This a new poll or yesterday's poll?syllogism said:Interesting, Obama up by 3 (49-46) on Rasmussen
If it's a new poll, then that's looking not so good for Johnny.
This a new poll or yesterday's poll?syllogism said:Interesting, Obama up by 3 (49-46) on Rasmussen
It's a shame the guy thinks all of these proposals are negatives.Nicodimas said:
AniHawk said:This a new poll or yesterday's poll?
If it's a new poll, then that's looking not so good for Johnny.
Ouch.gkrykewy said:New poll, yesterday was 2
kevm3 said:the Dems have to get her now. Why do you think the republicans shooed her away to Alaska and has her avoiding interviews? So they can 'train her' so that she'll have a positive narrative in the media. Do NOT depend on the media to handle Palin. They can change directions immediately. I'm not saying to completely focus on Palin, but you need to knock her while knocking McCain. McCain can't win without Palin, so you take her out of the game, and you take the election. There are ways to attack her without looking 'scared'. Just simply point out areas where she's not competent.
gkrykewy said:New poll, yesterday was 2
Thunder Monkey said:I can only hope some of Palin's blatant racism can get into the public eye.
AniHawk said:...Oh.
Why can't Obama close the deal?!!!
Cheebs said:Guys keep an eye on this site today:
They started doing tracking polls as of yesterday (haven't updated yet today, they update in the afternoon)
FD is interviewing no fewer than 300 registered voters nationwide each day up to Election Day.
Uh 900-1000ish for a 3 day poll is the norm. Gallup/Rasmussen are the only 2 who really go beyond that.Amir0x said:.
I think I'd rather NOT keep an eye on it.
AniHawk said:Wow. That Steele guy is a piece of shit.
yeah. why aim for an already low number and go even lower! learning of this, my soon-to-be started polling service will only use a sample size of 50 people.Cheebs said:Uh 900-1000ish for a 3 day poll is the norm. Gallup/Rasmussen are the only 2 who really go beyond that.
capslock said:Ok, I am trying to understand what in that clip made Steele a piece of shit (if we are both looking at the same clip, the torture round table one), he barely got to speak.
capslock said:Ok, I am trying to understand what in that clip made Steele a piece of shit (if we are both looking at the same clip, the torture round table one), he barely got to speak.
AniHawk said:There were three parts of the round table in separate videos. He says at one point, "Vice President Palin," *turns to crowd* "get used to it" and also defends the community organizer bashing. He also goes on to say that Barack didn't give specifics when he gave his speech, unlike John McCain, who did.
scorcho said:yeah. why aim for an already low number and go even lower! learning of this, my soon-to-be started polling service will only use a sample size of 50 people.
You can all stop hyperventilating now.
After yesterday's polls showed little sign of Republican momentum, today's polls -- which incorporate reaction to Sarah Palin's speech for the first time -- now show some bounce toward John McCain. You can fill out basically every square in the 'B' column of your bingo card with the national polls today: CBS now shows a tie; Rasmussen shows the race tightening to 2 points (down from 5 yesterday); the Economist shows it at 3 points, Gallup at 4 (down from 7), Democracy Corps at 5, and the brand-new, Diageo-Hotline tracking poll at 6.
God bless you young man.Macam said:The new Real Time w/Bill Maher is up. That's the opening segment; check the same user's other videos for the rest.
is there a graphic for Obama's record in the US Senate?Gantz said:
Incognito said:
Agree. But I'll still take it.Cheebs said:Regardless, I don't think we can really celebrate or make any predictions on post-RNC bump till monday at the soonest.
It's going to be okay.AniHawk said:Oh kickass man. Much thanks.
SpeedingUptoStop said:is there a graphic for Obama's record in the US Senate?
so awesome!!!!!!!!Incognito said:Change in Voter Registration
Look at those numbers.
Some more numbers not included in the chart:
North Carolina: 20,363 Republicans, 171,955 Democrats, 123,605 Unaffiliated
From January 5 to August 30
Src: January 5, August 30
Thanks. Just needed mroe solid proof he was far more qualified than Palin.Gantz said:
so_awes said:so awesome!!!!!!!!
Incognito said:
Uncooked said:I wouldn't get too excited, most of those numbers come from people signing up through ACORN and other types of organizations who just have people walk around badgering you to sign up. It takes about 1 minute to sign it to get the annoying person away from you and you are done. They are supposed to call your number and verify the information but if you don't pick up or it is a fake number they still push it through anyways.
gkrykewy said:Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Uncooked said:I wouldn't get too excited, most of those numbers come from people signing up through ACORN and other types of organizations who just have people walk around badgering you to sign up. It takes about 1 minute to sign it to get the annoying person away from you and you are done. They are supposed to call your number and verify the information but if you don't pick up or it is a fake number they still push it through anyways.
hahahahahahahahahahaUncooked said:I wouldn't get too excited, most of those numbers come from people signing up through ACORN and other types of organizations who just have people walk around badgering you to sign up. It takes about 1 minute to sign it to get the annoying person away from you and you are done. They are supposed to call your number and verify the information but if you don't pick up or it is a fake number they still push it through anyways.
Yeah, they Senate in particular is really ugly for republicans. Democrats will pick up 4 seats without breaking a sweat and have another 4+ they could easily get. Republicans have zero pickup chances. I doubt they'll hit 60, but they should get close enough that they can easily peel away moderates for it not to matter. I really hope we get to see Franken and Hagan in the senate. Sadly I don't think Kleeb or Noriega have a chance at this point though. 538 tracks the Senate races.BigJonsson said:Are the Dems still expected to come out with a crushing victory in the Congress and Senate races?
Seriously, McCain pretty much has to run the table in battleground states in order to win. Obama has a lot of outs, VA, CO, OH, and FL could each do it, since NM and Iowa are basically back already. Other states could do it to, but if Obama wins those we're already looking at a pretty epic blowout.Son of Godzilla said:Really? Give McCain Ohio and Florida, because I mean really. IIRC all Obama has to do to lose is not convert Missouri, Colorado, or Nevada. The popular vote might be clear, but the election is far from determined.
GhaleonEB said:hahahahahahahahahaha
Uncooked said:Huh? To explain, I re-registered with ACORN when I moved since I work downtown, and they are everywhere signing up a ton of people. I did not verify my information but everything still went through and I know other people where the same thing happened. Now you can explain why you are such a jerk.
Uncooked said:I wouldn't get too excited, most of those numbers come from people signing up through ACORN and other types of organizations who just have people walk around badgering you to sign up. It takes about 1 minute to sign it to get the annoying person away from you and you are done.
Uncooked said:Nice counter, glad you back it up with facts or anecdotes. No wonder I don't see any independents, republicans, or third party supporters in here. Don't worry guys, what I meant to say is that Obama is the best ever.
Uncooked said:Nice counter, glad you back it up with facts or anecdotes. No wonder I don't see any independents, republicans, or third party supporters in here. Don't worry guys, what I meant to say is that Obama is the best ever.
AniHawk said:There were three parts of the round table in separate videos. He says at one point, "Vice President Palin," *turns to crowd* "get used to it" and also defends the community organizer bashing. He also goes on to say that Barack didn't give specifics when he gave his speech, unlike John McCain, who did (not sure if you were watching, but this is the opposite of reality).
Frank the Great said:You can't just come in here, make shit up, and then say the burden of proof is on us to disprove it, and then cry about it when we call you out.