Aaron Strife said:Um... prepare to die.
You should have read further. I won via Static (Flaffy), Sand Attack (Pidgey), Leer (Quilava), Disable (Drowzee), and Quick Attack (Quilava).
Teamwork saved the day.
Aaron Strife said:Um... prepare to die.
Jokey665 said:where are you?
red shoe paul said:No, it's called Rock Smash. My short memory forgot where you pick it up from. Right after the first gym I know..
Firestorm said:Before I start:
- how soon can I trade with Pearl Version?
Need to transfer a Charmander egg so it follows me.
Post your FC and come online with two trash pokemon, I'll be there as soon as I get your FC. I hate being such a nice guy. :lolEchoes said:I know you only said three. I don't want this reply to be like "well I should give him one as well". Not at all. BUT, if, later on, you decided to do it again, I'd be glad if you can make me a Gible or Bulbasaur (in that order). Thanks a bunch.
The badge only allows you to use it. To get the actual HM, talk to some guy outside of town (try the left exit I think).moop2000 said:The thing is I got it but it's not in my bag so I don;t know where it went.
......seriously? You seriously rock, man. I owe you two.Jokey665 said:Post your FC and come online with two trash pokemon, I'll be there as soon as I get your FC. I hate being such a nice guy. :lol
Ok, for serious, no more today, Echoes is the last one! I might do more later in the week if I get bored again.
sweet.... will dobon said:The badge only allows you to use it. To get the actual HM, talk to some guy outside of town (try the left exit I think).
You could start repaying it by spelling my name right! :lolEchoes said:Thanks a lot, Jockey! I just wish I could repay this awesome favor, if ever.
Gamer @ Heart said:Can someone link me to an easy to understand crash course on breeding? I want to make sure my future scizor is the best that it can be without diving into serious IV stuff.
Gamer @ Heart said:Can someone link me to an easy to understand crash course on breeding? I want to make sure my future scizor is the best that it can be without diving into serious IV stuff.
You're welcome!Fumetsu said:Thank you so much Jokey
EvilMario said:Wow, I just noticed this after beating the Japanese version twice!
When you look at your Pokemon's Statistics, the one the nature benefits will be slightly highlighted in Red, and the hindering stat will be in Blue.
This should be very handy for you guys who don't know natures by heart, but also for us who easily forget the odd ones!
ryan-ts said:This shit would be so easy with a water stone, my Staryu knows blizzard and is kicking Blackthorn gym's ass, having a Starmie would be dirty.
ryan-ts said:This shit would be so easy with a water stone, my Staryu knows blizzard and is kicking Blackthorn gym's ass, having a Starmie would be dirty.
Little Green Yoda said:How advanced are we talking here? Simple male + female Pokemon in daycare? Egg moves? Passing TM moves? Passing IVs?
Gamer @ Heart said:Male + female and egg move stuff mostly. I dont plan to make multiple generations of them.
Maybe you can answer something quick: Are the results of using a ditto instead of the opposite partner identical or is there an advantage of using a male and female?
EvilMario said:See my post above.. I tried to outline it a bit. The advantage of using a Ditto is mostly because a) People collect Dittos with various natures and IVs to pass down, and b) Some Pokemon can't be female, or have a low rate of producing female (see the starters).
Otherwise there is no advantage one way, or another.
Well, I certainly commend your effortsObsessed said:You should have read further. I won via Static (Flaffy), Sand Attack (Pidgey), Leer (Quilava), Disable (Drowzee), and Quick Attack (Quilava).
Teamwork saved the day.
Aaron Strife said:Well, I certainly commend your efforts
power-leveling a machop would have worked better, just saying
You place it in your pocket, briefcase or belt prior to leaving your house in the morning. It's not like it's huge or will take up a lot of room.Door2Dawn said:How do I get the pokewalker to work?
Ondore said:
Door2Dawn said:How do I get the pokewalker to work?
Wren said:So whats the general consensus on a good HM slave? I read a few pages back someone took the time to train smeargles with all the HMs, but is there any good poke that I can just slap my HMs on from the get go and be done with it?
Look up which game gets which exclusives. Pick the game that has the exclusives you like the look of better. Don't worry if the ones you picked turned out to be crappy - you can trade for the rest online.outsidah said:Ok so I'm a poke-virgin. Do I get Gold or Silver? Both? Why?
outsidah said:Ok so I'm a poke-virgin. Do I get Gold or Silver? Both? Why?
What does STAB stand for, I keep seeing you use it.EvilMario said:It's been posted a lot, but with search disabled..
Furret learns Cut, Surf, Strength, Whirlpool, Rock Smash and Headbutt.
Golduck learns Surf, Strength, Whirlpool, Rock Smash Waterfall, Rock Climb
Thus you give Fly to your flying type Pokemon.
If you want your HM slaves to be decent attackers, Tauros (Surf, Strength, Whirlpool, Rock Climb, etc) is a decent one receiving STAB on the Normal HMs, and Skarmory can (Cut, Rock Smash, Fly) be a decent. Thus you'd need to give Waterfall to something else.
viciouskillersquirrel said:Look up which game gets which exclusives. Pick the game that has the exclusives you like the look of better. Don't worry if the ones you picked turned out to be crappy - you can trade for the rest online.
The only differences between the games is the rarity of some pokemon species. In-game, there may be a field with grass in it. In HG, it might yield encounter rates of:
50% for Pokemon A
30% for Pokemon B
15% for Pokemon C
5% for Pokemon D
0% for Pokemon E
SS, on the other hand, would have:
50% for Pokemon A
15% for Pokemon B
30% for Pokemon C
0% for Pokemon D
5% for Pokemon E
In this scenario, Pokemon A is very common in both versions. B is fairly common in HG but uncommon in SS. C is uncommon in HG, but common in SS. D is rare in HG, but not found at all in SS. E is not found in HG, but rare in SS.
That's it.
Don't get both.
EvilMario said:Pickup either Gold, or Silver and play it to death.
When you want another go at it, pick up Platinum. That will basically let you receive every Pokemon with a few exception that can be made by trading.
Same Type Attack Boost.Drkirby said:What does STAB stand for, I keep seeing you use it.
Drkirby said:What does STAB stand for, I keep seeing you use it.
ryan-ts said:but they're not available until you get the national pokedex outside of the Moon Stone.
Diffense said:I caught a geodude and wasn't going to bother catching an onix.
Then I ran into a shiny one in Union cave and couldn't let it go
rainer516 said:As in you caught it right? Please let "couldn't let it go" mean "I caught it and am now destroying things with my shiny graveler". I've never caught a shiny other than the red gyarados.![]()