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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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This is such a cynical and shortsighted view in my opinion.
You're giving it too much credit.
It's a view that taken at face value (and not as a deflection tactic to make sure we don't change our gun laws even on bit, which is what it really is) it claims that criminals invalidates the law they're breaking; I'm sure even the world biggest gun fan can agree this is a silly notion.


Gun control = racism


'government staged mass-shootings'

I said it before and I will say it again, the easiest way to gun control laws in this country is to have some Black Panther looking people* exercising their 2nd amendment right to carry assault rifles and Uzis in shopping malls.

* which for large chunks of America is every black people whose name doesn't rhyme with Bussell Wilson.


Does the whitelist change that rapidly?
White America is fickle.
(plus one you've been introduced to the notion that he looks like is Carlton Banks, the idea just grab hold of your mind).

What happened to that Griffin guy?

He is destined to bring peace between the two hemispheres.



Is there any outrage or outcry bubbling up around the John Kerry nomination?

I was in a thread discussing the CT shootings on another forum when someone started complaining about how the liberal media is not generating sufficient outcry over Kerry being nominated for Secretary of State. I assumed they were insane, but maybe I'm just not looking in the right corners of the internet to find the Kerry-related outrage.


I hate visiting my parents and I hate listening to my family's shitty political discussions.

Questioning why every Democrat brought up is an "asshole" probably isn't the best way to make conversation with my father.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Is there any outrage or outcry bubbling up around the John Kerry nomination?

I was in a thread discussing the CT shootings on another forum when someone started complaining about how the liberal media is not generating sufficient outcry over Kerry being nominated for Secretary of State. I assumed they were insane, but maybe I'm just not looking in the right corners of the internet to find the Kerry-related outrage.

Haven't really heard too much backlash over the Kerry nom (though that's mainly cause it opens up a senate seat), however let's not forget that Kerry faked his war record and shot himself in the leg to get a purple heart.
I said it before and I will say it again, the easiest way to gun control laws in this country is to have some Black Panther looking people* exercising their 2nd amendment right to carry assault rifles and Uzis in shopping malls.

* which for large chunks of America is every black people whose name doesn't rhyme with Bussell Wilson.

Since your post is so specific, I assume you're referencing why California adopted such stringent Republican-sponsored gun control legislation.



Well, that doesn't sound good. I'm guessing this guy is Hawaii's Ben Nelson?

I mean, he's not that bad, sorry, I guess I overreacted. But I don't understand why Abercrombie would appoint a guy who is essentially some random haole, especially given the immense difficulty of changing incumbents in Hawaii -- more than likely he'll be in there for the next twenty years. Doesn't Congress have enough middle-aged white guys from the other 49 states?


Since your post is so specific, I assume you're referencing why California adopted such stringent Republican-sponsored gun control legislation.

Actually, I was not aware of the history of the Californian gun control legislation, but it sounds like an interesting subject to read about, thanks!

I was mostly referencing Incident at 66.6 FM (ZOMG FAKE UZIs THINK OF THE KIDS!) but then again, I always subscribed to the school of thought that the government draws its legitimacy not so much from the consent of the governed, but from Chuck D.
Actually, I was not aware of the history of the Californian gun control legislation, but it sounds like an interesting subject to read about, thanks!

I was mostly referencing Incident at 66.6 FM (ZOMG FAKE UZIs THINK OF THE KIDS!) but then again, I always subscribed to the school of thought that the government draws its legitimacy not so much from the consent of the governed, but from Chuck D.

It is interesting indeed.


Don Mulford, a conservative Republican state assemblyman from Alameda County, which includes Oakland, was determined to end the Panthers’ police patrols. To disarm the Panthers, he proposed a law that would prohibit the carrying of a loaded weapon in any California city. When Newton found out about this, he told Seale, “You know what we’re going to do? We’re going to the Capitol.” Seale was incredulous. “The Capitol?” Newton explained: “Mulford’s there, and they’re trying to pass a law against our guns, and we’re going to the Capitol steps.” Newton’s plan was to take a select group of Panthers “loaded down to the gills,” to send a message to California lawmakers about the group’s opposition to any new gun control.

THE PANTHERS’ METHODS provoked an immediate backlash. The day of their statehouse protest, lawmakers said the incident would speed enactment of Mulford’s gun-control proposal. Mulford himself pledged to make his bill even tougher, and he added a provision barring anyone but law enforcement from bringing a loaded firearm into the state capitol.

Republicans in California eagerly supported increased gun control. Governor Reagan told reporters that afternoon that he saw “no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons.” He called guns a “ridiculous way to solve problems that have to be solved among people of good will.” In a later press conference, Reagan said he didn’t “know of any sportsman who leaves his home with a gun to go out into the field to hunt or for target shooting who carries that gun loaded.” The Mulford Act, he said, “would work no hardship on the honest citizen.”

