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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Paleocons loathe Lincoln and consider him to be one of history's worst villains. The "Party of Lincoln" motto is mostly embraced by neoconservatives (who endorsed Pres. Bush's legal approach to terrorist detainees by invoking Lincoln) and in the past by northern Rockefeller Republicans who were pro-civil rights during the 50s and 60s.

meh, i've seen the party of lincoln thrown around solely for the purpose of "hey, we freed slaves! black people should vote for us!". Now i'd guess that this doesn't really go against anything you said, but there really aren't enough paleocons in the public eye. To that point i think i specifically kept my comment to GOP, as i'm sure the current GOP has very little in common with a paleocon anyway
meh, i've seen the party of lincoln thrown around solely for the purpose of "hey, we freed slaves! black people should vote for us!". Now i'd guess that this doesn't really go against anything you said, but there really aren't enough paleocons in the public eye. To that point i think i specifically kept my comment to GOP, as i'm sure the current GOP has very little in common with a paleocon anyway
You're right, most times Lincoln is mentioned by republicans it's in that manner. It's similar to the game they play with MLK (he was a republican herp derp!).


My latest post for dHP is up. It focuses on the changing political landscape in West Virginia and the coming Senate election.


Less than a month after being re-elected to the House of Representatives for the seventh time in West Virginia’s second congressional district, Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito (R) announced that she plans to run for the United States Senate seat currently held by Senator Jay Rockefeller (D). Senator Rockefeller was first elected to the United States Senate in 1984 and has been re-elected with relative ease since then.

West Virginia spent much of the twentieth century being a stronghold for Democrats. In the seventeen Presidential elections from 1932 to 1996, West Virginia only voted for the Republican candidate three times. The last time a Republican was elected to the United States Senate for a full term in the state was when they elected W. Chapman Revercomb in 1942. Of the six elected positions in the executive branch, five of them are Democrats. Senator Joe Manchin was also recently elected to a full term with more than 60% of the vote.

But things have changed in West Virginia over time.

The last time the state voted for a Democratic candidate for President was 1996, and the state’s Congressional make-up has since gone from three Democrats and zero Republicans to two Republicans and one Democrat, Nick Rahall, who has seen his margin of victory decline over recent elections. From 1932 to 2004, one of the bluest counties in the state, Logan County, voted for the Democratic candidate in every single Presidential election, even during Richard Nixon’s blowout in 1972 and Ronald Reagan’s in 1984. This changed with the nomination of Barack Obama, where in 2012 we saw the Democratic candidate lose by a 40% margin. Barack Obama even lost the county during the primaries where he was basically uncontested to a convicted felon by a 10% margin.

In 2014, Senator Rockefeller will be 77 years old. In addition to his age, people speculated that he wouldn’t be running for a sixth term when he went against the state delegation by defending an effort by the Obama Administration to reduce mercury emissions from coal power plants. Politics in West Virginia over the past two election cycles have been filled with claims that Democrats are waging a “war on coal” and Rockefeller’s speech on the Senate floor gave the coal industry more fuel to add to the fire.

The question whether Rockefeller would seek re-election was put to rest earlier this month when he announced that he will not run for re-election in 2014. This results in what will be the first wide open full-term Senate race in West Virginia in nearly thirty years. The significant shift in the state’s party allegiance is definitely going to be felt. Earlier this week, a poll conducted by Harper Polling was released, showing Shelley Moore Capito with a demanding lead. When polled against 3rd District Congressman Nick Rahall, Capito leads him 50% to 31%. Against Carte Goodwin, the individual who held the late Robert C. Byrd’s vacant seat prior to the 2010 special election, Capito leads 53 percent to 19%.

Polls this early are typically nothing more than things to determine name recognition. In the Capito-Rahall race, 18% said they were not sure about who they would support. Between Capito and Goodwin, 27% said they were not sure. With numbers that large who are unsure, there’s definitely room for the race to tighten, but there’s no disputing that West Virginia’s political leanings have changed and that this will likely be one of the most closely-watched Senate races of next year’s mid-terms.


Obsidian fan

That statement by Rand Paul was just retarded. He wouldn't fire his own secretary of state if Benghazi happened during his presidency so the point is moot. It's just a way to insult Hillary Clinton.
Benghazi is a pre-emptive strike against Hillary in 2016 by GOP. It started out as wannabe-scandal for Obama but when that got roflstomped in the debates, Hillary became the focus of it. Needless to say, GOP has accomplished it's job and has the mainstream media wagging it's tail like a loser dog waiting for scraps, and they're sure to bring it up in 2015 as she is running. "We know that Hillary Clinton is highly accomplished and more than suitable for the job of Presidency, but Benghazi." - Wolf Blitzer, March 2015.
Benghazi is a pre-emptive strike against Hillary in 2016 by GOP. It started out as wannabe-scandal for Obama but when that got roflstomped in the debates, Hillary became the focus of it. Needless to say, GOP has accomplished it's job and has the mainstream media wagging it's tail like a loser dog waiting for scraps, and they're sure to bring it up in 2015 as she is running. "We know that Hillary Clinton is highly accomplished and more than suitable for the job of Presidency, but Benghazi." - Wolf Blitzer, March 2015.

