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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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I'm going to try and approach next week as objectively as possible, but I fear I might gladly be facialized by the GAF jizz
Yeah, part of me defending was more just so a differing opinion would come out (and it's fine for people to critique what they don't like and praise what they do), and as a lawyer I enjoy the practice on defending hard positions in hostile audiences...it's kind f fun. Though truthfully besides people being dumbasses and calling others Uncle Toms, it was really fine. I just don't want the blind fawning off Obama (of course my rule of critique and praise still is true), I enjoy joking more than jerking.

Then again I can't complain it's been a good day and night for me, but man does the m-14 pic joke always get a reaction.

Aka I really really want a Republican President because George W Bush made me a fortune and Obama has not
Didn't have to. He talked about his family, religion, and career. If he can get his likability up, and Obama's down, he's golden.

Exactly. Romney humanized himself on a national scale, which was something he was unable to do all year. Many people are saying the first half (which I saw) was disjointed, and I do agree. But the speechwriter was clearly covering a lot of important ground, and Romney delivered. Him tearing up talking about his father and kids was powerful stuff.

I don't expect Romney's negatives to turn around over night. But tonight Romney clearly passed the test of looking presidential. We'll see what happens next. But let's remember Romney can now spend his massive war chest, and if this upcoming jobs report is bad or even average (less than 140k jobs), Obama's camp is gonna get blasted


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
You guys honestly thought PD was gonna give anything but a favorable impression to Romney's speech?
already? link?

Minutes later, while Mr. Romney was making his speech accepting the Republican nomination as president, the campaign issued a statement explaining the presentation.

“Judging an American icon like Clint Eastwood through a typical political lens doesn’t work. His ad-libbing was a break from all the political speeches, and the crowd enjoyed it. He rightly pointed out that 23 million Americans out of work or underemployed is a national disgrace and it’s time for a change,” according to the campaign.

there ya go.


Exactly. Romney humanized himself on a national scale, which was something he was unable to do all year. Many people are saying the first half (which I saw) was disjointed, and I do agree. But the speechwriter was clearly covering a lot of important ground, and Romney delivered. Him tearing up talking about his father and kids was powerful stuff.

I don't expect Romney's negatives to turn around over night. But tonight Romney clearly passed the test of looking presidential. We'll see what happens next. But let's remember Romney can now spend his massive war chest, and if this upcoming jobs report is bad or even average (less than 140k jobs), Obama's camp is gonna get blasted

PD? I've taken enough. You're fucking stupid.
On topic, I think Michael Moore is crazy. As far as I know, Romney's ground operation is still way, way behind Obama's, because hey, GOTV is kind of Obama's thing. Is it his theory that Romney's going to slap down a bunch of campaign offices and organize and hire employees in the last month or so?


Yeah, I don't really see the connection either.

God dammnit, I missed a tag thread? *cries*

So anyway, Eastwood is either starting to go mentally or he just trolled the fuck out of the Republican convention. I see a good many ways he could have made that empty chair into a very powerful message, but instead, he just came off as a bit senile.
After watching many different media outlets, Rubio is easily the biggest loser of the night. He delivered the best speech and NOBODY is talking about it thanks to Clint Eastwood.


God dammnit, I missed a tag thread? *cries*

So anyway, Eastwood is either starting to go mentally or he just trolled the fuck out of the Republican convention. I see a good many ways he could have made that empty chair into a very powerful message, but instead, he just came off as a bit senile.

William Goldman moment. Clint Eastwood has been a major Hollywood star for half a century and an Oscar-winning director and producer for a decade or two. Can you imagine the last time somebody told him he had a bad idea? Reagan was probably still just another cowboy actor. This is epistemic closure at its most, uh, eloquent. In that sense it's actually a great representation for the Republican party.
Why are you so salty? Rub your ass with a block of ice and chill out like my nipples.

I'm half drunk, but PD's shtick is absolutely nothing but "well..." and "if this happens" "what if" scenarios. He's had a terrible political track record since fucking 2007. He's a master troll, but I'm fucking sick of it. He's being fucking DUMB now.


remember me
So I just watched Marco Rubio's full interview on the Daily Show, and I can't believe there's actually a Republican I actually kind of like. The guy's just charming as fuck, and even though I completely disagree with him on everything, he's just about the only Republican I've ever heard that can explain his positions in a way where you can see his thought process and how a rational person can get there, instead of just relying on talking points and lies. Democrats should be very very afraid if he ever gets the nomination.


