So when I go to Gamestop I go to the mystery gift option on the main menu, click Wi-Fi and then it downloads the Pichu? Is there anything else I should do while I'm there? Never done a mystery gift or a Pokemon event before. :lol
survivor said:To MemoirsofMimi
You can also pick Garchomp if you are not comfortable with the speed of Hippowdon. The only bad thing about him is that he will evolve very late into the game so I don't know how much of a help he will be. However his Earthquakes and Dragon Claws will really help you.
MemoirsofMimi said:I just started playing Platinum again in preparation for HeartGold/SoulSilver (pre-ordered both yesterday) and I'n having trouble selecting a team. My current team is just Piplup and I just beat my rival for the second team.
Here's what I have in mind:
- Piplup (which I'll evolve into Empolen)
- Buneary (which I'll evolve into Loppuny)
- Murkrow (which I'll evolve into Honchkrow) Murkrow is obtainable in Platinum, right?
- Glameow (which I'll evolve into Purugly) It is obtainable in Platinum, right?
- Riolu (which I'll evolve into Lucario)
- ?????
Others I've considered:
- Weavile
- Abonmasnow
- Milotic (I decided to avoid the pain of catching a Feebas)
- Raichu
- Garchomp
- Snorlax
- Skuntank
- Blissey
- Drifbilm
- Mismasgius (I really want to catch it but I'm not sure it'll be very strong)
- Vespiquen (Decided to avoid having to capture a female Combee)
- Ambipom (Decided to avoid the pain of capturing an Aipom)
- Rampardos/Bastiodon (Decided to avoid finding a fossil)
I decided not to bother with Roserade, Alakazam and Staraptor seeing as I usually choose them every time I play through the game.
In short, what do you think of the team I have in mind and what Pokemon should I consider/replace? What should my sixth Pokemon be? I don't want to use legendaries and I want to stick with Pokemon from the Sinnoh Pokedex.
I wasn't sure where the best place to put this would be, so I decided to post it here.
Hmm if you want take a look at this tier list. It's not for competitive battling or anything. They are just trying to organize Pokemon in terms of availability and moves and how good they are against gym leaders.MemoirsofMimi said:I'm a little nervous about picking Garchomp as it's especially vulnerable to ice attacks, right? And as you stated, it evolves late in the game and I'm planning on making a more varied team after I beat the Elite Four.
MagniHarvald said:Glameow and Murkrow aren't available in Platinum.
For my playthrough I decided to shake things up a bit:
Weavile (first time using, I've meant to use Sneasle for ten years now :lol )
Infernape (first time ever not taking the Water starter)
No psychic type! Where's my Alakazam/Hypno? Made play a bit differently :lol
What about Gardevoir/Galladade, Crobat, Porygon-Z, Hippowdon, Machamp, ..?
MagniHarvald said:Well, they're all in the Platinum Sinnoh Dex..
MagniHarvald said:Well, they're all in the Platinum Sinnoh Dex..
Serebii is your friend ;-)
MemoirsofMimi said:Alright, thanks. I haven't played the game in over nine months so I can't really remember which Pokemon are available.
What about this team:
- Empoleon
- Loppuny/Lickilicky
- Lucario
- Gallade
- Tangrowth/Leafeon
- Frosslass/Mamoswine
My only concern now would be whether or not there are enough stones in the game before the Elite Four to make this possible.
What about Absol, Altaria or Houndoom?
MagniHarvald said:Stones => Underground
Absol = Mt Coronet
Swablu = Route 210 N
Houndoor = Route 214, Lake Valor
survivor said:Try Rotom. He is available pretty early and you don't need to give him much TMs. Plus he has good type Electirc/Ghost will help you beat couple gym leaders and make them a joke.
ismaboof said:If I have only 1 DS, is there any way to get my Diamond pokemon -> HeartGold? Can I trade to myself via Wifi?
MemoirsofMimi said:One thing that just came my mind is that most of my team won't be available until late into the game.
What Pokemon are good for starting out with? I'd be willing to try anything EXCEPT Staraptor and Luxray.
Is Ponyta a decent choice?
ismaboof said:If I have only 1 DS, is there any way to get my Diamond pokemon -> HeartGold? Can I trade to myself via Wifi?
ismaboof said:If I have only 1 DS, is there any way to get my Diamond pokemon -> HeartGold? Can I trade to myself via Wifi?