The fear inspired by black people with guns also led the United States Congress to consider new gun restrictions, after the summer of 1967 brought what the historian Harvard Sitkoff called the “most intense and destructive wave of racial violence the nation had ever witnessed.” Devastating riots engulfed Detroit and Newark. Police and National Guardsmen who tried to help restore order were greeted with sniper fire.

A 1968 federal report blamed the unrest at least partly on the easy availability of guns. Because rioters used guns to keep law enforcement at bay, the report’s authors asserted that a recent spike in firearms sales and permit applications was “directly related to the actuality and prospect of civil disorders.” They drew “the firm conclusion that effective firearms controls are an essential contribution to domestic peace and tranquility.”

Political will in Congress reached the critical point around this time. In April of 1968, James Earl Ray, a virulent racist, used a Remington Gamemaster deer rifle to kill Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis, Tennessee. King’s assassination—and the sniper fire faced by police trying to quell the resulting riots—gave gun-control advocates a vivid argument. Two months later, a man wielding a .22-caliber Iver Johnson Cadet revolver shot Robert F. Kennedy in Los Angeles. The very next day, Congress passed the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, the first federal gun-control law in 30 years. Months later, the Gun Control Act of 1968 amended and enlarged it.

Together, these laws greatly expanded the federal licensing system for gun dealers and clarified which people—including anyone previously convicted of a felony, the mentally ill, illegal-drug users, and minors—were not allowed to own firearms. More controversially, the laws restricted importation of “Saturday Night Specials”—the small, cheap, poor-quality handguns so named by Detroit police for their association with urban crime, which spiked on weekends. Because these inexpensive pistols were popular in minority communities, one critic said the new federal gun legislation “was passed not to control guns but to control blacks.”

Once again shows that Ronald Reagan would have no prominent place in the modern Republican Party.
What they're going to do is go over the cliff, wait until the new, more Democratic congress is in session and then fix it.

I'm not sure what the point of the Geithner letter is. It seems politically motivated though. He just figured out a few hours ago that suddenly we'll go over the debt limit in 5 days? If true they should've known about it for months.


The Autumn Wind
I hate visiting my parents and I hate listening to my family's shitty political discussions.

Questioning why every Democrat brought up is an "asshole" probably isn't the best way to make conversation with my father.
You and me both. My mom has managed to surround herself with crazies just as bad as her. All I heard all night was how Obsma stole the election, he's planning on changing the Constitution and running for a third term, Hillary faked her concussion so she can avoid testifying and run for president in 2016 (Yes, apparently, both Obama and Hillary will be running in 2016), armed guards should be at every school, along with all teachers and faculty members being armed, violent videogames and movies are the cause of shootings, etc.

Pretty much Fox News' greatest hits. Needless to say, I was drinking heavily.


You and me both. My mom has managed to surround herself with crazies just as bad as her. All I heard all night was how Obsma stole the election, he's planning on changing the Constitution and running for a third term, Hillary faked her concussion so she can avoid testifying and run for president in 2016 (Yes, apparently, both Obama and Hillary will be running in 2016), armed guards should be at every school, along with all teachers and faculty members being armed, violent videogames and movies are the cause of shootings, etc.

Pretty much Fox News' greatest hits. Needless to say, I was drinking heavily.

"He's an asshole" "She's an asshole"

"...why? Can you explain why these people are "assoles" and cite sources on why they are toxic to the country compared to their Republican counterparts?"

And thus, the great Ivysaur Family Shit Fit of the day after Christmas.
"He's an asshole" "She's an asshole"

"...why? Can you explain why these people are "assoles" and cite sources on why they are toxic to the country compared to their Republican counterparts?"

And thus, the great Ivysaur Family Shit Fit of the day after Christmas.
I know how annoying it can get. Especially with the conspiracy theories. When you try to debunk them, they look at you like you're a poor puppy dog oblivious to everything that's around you.


The Autumn Wind
"He's an asshole" "She's an asshole"

"...why? Can you explain why these people are "assoles" and cite sources on why they are toxic to the country compared to their Republican counterparts?"

And thus, the great Ivysaur Family Shit Fit of the day after Christmas.
As much as I wanted to push back, I was severely outnumbered and it's not like logic works on these people. I just remembered that their "champion" congressman Allen West lost and that was consolation enough.


No Scrubs
I know how annoying it can get. Especially with the conspiracy theories. When you try to debunk them, they look at you like you're a poor puppy dog oblivious to everything that's around you.

That's the worst part. I can correct my relatives on most science stuff, not climate change though (but lord knows I try), but hearsay is better that the best reporting for people sometimes. I had my aunt try and convince me that a surgeon would be making $50 for an 8 hour shift once the ACA gets into full swing. Try and explain that no that isn't how it works and they look at you and shake their heads and cite some doctor you've never met (that probably doesn't exist).


