What the hell is up with the music in the background?mckmas8808 said:O_O
This is a damning movie if viewed by the right people.
What the hell is up with the music in the background?mckmas8808 said:O_O
This is a damning movie if viewed by the right people.
teruterubozu said:Yeah 8 years. It somehow worked.
I'm glad you agree that only 5% of this population is fit to serve in a government seat.omg rite said:95% of people have at one point said a racial slur. Everyones is racist in some way, whether they mean to be or not.
Y2Kev said:"we still don't know who barack obama is"
"That's because you haven't been listening"
I wanted someone to just call him a dipshit talking point repeater like the GOPAC is.
...more so than Steele? Really?JB1981 said:The female activist on that show was far, far more annoying. Bitch never shut the fuck up. Ever.
JB1981 said:The female activist on that show was far, far more annoying. Bitch never shut the fuck up. Ever.
TheGreatMightyPoo said:Why is it that most of the Republicans says that Sarah Palin is more qualified to be president than either Barack or Biden because she has EXECUTIVE experience but they don't say she is more qualified that John Mccain???
Partisan politics aside(bwahahahahahahahaha), isn't this the next logical step in their argument???????????
They got the ticket in reverse I guess.
TheGreatMightyPoo said:Why is it that most of the Republicans says that Sarah Palin is more qualified to be president than either Barack or Biden because she has EXECUTIVE experience but they don't say she is more qualified that John Mccain???
Partisan politics aside(bwahahahahahahahaha), isn't this the next logical step in their argument???????????
They got the ticket in reverse I guess.
but at most that is 5 years (1976-april1, 1981). sarah palin was a TWO TERM mayor as well as a GOVERNOR for 1.5 years, she has vastly more executive experience and an actual diversity of experience in leading government and having to work with city counsels/legislatures, vs. a military unit.Kusagari said:Being a commander in the navy is apparently Executive Experience.
clinton was a gov.ShOcKwAvE said:Remember...Bush was a governor also. That went well.
I felt she was too conciliatory on a number of points, but at least she wasn't spouting bullshit.JB1981 said:The female activist on that show was far, far more annoying. Bitch never shut the fuck up. Ever.
Y2Kev said:I felt she was too conciliatory on a number of points, but at least she wasn't spouting bullshit.
Well, I run teams and projects and I bet I'm not the only GAFFer that does, I'm also positive several GAFFers that own their own businesses. We all talk about foreign policy and not only that most of us have ACTUALLY gone to other countries. And lastly we can deliver blistering untrue hate filled attacks against the opposition. ZOMG!!! PoliGAF for VP!! We're more qualified than Palin.teruterubozu said:"Executive experience"...so ridiculous. She should join the next season of The Apprentice then.
OG_Original Gamer said:The democrats may lose partly because 8 million African Americans have yet to register to vote, independents and southerners seem to be excited about Palin. And its not because they believe she is going to create more jobs, or she is going to reform Washington.
But their excited because she's very attractive, she likes to shoot and kill animals for fun. She believes that the Iraq war is a task from god. Also that you can pray away homosexuality.
AniHawk said:What the hell is up with the music in the background?
bob_arctor said:I haven't seen any evidence indicating independents have been swayed by her. Any links for that?
Umm, I reluctantly agree with you. In a way I liked her, but she wouldn't let anyone else speak for more than 3 seconds before interrupting. Scott McClellan was kind of lost in all the excitement, I bet he could have had some interesting things to contribute.JB1981 said:The female activist on that show was far, far more annoying. Bitch never shut the fuck up. Ever.
ronito said:Well, I run teams and projects and I bet I'm not the only GAFFer that does, I'm also positive several GAFFers that own their own businesses. We all talk about foreign policy and not only that most of us have ACTUALLY gone to other countries. And lastly we can deliver blistering untrue hate filled attacks against the opposition. ZOMG!!! PoliGAF for VP!! We're more qualified than Palin.
scorcho said:yeah. why aim for an already low number and go even lower! learning of this, my soon-to-be started polling service will only use a sample size of 50 people.
