I just started playing Platinum again in preparation for HeartGold/SoulSilver (pre-ordered both yesterday

) and I'n having trouble selecting a team. My current team is just Piplup and I just beat my rival for the second team.
Here's what I have in mind:
- Piplup (which I'll evolve into Empolen)
- Buneary (which I'll evolve into Loppuny)
- Murkrow (which I'll evolve into Honchkrow)
Murkrow is obtainable in Platinum, right?
- Glameow (which I'll evolve into Purugly)
It is obtainable in Platinum, right?
- Riolu (which I'll evolve into Lucario)
- ?????
Others I've considered:
- Weavile
- Abonmasnow
- Milotic (I decided to avoid the pain of catching a Feebas)
- Raichu
- Garchomp
- Snorlax
- Skuntank
- Blissey
- Drifbilm
- Mismasgius (I really want to catch it but I'm not sure it'll be very strong)
- Vespiquen (Decided to avoid having to capture a female Combee)
- Ambipom (Decided to avoid the pain of capturing an Aipom)
- Rampardos/Bastiodon (Decided to avoid finding a fossil)
I decided not to bother with Roserade, Alakazam and Staraptor seeing as I usually choose them every time I play through the game.
In short, what do you think of the team I have in mind and what Pokemon should I consider/replace? What should my sixth Pokemon be? I don't want to use legendaries and I want to stick with Pokemon from the Sinnoh Pokedex.
I wasn't sure where the best place to put this would be, so I decided to post it here.