So I just watched Marco Rubio's full interview on the Daily Show, and I can't believe there's actually a Republican I actually kind of like. The guy's just charming as fuck, and even though I completely disagree with him on everything, he's just about the only Republican I've ever heard that can explain his positions in a way where you can see his thought process and how a rational person can get there, instead of just relying on talking points and lies. Democrats should be very very afraid if he ever gets the nomination.
I'm still incredibly relieved that he wasn't tapped to be VP. He could've delivered Florida while instantly tightening/tipping-over a handful of swing states.
So I just watched Marco Rubio's full interview on the Daily Show, and I can't believe there's actually a Republican I actually kind of like. The guy's just charming as fuck, and even though I completely disagree with him on everything, he's just about the only Republican I've ever heard that can explain his positions in a way where you can see his thought process and how a rational person can get there, instead of just relying on talking points and lies. Democrats should be very very afraid if he ever gets the nomination.

I really like him too. Unfortunately, he has the disadvantage of being Hispanic. It'll take another...15 years before the GOP is okay with that.


Junior Member
So I just watched Marco Rubio's full interview on the Daily Show, and I can't believe there's actually a Republican I actually kind of like. The guy's just charming as fuck, and even though I completely disagree with him on everything, he's just about the only Republican I've ever heard that can explain his positions in a way where you can see his thought process and how a rational person can get there, instead of just relying on talking points and lies. Democrats should be very very afraid if he ever gets the nomination.

Republicans will never nominate a Hispanic for president, so I wouldn't worry too much.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Exactly. Romney humanized himself on a national scale, which was something he was unable to do all year. Many people are saying the first half (which I saw) was disjointed, and I do agree. But the speechwriter was clearly covering a lot of important ground, and Romney delivered. Him tearing up talking about his father and kids was powerful stuff.

I don't expect Romney's negatives to turn around over night. But tonight Romney clearly passed the test of looking presidential. We'll see what happens next. But let's remember Romney can now spend his massive war chest, and if this upcoming jobs report is bad or even average (less than 140k jobs), Obama's camp is gonna get blasted

When does a niggling irritation become an obsession?
Exactly. Romney humanized himself on a national scale, which was something he was unable to do all year. Many people are saying the first half (which I saw) was disjointed, and I do agree. But the speechwriter was clearly covering a lot of important ground, and Romney delivered. Him tearing up talking about his father and kids was powerful stuff.

I don't expect Romney's negatives to turn around over night. But tonight Romney clearly passed the test of looking presidential. We'll see what happens next. But let's remember Romney can now spend his massive war chest, and if this upcoming jobs report is bad or even average (less than 140k jobs), Obama's camp is gonna get blasted

PD you are as annoying as a rectal itch :)


Professional Schmuck
My thoughts on tonight
1. Clint -- terrifying. His inclusion is an unmitigated disaster that will seriously damage the campaign, if only because it overshadows the whole night. And if he wasn't a babbling, senile old man ranting at an empty chair, he was hilariously off-message and saying things that Romney is expressly against, like leaving Afghanistan. Also, before we all assume it wasn't sabotage, never forget: he actually said the words, "you don't have to vote for a person you don't really like."

Did I mention he's a libertarian? Ron Paul Strikes Back.

2. Rubio -- I actually thought this was the best speech of the night and possibly the convention. Great cadence, if not great thoughts. I think he eloquently expressed the general conservative sentiment, and he laid out the foundation -- like several others -- why he wants to run in 2016.

3. Romney -- I'm with PD. Honest, I swear it. It was a humanizing speech, or at least the first half was. The parts where he talked about his parents and the parts about being parents I genuinely connected with. For the first time he looked like an actual person up there, with real emotions, flaws, and dreams. That said, my defeatist/jealous/liberal self couldn't help but notice the number of videos the Romney family had growing up, which any poor family watching instantly recognized as something only rich kids had back then.

However, his joke about Obama trying to stop the oceans from rising is an unforgivable fuck-you to the world. What a callous, pompous, ridiculous asshole of a human to say that! And then the whole neocon war mongering bullshit had me rolling my eyes. This guy can't be serious.

All in all, the campaign really, really fucked up with Clint Eastwood (especially considering he had a speech written for him and he threw it aside before going on stage). Rubio looks like the first serious contender in 2016 and is probably the future of the Republican Party. And poor Mitt. He's real. Too bad he's a terrible person.
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