Frank the Great
mclem said:That PPP NC poll teased earlier is out:
Obama: 46%
McCain: 46%
Barr: 5%
mclem said:That PPP NC poll teased earlier is out:
Obama: 46%
McCain: 46%
Barr: 5%
Cloudy said:
icognito said:
adamsappel said:Wow, that was one of the best (negative) political ads I've ever seen.
JayDubya said:You mean like, right now?
I was wondering when the hell Ramadan was, but apparently it's September this year. A few years ago, it was October, and then a few years from now, it'll be August. Don't ask me how it works. *shrug*
I usually have little reason or care to quote Dennis Miller, but I've always liked his defense of Stockdale.Stoney Mason said:Just to give some background Stockdale was a POW like Mccain who was treated pretty brutally during the war. It was sort of sad that Perot even picked him and put him in that spot. He was a war hero who obviously wasn't prepared for that sort of bright light and critical examination. He was kind of a national political punchline for a year or so after that before he receded back out of public view.
Dennis Miller said:Now I know (Stockdale's name has) become a buzzword in this culture for doddering old man, but let's look at the record, folks. The guy was the first guy in and the last guy out of Vietnam, a war that many Americans, including our present President, did not want to dirty their hands with. The reason he had to turn his hearing aid on at that debate is because those fucking animals knocked his eardrums out when he wouldn't spill his guts. He teaches philosophy at Stanford University, he's a brilliant, sensitive, courageous man. And yet he committed the one unpardonable sin in our culture: he was bad on television.
Hitokage said:Looking forward to voting for Obama for the second time and having my vote be in a contested election. Gotta do my part to avert the Disasta From Alaska.![]()
Brutal! Now that's what I'm talkin 'bout.Incognito said:
pretty damn good
electricpirate said:So what's the difference between the hebrew calendar and the Muslim Calendar? I mean, Passover falls roughly within the same time each year, but Ramadan seems to jump all over the place. Does the Muslim calender correct for the solar year?
gluv65 said:So the McCain campaign is going to protect Ms. Palin in the debate
At the insistence of the McCain campaign, the Oct. 2 debate between Gov. Sarah Palin and her Democratic rival, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., will have shorter question-and-answer segments than those for the presidential nominees, the advisers said. There will also be much less opportunity for free-wheeling, direct exchanges between the running mates.
McCain advisers said they had been concerned that a loose format could leave Ms. Palin, a relatively inexperienced debater, at a disadvantage and largely on the defensive.
The wrangling was chiefly between the McCain-Palin camp and the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, which is sponsoring the forums.
Cheating in politics? lolzmckmas8808 said:WTF?! Can they do that? Isn't this cheating?
Slurpy said:Please don't tell me you're Muslim.
And it's not frikkin rocket science- the month simply follows the lunar calendar, which advances by a bit every year.
The Obama camp didn't complain meaning they're not looking for Biden to land haymakers.mckmas8808 said:WTF?! Can they do that? Isn't this cheating?
capslock said:Alright, I've been thinking about this as a Muslim, can't Barry just go on national TV in the middle of Ramadan (now when you're supposed to be fasting from sunup to sundown) and eat a BLT and wash it down with a beer, and finally prove that he's not Muslim?
thekad said:The Obama camp didn't complain meaning they're not looking for Biden to land haymakers.
capslock said:Alright, I've been thinking about this as a Muslim, can't Barry just go on national TV in the middle of Ramadan (now when you're supposed to be fasting from sunup to sundown) and eat a BLT and wash it down with a beer, and finally prove that he's not Muslim?
electricpirate said:So what's the difference between the hebrew calendar and the Muslim Calendar? I mean, Passover falls roughly within the same time each year, but Ramadan seems to jump all over the place. Does the Muslim calender correct for the solar year?
Psshed, all he would need to do while subliminially discrediting those Muslim rumors is to create another "Obama and Biden eating some fuckin' waffles" video.capslock said:Alright, I've been thinking about this as a Muslim, can't Barry just go on national TV in the middle of Ramadan (now when you're supposed to be fasting from sunup to sundown) and eat a BLT and wash it down with a beer, and finally prove that he's not Muslim?
effzee said:he would also need to slice the neck of a Palestinian and rape a woman in hijab.
effzee said:what was palin's molecule gaffe? i missed it!
Cloudy said:
Clevinger said:That was from yesterday and I doubt it was covered much. I'd like her contradictions and falsehoods to gain attention but I doubt they will.
Looks like I might have to donate to the NC Libertarian party.Frank the Great said:Awesome!
mckmas8808 said:Guys these things are being covered. Nobody is going to talk about it in depth on TV on a Friday night or Saturday.
This Monday people will talk about it though. Why do you think Palin is losing numbers in her favorable ratings?
It's a variation of "She can see Russia next door."teh_pwn said:So basically the premise to Palin being an energy expert is based on the lie that Alaska produces to most energy, and that she was governor for 2 years?
Cloudy said:They are ahead, just get out of the VP debates with no OMG SEXIST crap and they'll take it. She's proved her ignorance already...
Cloudy said:
?It's a fungible commodity and they don't flag,you know,the molecules,where it's going and where it's not.But in the sense of the Congress today, they know that there are very,very hungry domestic markets that need that oil first.So, I believe that what Congress is going to not to allow the export bans to such a degree that it's Americans that get stuck to holding the bag without the energy source that is produced here, pumped here.
I personally believe, that U.S. Americans, are unable to do so, because, some, people out there, in our nation dont have maps, and I believe that our education like such as in South Africa, and the Iraq, everywhere like such and, I believe they should, our education over here, in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa, and should help the Iraq and Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future, for us.
Frank the Great said:No. The same people who think Obama is Muslim express fears because of his crazy Christian pastor who he listened to "for 20 years."
Logic, there is none.
Ether_Snake said:Wow at that Palin answer:
capslock said:Really tortured, but I think I know what she is getting at, basically that there would have to be export bans put in place before there is additional drilling so that any oil recovered comes to domestic markets first instead of just getting added to the international pool.
Short answer: No.teh_pwn said:Do we even produce even close enough crude oil to worldwide to have any significant impact on oil prices? I thought the # was like 3% of the world's reserves, but 25% of the world's usage. Sounds like a non-issue to me.
Such a dumb idea since if we get the oil ourselves then the oil we would have bought will just end up on the market anyways.capslock said:Really tortured, but I think I know what she is getting at, basically that there would have to be export bans put in place before there is additional drilling so that any oil recovered comes to domestic markets first instead of just getting added to the international pool.
mckmas8808 said:
teh_pwn said:Do we even produce even close enough crude oil to worldwide to have any significant impact on oil prices? I thought the # was like 3% of the world's reserves, but 25% of the world's usage. Sounds like a non-issue to me.
Ether_Snake said:Wow at that Palin answer:
capslock said:Really tortured, but I think I know what she is getting at, basically that there would have to be export bans put in place before there is additional drilling so that any oil recovered comes to domestic markets first instead of just getting added to the international pool.
capslock said:Really tortured, but I think I know what she is getting at, basically that there would have to be export bans put in place before there is additional drilling so that any oil recovered comes to domestic markets first instead of just getting added to the international pool.
Cloudy said:Probably but you can tell she's been force-fed this stuff and the answers aren't natural. She's also trying to use big words to seem smart but that just makes her look dumber..