies of Silver (one I got at a present for Christmas 2000, the other I found on the ground at my bus stop. The first copy was my main copy (250 pokedex, tons of 100s w/o any RCs), and the second was my farm/goof-off copy that I could start over as often as I'd like (multiple save files for Gen V please Game Freak!)
StateofMind said:If I knew I could play this game with Raichu or Mew following me around I'd buy a DS next week in anticipation. I know Mew is unlikely, but how hard is it to get the older pokemon on there? I played gold and silver way back in the day, can't remember if the older pokemon were in it or not.
StateofMind said:If I knew I could play this game with Raichu or Mew following me around I'd buy a DS next week in anticipation. I know Mew is unlikely, but how hard is it to get the older pokemon on there? I played gold and silver way back in the day, can't remember if the older pokemon were in it or not.
I think in HG and SS it is automatically unlocked as soon as you get the Pokedex.survivor said:My friend has my Japanese Heart Gold. Maybe I should tell him to get Mew for me. Then I can distribute it to you guys if you want.
Any idea on how to activate the mystery gift option in the Japanese version?
celebi23 said:Probably will go to the mall a little bit later to get the "Pikachu-Colored Pichu" & reserve HG & SS. My launch DSPhat is still going strong. No need to get a DSi yet![]()
No. I made her bring my copy of Platinum and Diamond. Diamond had 3 wonder cards, and she didn't know if she should delete it, so she just didn't do it.Zilch said:If you delete the wonder card you can just download another one? So you could get multiple Pichus with one game?
Bentendo said:How do you get a Pikachu colored Pichu? I mean, I know you go to GameStop and use Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, but do you have to be at a certain point in the games? And when I get to GameStop what should I ask to get the Pichu?
Balb said:All you need is a pokedex to get the Pichu. Once you download the Pokemon you just go to the Mart and receive it.
You don't need to tell anything to the GameStop people. All you need to do is use mystery gift anywhere in the store (possibly even outside of the store) and select "wifi gift". If you don't have mystery gift yet just check gamefaqs. There are many easy ways to obtain mystery gift.
Well, I kind of forgot about my girlfriend's brother's birthday, and he loves the series. I have a DS now, but its completely torn up and disgusting, due to the fact that I bought it around lunch timeMagniHarvald said:Are you getting both games for yourself? You're not gonna have much time for anything else :lol
Also, why are you getting a DSi now? Or do you not have a DS yet? I'll probably get a DSi along with Gen V's third game.
Anarchistry said:Well, I kind of forgot about my girlfriend's brother's birthday, and he loves the series. I have a DS now, but its completely torn up and disgusting, due to the fact that I bought it around lunch time
Ninja edit::lol :lol I meant launch time
Bentendo said:Hey thanks man! Serebii said to get it in the Jubilife TV Station, but since I restarted it's not open yet. I think I have to get the first badge.
Anarchistry said:Well, I kind of forgot about my girlfriend's brother's birthday, and he loves the series. I have a DS now, but its completely torn up and disgusting, due to the fact that I bought it around lunch time
Ninja edit::lol :lol I meant launch time
Balb said:Actually I think you choose wireless mystery gift instead of wifi. Either way, you should be good to go.
It's happened before, they gave out a Regigigas that would unlock the other three Regi Pokemon in Platinum version.Metroid Killer said:Is it just me or does it seem backwards to give out a special pichu that can unlock an even more special pokemon in HG/SS, in a time where HG/SS isn't out... people thus ends up with the pichu in their DPP game unable to unlock the special pichu in HG/SS.
It happens when you're at work and hungry :/Bentendo said::lol I wasn't sure if I was reading that correctly. Food will do that though.
Alright thanks. I will just get the game from him on Monday and try to get it.Metroid Killer said:Edit: to survivor.
When you start up the game you can choose 'wi-fi' (4th options), and then can get a 'fushigina omiyake' (mysterious gift).
That Pichu isn't available in Europe, anyone able to get an extra one for me? It would be awesome, as I'm so into my heart gold game right now.
Edit2: crap you can't trade that pichu![]()
Exclusive to HeartGoldMr.City said:Oh no, I'm getting that old feeling again. I think I have to get this, The only question is Gold or Silver?
No. Even if you delete the wonder card the game remembers which event Pokemon you have received before so you can't farm them.Zilch said:If you delete the wonder card you can just download another one? So you could get multiple Pichus with one game?