User 73706
Hey now, that makes it excellent at sex! What else could a baby Eevee ask for than to be destined to spend his days fucking for the rest of his life?![]()
dude that eevee's like
Hey now, that makes it excellent at sex! What else could a baby Eevee ask for than to be destined to spend his days fucking for the rest of his life?![]()
Shamelessly crossposting alongside community thread: I whipped up a theoretical analysis for an old fakemon of mine known as Isulven, which is designed as a speedy (but durable) pseudolegendary supporter. Click the pic to go to the full article.
Level one.dude that eevee's likefivelevel
No Kee+Maranga?It's Impish so I guess I should evolve it before I start EV training it. :/
Reset bags are annoying to come by.![]()
I don't see any types outright having an immunity to Sound, but we already have the ability Soundproof, so yeah. It'd pretty much become another Levitate.
What? Are you talking about how Hitmontop dances? -confused-No Kee+Maranga?
What? Are you talking about how Hitmontop dances? -confused-
Can it learn gravity?
Possible retroactive sound types: Whismur line, Chatot, Meloetta, Noivern...
Here's a cool fakemon idea: a grass/sound type based on a mandragora/mandrake. Give it the Aftermath ability or something.
I think Sound-type is pretty much dead in the water now, considering they introduced a new type in Fairy, this would've been the best time to introduce it...
The fact they made an obvious Sound-type candidate in Noivern, and even differentiated the sound-based attacks by making them immune to barrier moves, makes it clear, imo, they're happy with it just being a sub-type.
Honestly though I think the idea of sub-types, like Sound, Fist, Ball/Bombs, is pretty cool and something I'd like to see expanded.
As for the Ice-type, I think making it resistant to Ground and Dragon, and giving it neutral damage from Steel, would be good enough.
I was way off! Do I have to provide my own berries?berry combo at the berry shop that reset all EVs
I was way off! Do I have to provide my own berries?
I would love this so much...As for the Ice-type, I think making it resistant to Ground and Dragon, and giving it neutral damage from Steel, would be good enough.
Sorry, mine are Quiet with 0 Speed IVs. :/Long shot but does anyone have a Modest Clauncher with decentish IVs?
Thank you so much. I'll be online shortly.Smedwicks
Fury Sense
I've got a bunch of Mincinno, pick them up when you can.
Fury Sense
I've got a bunch of Mincinno, pick them up when you can.
Sorry, mine are Quiet with 0 Speed IVs. :/
Ice type is so bad I beat the Ice gym with a team completely weak to ice. Poor ice type.
I actually had the hardest time with Wulfric, and I was using Talonflame, Honedge, and Barbaracle. I forgot exactly what happened, but he was harder than I thought.
But Ice Pokemon are so mistreated, the only positive thing for them is because they have to include Ice Rock for Glaceon in every game, we're actually probably gonna see more ice areas where they can thrive.
By the way, how good would an Ice/Fairy Pokemon be? I had the idea for one, basically a christmas-ornament turns into a typical ice tinker bell-like fairy with great speed and sp. atk, but otherwise fragile, how would that work type-wise?
By the way, how good would an Ice/Fairy Pokemon be? I had the idea for one, basically a christmas-ornament turns into a typical ice tinker bell-like fairy with great speed and sp. atk, but otherwise fragile, how would that work type-wise?
I actually had the hardest time with Wulfric, and I was using Talonflame, Honedge, and Barbaracle. I forgot exactly what happened, but he was harder than I thought.
But Ice Pokemon are so mistreated, the only positive thing for them is because they have to include Ice Rock for Glaceon in every game, we're actually probably gonna see more ice areas where they can thrive.
By the way, how good would an Ice/Fairy Pokemon be? I had the idea for one, basically a christmas-ornament turns into a typical ice tinker bell-like fairy with great speed and sp. atk, but otherwise fragile, how would that work type-wise?
Another (bad) idea: in addition to Toxic being heavy poisoning, I wonder if we'll ever get any other "heavy statuses." Maybe Deep Sleep, which raises defenses but keeps you asleep for longer (thanks to the current Sleep nerf).
Maybe Sound-type moves could immediately wake up stuff the way Fire nullifies Frozen status effects.
Do we have any Pokemon that are confirmed deaf? Sliggoo is blind (it physically lacks eyes) and so is Roggenrola (the frontal concave thing it has is an ear, meaning the Gigalith line could probably become Rock / Sound, believe it or not) and I know there are a few similar situations with sight, but off the top of my head I can't think of any Pokemon that are consistently born without hearing.
In-universe, I guess that probably makes sense because being unable to hear your trainer's commands would equal immediate death.
Every time I see ya'll cry about Ice types, I feel weird. Poison gets it so much worse and no one talks like that about it.
Acids can eat through steel too, the hell is steel immune for![]()
Sound-type moves waking up normal Sleep would be a great idea honestly, would give them an interesting use.
I actually had an idea for a new status effect called Petrification, basically like Frozen, which it itself could receive an upgrade. Basically like this...
* Petrified Pokemon receive a defensive boost while petrified, Frozen Pokemon a special defensive boost. Upon returning to normal, their defense/special defense drops to normal, even canceling out changes happening before the status effect.