Trurl said:Umm, I reluctantly agree with you. In a way I liked her, but she wouldn't let anyone else speak for more than 3 seconds before interrupting. Scott McClellan was kind of lost in all the excitement, I bet he could have had some interesting things to contribute.
bob_arctor said:I haven't seen any evidence indicating independents have been swayed by her. Any links for that?
hokahey said:I was annoyed as well. She seemed way to god damn eager to appear smart and informed. She also seemed like she thought it was supposed to be some battle royale shouting match and that she would be the winner.
I liked her opinions, but seriously...shut the fuck up every now and then.
Tyrone Slothrop said:mccain seemed to've got a lackluster convention bounce, considering how ga-ga everybody is over palin. but i'd guess he's gaining momentum and it'll take a week to see how the cluserfuck of the past two week's events will pan out.
Amir0x said:You know when I was listening to it I had a odd desire to play Earthbound again. But of course, many things give me that desire.
OG_Original Gamer said:No links, watched the morning news and independents(some) questioned said they're moving from Obama to Mccain because of Palin.
typhonsentra said:More on what I was talking about yesterday:
For those of you uninterested in reading her dreck the concept is simple and an old standby for anyone losing an argument: Pick out a small aspect of a true story that isn't true and focus on that rather than the big issue. The article from Anchorage she linked to clearly states the librarian was fired due to lack of loyalty and Malkin even quotes it but.... she doesn't view it as suspicious. Oh, they also made this, which she uses in almost every post now!
syllogism said:I'm not but Obama's Monday bump may have been due to Palin (or just noise) and not DNC
:lol :lol :lolronito said:
kkaabboomm said:clinton was a gov.
reagan was a gov.
being a gov does not automagically mean horrible-ness as president
Only in America! (cue laughter and applause that Republicans would say is mocking and denigrating America if the Dems did it)bob_arctor said:Yeah. Not only racist, but blatantly racist. I missed all that in the speech. Hell, I didn't even catch Rudy's affirmative action dig re: Obama's magical trip to the doorstep of the White House.
gkrykewy said:Interesting - lots of polls indicate otherwise. Will be interesting how polls develop in the coming weeks.
OG_Original Gamer said:Its kind of scary to think that the democrats could lose because of a VP. I can only see things getting worse. With many people in the south that don't vote on their on economic interest, but instead vote based on whether or not someone will take their AR15 Assault Rifle away. Which is false, but fear is powerful.
What's especially disappointing is that McCain's campaign has voiced that their goal now is not to highlight policy differences and to make an argument as to why their policy ideas are better but instead they've voiced that they're going to play up personality as their number one strategy (well as attempt character assassination of Obama-Biden).
If anything, the media should at the very least call them on this.
Well if the 'McCain bounce' from his convention means that he is only down by 2 then . . . well . . . I think Peggy Noonan said it best: It's over.Cheebs said:Yeah. MSNBC said just recently todays Gallup will have Obama down a bit from yesterday, only up by 2.
speculawyer said:Well if the 'McCain bounce' from his convention means that he is only down by 2 then . . . well . . . I think Peggy Noonan said it best: It's over.
Do you call out actual news networks or pundits for being biased? Yet you want comedy shows to be impartial. Stewart has made traditional jokes against Obama, and the audience didn't laugh. "Not so funny when it's your guy?" He should tell flat jokes just to appease some supposed obligation to be fair and balanced? His audience does laugh at the Obama-messiah type jibes, so that's the direction they go for him.Uncooked said:It has been funny, but it has become more and more bias ever since 2004. Both parties are completely retarded and should be fair game, however they still try to make the Democrats look like they are somehow the good guys who will magically make America ten times better. Notice how when they make "jokes" about Obama it is always a joke about how great he is and a play on the whole savior of the party thing. When they make fun of McCain it is more about incompetence, scandal, metal abilities and the like. I could be wrong but I remember them being way more impartial during the 2000 election and it won them a ton of awards and was hilarious, they should go back to it rather than trying to swing votes for whatever reason. Also, Jon Stewart doesn't seem to know what an earmark is.
speculawyer said:Well if the 'McCain bounce' from his convention means that he is only down by 2 then . . . well . . . I think Peggy Noonan said it best: It's over.