I don't think they succeeded at all.


The Autumn Wind
Benghazi is a pre-emptive strike against Hillary in 2016 by GOP. It started out as wannabe-scandal for Obama but when that got roflstomped in the debates, Hillary became the focus of it. Needless to say, GOP has accomplished it's job and has the mainstream media wagging it's tail like a loser dog waiting for scraps, and they're sure to bring it up in 2015 as she is running. "We know that Hillary Clinton is highly accomplished and more than suitable for the job of Presidency, but Benghazi." - Wolf Blitzer, March 2015.

I don't think they succeeded at all.
Worked like a charm on my mother.

Of course, she's your typical Fox News viewer, so no surprise there.

What movie is this, I need to know!
Master of Disguise
Yea you could sense republicans were venting 20 years of anger at her. It must disgust them that she is universally loved and respected now. I hope she rests well over the next couple years...

As long as Obama doesn't fuck up over the next four years she's a lock. Assuming she runs. The last thing I want to see is Cuomo losing a tight election to Chris Christie because of low dem motivation.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Okay, since no one cares about my dead relative, have some of this instead:

An investigation report of complaints about one Rapid City Alderman were released Tuesday night by the Rapid City Council, giving ward one alderman Bill Clayton a chance for what he calls redemption.

In September 2012 a written complaint was filed against Alderman Bill Clayton for comments he allegedly made about city council member Charity Doyle at a "Wingnut" Luncheon. The complaint says that Clayton singled out Doyle and ridiculed her by questioning her mental fitness to serve on the Rapid City Council.

The second complaint was an e–mail from KOTA News reporter Taisha Walker, who is African American. Walker says during a phone conversation with Clayton in late August 2012, he asked her if she should be deported back to Kenya with Obama.

Clayton apologized for his comment to Walker, and says he didn't know who she was or what she looked like at the time of the conversation.



Hey PoliGaf,

I've been watching a lot of Rand Paul speeches on his YouTube channel lately and frankly I love almost all of his ideas. I think he's the candidate the GOP needs to be relevant again.

Any reasons why gaffers don't like him? Whats the general consensus?

And what are the chances he runs in 2016?

Well, to start off, with a name like Rand, there could be a good reason to think his views might be detrimental to society.


Hey PoliGaf,

I've been watching a lot of Rand Paul speeches on his YouTube channel lately and frankly I love almost all of his ideas. I think he's the candidate the GOP needs to be relevant again.

Any reasons why gaffers don't like him? Whats the general consensus?

And what are the chances he runs in 2016?

Rand Paul is on record as saying he would've voted against the Civil Rights Act.

In that sense he's a lot like his father, really, and I expect him to be just as relevant.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
meh, i've seen the party of lincoln thrown around solely for the purpose of "hey, we freed slaves! black people should vote for us!". Now i'd guess that this doesn't really go against anything you said, but there really aren't enough paleocons in the public eye. To that point i think i specifically kept my comment to GOP, as i'm sure the current GOP has very little in common with a paleocon anyway

Republicans trying to appeal to voters associate the party with Lincoln for many reasons, not just trying to score points with blacks. Dems who abhor Japanese internment still claim FDR's mantle. Some figures transcend politics and become symbols.

The tea party is paleocon. It is true that they don't have many visible spokespeople in the party establishment at this point.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Hey PoliGaf,

I've been watching a lot of Rand Paul speeches on his YouTube channel lately and frankly I love almost all of his ideas. I think he's the candidate the GOP needs to be relevant again.

Any reasons why gaffers don't like him? Whats the general consensus?

And what are the chances he runs in 2016?

This is a joke right? Doesn't he still believe in the gold standard?


Republicans trying to appeal to voters associate the party with Lincoln for many reasons, not just trying to score points with blacks. Dems who abhor Japanese internment still claim FDR's mantle. Some figures transcend politics and become symbols.

The tea party is paleocon. It is true that they don't have many visible spokespeople in the party establishment at this point.

Democrats today support FDR because of a majority of his policies. Lincoln, policy-wise, couldn't be further apart from today's GOP.
Thanks for the responses. I do think he'll run for the nomination but chances that he'll win will probably be about the same as his father's.

I thought he'd get a little more love here. His opposition to things like the Patriot Act are absolutely commendable in my mind.