I know how annoying it can get. Especially with the conspiracy theories. When you try to debunk them, they look at you like you're a poor puppy dog oblivious to everything that's around you.

"Where'd you get that from? Mother Jones?!"

Fuck you. Go fuck yourself. No, seriously. You fucking lazy selfish asshole who is too concerned with your family's history as voting Republican before opening your fucking eyes and looking at the excretion that is the modern day Republican party. This makes me embarrassed to be your son. And I'm gay, you asshole. If you do no research and are a low information voter who makes their decisions on Fox News heresy, you deserve whatever you get.

Aaaaaand vented.


I feel you, ivy. I love my mother; I just don't like her.

Yup. Would do anything for my dad with a drop of a hat. But I do not like him because of his inability to grasp the slightest minutia of reality.

Therapy GAF. I need this every December.


"Where'd you get that from? Mother Jones?!"

Fuck you. Go fuck yourself. No, seriously. You fucking lazy selfish asshole who is too concerned with your family's history as voting Republican before opening your fucking eyes and looking at the excretion that is the modern day Republican party. This makes me embarrassed to be your son. And I'm gay, you asshole. If you do no research and are a low information voter who makes their decisions on Fox News heresy, you deserve whatever you get.

Aaaaaand vented.
So you did get it from mother jones, then.


So you did get it from mother jones, then.

I honestly don't think I've ever been to Mother Jones' website on my own volition. Maybe a link here or there, but I try to avoid the echo chamber (irony: I am on PoliGAF. I know, just go with it).

(The argument was on the ACA's impact on small businesses on if it will affect businesses who hire under a certain amount of employees)


Is this gaf family Christmas therapy time? Because I need it right now. My mother in law is in the middle of her 2 week stay with us and she is basically completely racist. The rants she has about Mexicans....... This shits embarrassing. My wife calls her out and she just ignores us thinking she's right.
You and me both. My mom has managed to surround herself with crazies just as bad as her. All I heard all night was how Obsma stole the election, he's planning on changing the Constitution and running for a third term, Hillary faked her concussion so she can avoid testifying and run for president in 2016 (Yes, apparently, both Obama and Hillary will be running in 2016), armed guards should be at every school, along with all teachers and faculty members being armed, violent videogames and movies are the cause of shootings, etc.

Pretty much Fox News' greatest hits. Needless to say, I was drinking heavily.
I've been dry for a while (trying to lose some weight) but that would certainly get me to crack open some cold ones.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Is this gaf family Christmas therapy time? Because I need it right now. My mother in law is in the middle of her 2 week stay with us and she is basically completely racist. The rants she has about Mexicans....... This shits embarrassing. My wife calls her out and she just ignores us thinking she's right.
Your wife needs to woman up and tell her mom that as long as she is in her house, she needs to keep her racist thoughts to herself :/


I always chuckle at all of your dysfunctional families. All of my family, immediate and extended, is quite liberal. Dinner time is basically all of us just ragging on Conservatives and the direction of the country. Shiiiiit, we all get on Obama's case as well for being a Conservative by any other name in many aspects. I mean, it's basically Poligaf there but with more alcohol, swearing, and jesting.

Even my ultra-social conservative mother is somewhat liberal nowadays after she realized the Republican party has been co-opted by racists for decades now and their economic plan has been to disenfranchise the minority and poor. She still retains a little bit of that social fundamentalist attitude though, so I don't push her on subjects like gay marriage or abortion. But we'll bust through that barrier eventually. She softens up on it every year.


The Autumn Wind
Man, you guys have it bad. The worst I had to deal with was my dad reciting MSNBC's talking points. XD
Thankfully for me, I spend Christmas Eve with my mother, which means I get to wash the horrible taste out of my mouth with my father's much more sensible family on Christmas Day.
My family has a family owned business and it can be pretty frustrating. They have never and will never acknowledge that the best they did was under Clinton. It's always straight R across the ticket for them. I hate when politics gets brought up during the holidays because it is like arguing with a brick wall.
so I woke up today to find my dad sent an email to my immediate family with a link to some Reason "hurf durf the climate hasn't warmed since 1998" thing

(immediately sent a rebuttal including all five temperature records, along with a helpful reminder that the US was not the world)


I had to deal with some casual racism and homophobia from my dad... Apparently my wife heard my dad call Obama the N word. I'm really kind of surprised at that. Didn't think he was that brazen... And when we had company he got one of my little cousins to start ridiculing my parents' dog for having a "gay bark" over and over. My dad told him how he does it to the dog, and the dog gets riled up from it.

I swear if I have kids and they spend the day at grandma and grandpa's and come back ridiculing anything for having a gay anything at all, I'm going to flip my shit.
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