MagniHarvald said:What I did for that Silver team I just told you about was trade them in ass eggs or newly hatched Pokes, I don't remember. Level 5 Dratini, Pikachu, and Houndoor makes you play differently than Pidgey, Rattata Clone #1, and Tododile ^^
Maybe you could do that? It's what I plan on doing for SS at least.
ismaboof said:If I have only 1 DS, is there any way to get my Diamond pokemon -> HeartGold? Can I trade to myself via Wifi?
EzLink said:I don't know... is pokemon ranch going to be compatible with HGSS? If so I guess you could buy that and send them all to your ranch and then back to HG. Pretty big hassle but better than nothing
Nope. One of the many overlooks of this franchise. You're only hope would be for Nintendo to release a Pokemon Box WiiWare "game" (assuming you have a Wii), and then you transfer them all over to that.ismaboof said:If I have only 1 DS, is there any way to get my Diamond pokemon -> HeartGold? Can I trade to myself via Wifi?
MemoirsofMimi said:Seeing as they didn't update it for Platinum, I doubt they'll do it for HGSS.
I also don't think you can send them to the ranch and put them on a different game.
Wiseblade said:Medicham! It rips the maingame apart.
Has someone answered this person, cause I was about to ask the same thing. Do I have to ask them to do something for it to happen or . . . wat?VGChampion said:So when I go to Gamestop I go to the mystery gift option on the main menu, click Wi-Fi and then it downloads the Pichu? Is there anything else I should do while I'm there? Never done a mystery gift or a Pokemon event before. :lol
Teknoman said:I'd say just find someone you think would be trustworthy here and get them to trade you back and forth until you're finished.
Probably best to just trade the ones you know you want to fight with and not just dex filler.
Nope. Just walk in and download it.Black-Wind said:Has someone answered this person, cause I was about to ask the same thing. Do I have to ask them to do something for it to happen or . . . wat?
after downloading it, you have to go the pokemart to actually pick it up... I believe.Black-Wind said:Has someone answered this person, cause I was about to ask the same thing. Do I have to ask them to do something for it to happen or . . . wat?
Blu_LED said:Nope. Just walk in and download it.
EzLink said:Hopefully the WiFi signal reaches their parking lot so I don't actually have to talk to any of the employees. But I guess I'll have to go in if it doesn't...
the things I do for pokemon
BTW, I saw that you get the Lugia and Ho Oh figures with the respective pre orders of the game, but in japan you also got an arceus figure if you pre ordered both. Is that part of the offer not going to come to the US?
They have already given away the Arceus figure long time ago for some event. I don't think they will bother to distribute it again.EzLink said:Hopefully the WiFi signal reaches their parking lot so I don't actually have to talk to any of the employees. But I guess I'll have to go in if it doesn't...
the things I do for pokemon
BTW, I saw that you get the Lugia and Ho Oh figures with the respective pre orders of the game, but in japan you also got an arceus figure if you pre ordered both. Is that part of the offer not going to come to the US?
There are Youtube videos about it. You go through Coronet to Route 16, there's this underground room full of fog with a big lake that you could just skip if you wanted to ignore the room. Feebas is in 4 random tiles that change every day in the lake.MemoirsofMimi said:Seeing as Nintendo hasn't announced anything at this point, I doubt the Arceus figure will make it over.
Can someone explain to me how to catch Feebas at Mt. Coronet, please?
upandaway said:There are Youtube videos about it. You go through Coronet to Route 16, there's this underground room full of fog with a big lake that you could just skip if you wanted to ignore the room. Feebas is in 4 random tiles that change every day in the lake.
I think he's like 50% or something in those 4 tiles, so 4-5 fishing tries ought to be enough for each tile.
MemoirsofMimi said:So in other words it's a waste of time.
If I trade an unhatched egg to Platinum from a different game, which game will be credited as its owner?
Are you offering them as a gift or willing to trade them?Hatchet Man said:I have 2 extra gamestop pichus if you want one just shoot me a PM.
I wanna take the offer! I wanna!Hatchet Man said:I don't care what I get for one if that helps.
idwl said:haven't play pokemon since diamond and last one before that was yellow. What i was wondering is what makes silver 'superior' to gold?
It's better and that's it.idwl said:haven't play pokemon since diamond and last one before that was yellow. What i was wondering is what makes silver 'superior' to gold?