Obviously calling Benghazi the worst thing since 9/11 is completely ridiculous though haha


The Cryptarch's Bane
Really sorry to hear about your cousin Oblivion.
Thanks for the responses. I do think he'll run for the nomination but chances that he'll win will probably be about the same as his father's.

I thought he'd get a little more love here. His opposition to things like the Patriot Act are absolutely commendable in my mind.

Obviously calling Benghazi the worst thing since 9/11 is completely ridiculous though haha
He would have voted against the Iraq War too and opposes mandatory minimums for drug sentencing. That's more or less it, though. He scores points for basic libertarian principles but he's atrocious in terms of actual politicking especially on social issues.
Paul is opposed to abortion and supports a Human Life Amendment and a Life at Conception Act.[124][125][126] He also opposes abortion in cases of rape and incest,[127] but supports use of the morning-after pill.[128] He opposes federal funding for abortion.[125] He takes a states' rights position, favoring the overturn of Roe v. Wade
Opposed to same-sex marriage, any government involvement in healthcare whatsoever, ANY gun control, and wants to eliminate the DoE, etc...
Thanks for the responses. I do think he'll run for the nomination but chances that he'll win will probably be about the same as his father's.

I thought he'd get a little more love here. His opposition to things like the Patriot Act are absolutely commendable in my mind.

Obviously calling Benghazi the worst thing since 9/11 is completely ridiculous though haha

Libertarians tend to agree with modern liberals on social issues. So in that regard, there's more common ground between a dem and a libertarian than a dem and a repub. However, dems are so so scared of a libertarian's view of ecomonmic policy that any common ground is quickly looked past.
Thanks for the responses. I do think he'll run for the nomination but chances that he'll win will probably be about the same as his father's.

I thought he'd get a little more love here. His opposition to things like the Patriot Act are absolutely commendable in my mind.

Obviously calling Benghazi the worst thing since 9/11 is completely ridiculous though haha

Like his father, he's very good on civil rights, but absolutely crazy on everything else. I remember the time he said universal healthcare would turn doctors into slaves. There's a version of the video that shows Bernie's reaction – the face he make says, "What the fuck?" – as Rand makes his idiotic statement, but this one shows Bernie making Rand look like the fool that he is.
Like his father, he's very good on civil rights, but absolutely crazy on everything else. I remember the time he said universal healthcare would turn doctors into slaves. There's a version of the video that shows Bernie's reaction – the face he make says, "What the fuck?" – as Rand makes his idiotic statement, but this one shows Bernie properly making Rand look like the fool he is.

His father does a good job of appearing like he's good on civil rights at least. He hides behind states rights on a lot of issues.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Democrats today support FDR because of a majority of his policies. Lincoln, policy-wise, couldn't be further apart from today's GOP.

Plenty of what FDR had to go along with to keep Southern Dems behind him would be anathema now.It doesn't matter because the symbol of FDR is what people remember, not the details.

Plus, you're talking about different worlds between policy debates now and in the 1860s. Its not that hard to fit Lincoln in the tent unless you're a paleocon.
Hey PoliGaf,

I've been watching a lot of Rand Paul speeches on his YouTube channel lately and frankly I love almost all of his ideas. I think he's the candidate the GOP needs to be relevant again.

Any reasons why gaffers don't like him? Whats the general consensus?

And what are the chances he runs in 2016?

What ideas of his do you like? Because I mostly think his ideas are bad, but it's hard to know without knowing what appeals to you.

Well, this sucks.

Just found out one of my cousins just died. Makes it even worse considering my mom spoke to him just yesterday and he said he was perfectly fine.

This has not been my week. :(

Damn, dude. Sorry to hear that. Condolences. :(


The twitter bar on MSNBC tells me that the Virginia electoral college scheme is 'doomed.' Two repubs are now against.

Also sorry to hear.
Like his father, he's very good on civil rights, but absolutely crazy on everything else. I remember the time he said universal healthcare would turn doctors into slaves. There's a version of the video that shows Bernie's reaction – the face he make says, "What the fuck?" – as Rand makes his idiotic statement, but this one shows Bernie making Rand look like the fool that he is.

I'm a Ron Paul fan (though not as much of a libertarian as I used to be) and Rand Paul is a libertarian-tinged Tea Party nut. Ron Paul was not very partisan but Rand wants to be just another member of the GOP club.


That girl in the bunny hat
Sometimes, like opposing the Patriot Act, but most of that post was to highlight his craziness on every other issue.

Libertarians are all about not infringing on any rights. But they're also all about not protecting any rights.


Obsidian fan
Ron Paul is a states rights activist. I wouldn't be surprised if his dipshit son just parrots whatever his dad poured into his head.
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