Do people just see the word "BANKS" and get triggered?

Do people just see the word "BANKS" and get triggered?
Do people just see the word "BANKS" and get triggered?
Do people just see the word "BANKS" and get triggered?
People are over reacting to that. It isn't a big deal. But I still stand by that I don't believe he'll actually push for or fully get behind this agenda Hillary and other dems have said they are committing to.
Do people just see the word "BANKS" and get triggered?
It's kind of frustrating because I feel like liberals sometimes interpret any regulation as good regulation which plays into the republican hand of saying democrats just want to stifle business. There is a lot of shitty regulation out there which means well, but doesn't actually provide any benefit to the American people.
First off, I think that's stupid. Biden was always one of the more conservative Democrats and he got behind Obama.
Did you even consider the optics of this post before submitting it?People who say "optics" I'm pretty sure are dumb. They talk about optics because they don't understand substance.
First off, I think that's stupid. Biden was always one of the more conservative Democrats and he got behind Obama.
First off, I think that's stupid. Biden was always one of the more conservative Democrats and he got behind Obama.
Nope not at all, my issue was that a poster said Kaine speaks Spanish so he checks a box and would automatically be able to excite Latinos. Again this isn't just about this election it's about future elections this is about locking in an ever growing voter bloc for years.
People are over reacting to that. It isn't a big deal. But I still stand by that I don't believe he'll actually push for or fully get behind this agenda Hillary and other dems have said they are committing to.
Yes, this is true of most left wing voters. Banks and corporations might as well be the Mexicans and terrorists of the Democratic Party.
First off, I think that's stupid. Biden was always one of the more conservative Democrats and he got behind Obama.
Did we expect the same of Joe Biden back in 2008? Picking Biden didn't influence my opinion of Obama at all one way or the other nor can I say I particularly remember the Democratic platform from 8 years ago. This feels like a big nothing-burger.
It's ironic because I feel there's a lot of pressure on Clinton to pick someone "historic," but it's like, she's the first female major party nominee. She's already broken a rather significant barrier, but she's been in politics for like a million years so hardly anyone thinks it's as big a deal.I suspect a lot of people have already forgotten about what kind of a Democrat Biden was presented as in 2008.
Also, because Clinton ran against the most liberal senator in the primaries, people see her as a conservative democrat, (Even though her track record provides evidence to the contrary that she is in fact quite liberal when held among her peers.) So now that Clinton is trying to pick a VP who would appeal to the more conservative democrats people see them both as a neocons, and instantly lash out whenever something doesn't meet their own standards of liberalism.
It's political purity tests at their finest imo.
The haptics of Kaine are terrible
The climate was different 8 years ago. We were coming off of 8 years of a republican, not a democrat. So picking a centrist Dem like Biden was not as off-putting to much of the democratic base that it might possibly be today. A guy who ran as a socialist came in second this cycle, because people are desperate and want bigger change and feel the need that the government has to push through massive legislation. Bernie would have gotten less votes than Ron Paul if he ran 8 years ago.
Yes, hopefully this position isn't actually used and doesn't come into play but the choice here is assuming something does. There has unquestionably been energy on both sides to "break from the norm" or push farther, either right or left. I don't have faith that Kaine will be a guy anyone is happy with should he actually get the call and become President.
With what's happening in Germany, don't expect a VP announcement today.
A law or new regulations would need to pass, I think.This bank & finance talk makes me remember a question I had earlier, what can realistically be done about the citizens united case after Hillary's in office? Is it just "appoint liberal justices and wait for a campaign finance case to be brought up so the supreme court can repeal it?"
Yes. Constitutional amendment/legislation route is near impossible.This bank & finance talk makes me remember a question I had earlier, what can realistically be done about the citizens united case after Hillary's in office? Is it just "appoint liberal justices and wait for a campaign finance case to be brought up so the supreme court can repeal it?"
With what's happening in Germany, don't expect a VP announcement today.
With what's happening in Germany, don't expect a VP announcement today.
There's shootings every day in the U.S. You think one in Germany is going to stop an announcement?
All these shootings help Trump, he is telling people to be scared and this shit will scare them.
That's a Trump move. Clinton is not going to delay for a foreign event.
Orlando was carried out by a Muslim individual pledging allegiance to ISIS, happened in our country and killed 50 people. Not to be so blunt but it was practically gift wrapped for any competent Republican candidate.All these shootings help Trump, he is telling people to be scared and this shit will scare them.
If he's the VP pick, he'll just get a private flight out tonight.Kaine spent about 30 minutes to an hour lounging around the Boston airport after deplaning before leaving, maybe waiting for a call. Warren remains the only person in Orlando.
lol convention bounceSo did his AA numbers drop from 0% to -13%?
A+ post.
I was going to argue with this more but I need the energy today.
I understand where you're coming from with being doubtful about Kaine. I am not 100% happy with the pick either. But honestly the truth is I really don't know shit about Kaine or why Hillary wants to pick him.
Unlike Trump, Hillary's campaign is actually organized. My expectation is that they will make the case in the next week, if it's Kaine, to fully explain exactly why Kaine is the right pick -- including, I have no doubt, a very public backtracking on abortion rights.
I'm going to give Hillary the chance to convince me that this is the right decision. If she can't do it, that's on her.
It's gonna be Kaine. She already made her pick. They're not appearing together until tomorrow.
Orlando was carried out by a Muslim individual pledging allegiance to ISIS, happened in our country and killed 50 people. Not to be so blunt but it was practically gift wrapped for any competent Republican candidate.
It didn't help him.
Give this a rest. Trump does not have the political acumen to capitalize on anything. The only thing that's helped him recently is Clinton's email snafu.
Orlando was carried out by a Muslim individual pledging allegiance to ISIS, happened in our country and killed 50 people. Not to be so blunt but it was practically gift wrapped for any competent Republican candidate.
EDIT: I take it back. I think the gun control didn't work in this scenario because this is an organized terrorism incident where guns have been smuggled in from Eastern Europe and the middle east. People who live in Germany probably have an extraordinarily hard time getting guns, themselves. Gun control works!It's terrible that these shootings are happening more in Europe now, but I will say it is notable that the more serious gun control regimes have not apparently been sufficient to prevent them from happening.
I think this matters significantly less than you think it does.A shooting in a LGBT club vs. in a mall will affect the people he is targeting very differently.