* Petrified/Frozen Ghost Pokemon can be hit by Fighting and Normal attacks because they are solid, and Flying/Levitating Pokemon are able to be hit by Ground, because they can't fly.
* Fighting attacks releases Pokemon from Petrification, but factors in the defensive drop to normal; same thing happens with Fire on Frozen Pokemon.
* Rock, Ground, Steel, and Limber Pokemon can't be petrified.
Breezard (Grass)
Resembles a small lizard with a cloud-like head that has a small sprout at the top (pretty much the most adorable thing you've ever seen). Learns Gust early on and has an access to a plethora of Flying- and Grass-type attacks. Evolves at Level 16 into:
Hurriguana (Grass/Flying)
A medium-sized bipedal lizard that stands in a hunched-over position similar to Druddigan. Has a propeller on the tip of its tail that allows it to hover short heights off of the ground or use it as a razor to cut opponents. Has a rather mean-looking face with a throat sack that can inflate with helium. Evolves at Level 38 into:
Tornadile (Grass/Flying)
A large (more than 6-foot-tall) humanoid reptile with a dragon-like head and a thin build. Has two whip-like tails that can rotate around its waist, giving his lower half the illusion of constantly being surrounded by a tornado.
Base stats: 65/90/80/125/70/110 (Total: 530)
Signature move: Tornado (Grass-type, Special, 100/90). Has a chance to raise the user's Speed
Puplume (Fire)
A small red Pomeranian-like dog with a plume of fire on its head. It spews volcanic ash when upset and warm embers when happy. Learns many Fire and Ground moves. Evolves at Level 18 into:
Spitzfire (Fire/Ground)
A German Spitz-like dog with a small volcano beginning to form on its back. Rather stout, and looks intimidating while remaining adorable. Has black and red fur that glows when it uses a move. Evolves at Level 34 into:
Magmakita (Fire/Ground)
A large dog with a volcano for a torso. Resembles an Akita Inu, but with larger lower fangs and a bigger size overall. Capable of creating volcanic plasma storms around the mouth of its volcano.
Base stats: 105/115/95/65/100/50
Signature move: Plasma Burst (Electric, Physical, 85/100). Has a chance to paralyze.
Beluguard (Water)
A small beluga whale with a shield on its back. Not very strong, but capable of withstanding several hits. Learns many status and stat-effecting moves early on. Evolves at level 14 into:
Narwall (Water/Psychic)
A whale with a sword-like tooth and an armored carapace. Stronger than Beluguard, but still not as powerful as its peers. Evolves at Level 36 into:
Orcane (Water/Psychic)
A purple-and-white Orca whale that protects itself using magical powers. Has a long, robe-like layer of skin on top of thick armor, and has a spike in the shape of a wizard's hat on its head.
Base stats: 140/40/120/90/120/20
Signature move: Barrier Crash (Psychic, Special, 60/95). Raises either the user's Defense or Special Defense
That's a pretty interesting idea, but it strikes me as very ghastly and I've always interpreted your run-of-the-mill Ghost effect as "Cursed," the way Leech Seed functions as a Grass semi-status or why Toxic Spikes poison foes rather than possessing a new effect. I think it'd work if the Frozen status got the buffs you listed (as well as dropping certain immunities, like Ghost's Fighting / Normal or Flying's Ground) and Petrified got slightly reworked into a Deep Sleep concept with similar properties.
Every time I see ya'll cry about Ice types, I feel weird. Poison gets it so much worse and no one talks like that about it.
Acids can eat through steel too, the hell is steel immune for![]()
Acid Rain Weather.
Hurts Rock, Water, Grass, and Steel Pokemon every turn like Sandstorm. Poison-type Pokemon take no damage from it and base damage of Poison-type moves increase.
And then some other little hidden Black Sludge restores twice as much HP.
I'd love Acid Rain, but my main worry would be making sure it didn't approach Gen III / IV levels of broken weather. There'd have to be some significant checks in place to keep it from getting out of hand, imo.
Plus, Gliscor would become even more of an asshole. :lol
Holy shit, congrats! That'll go nicely with your AzumarillWhoa, just hatched a shiny Rotom!
IVs aren't spectacular, but it's a god damn shiny Rotom!
I'm not sure why Magmakita (A Fire/Ground Pokémon) has an Electric attack as it's signature move. To defeat super effective Water types? And holy crap, Orcane is unkillable! DAT BULK!Ooh, while we're posting ideas for Fakemon, here are some I made up that I'd like some opinions on:
Every time I see ya'll cry about Ice types, I feel weird. Poison gets it so much worse and no one talks like that about it.
Acids can eat through steel too, the hell is steel immune for![]()
Congrats! Looks greatWhoa, just hatched a shiny Rotom!
IVs aren't spectacular, but it's a god damn shiny Rotom!
Whelp need BP for Weakness Policy. Let's see how far DisQuake gets me in Super Doubles.
Whoa, just hatched a shiny Rotom!
IVs aren't spectacular, but it's a god damn shiny Rotom!
I'm not sure why Magmakita (A Fire/Ground Pokémon) has an Electric attack as it's signature move. To defeat super effective Water types? And holy crap, Orcane is unkillable! DAT BULK!
I need those Pokémon in my life.
They decided the organic variant of poison was the more definitive one, it seems. Metals don't give a crap about snake venom.