mAcOdIn said:I'll check out the link, we'll see. Not happy with either candidate so my vote still is in the air.
As for why I still skew Republican? Funny you ask. Because outside of what I call, hope is, fringe shit like gay marriage bans I actually support the majority of the platform. I want less government, less taxation and less spending. Well the Democrats flat out disagree with 2 of those. So on the face of it, I can't in good conscious agree with the Democrats.
Because the Republican party has traditionally been more irresponsible than the Democrats also doesn't really matter since that doesn't really say how well or bad either McCain or Obama would do if elected. So that's a non issue to me. I mean, it works on a statistical level but not on a personal level you know?
Further, just once I'd like to see a candidate deliver on their promises, just once. Us voting on what we think a candidate will do versus what they say is a dangerous precedent in my opinion. I think that basically they should be forced to deliver, if it fails it fails but at least it was put forth, and I frankly don't understand why Democrats aren't mad at the Democratic party for being so half-assed with their proposals as they sure as hell aint what you guys wanted either. It would be nice if there was a way to make a President accountable for what they say they will do versus what they actually try to do. I think lying to gain votes from special interest groups and shit like that should be illegal.
This time I really am fucked because McCain is basically staying just to the left of the Democrats which is really pissing me off because I think that if you are going to spend the money and make the program you should go all out on it. So if we are going to do shit like universal health care and all these other issues I disagree with, I at least want lots of money thrown at them and for them to be effective instead of joke bullet points some candidate gets approved for good marks that sucks ass and ends up being a pain in the ass for the average American. I mean, if we're going to go socialism at least go all the way I guess.
Yeah, you pretty much has jumped the shark here. This is basically one of the effects of cynicism - fuck it, everyone's the same! Let me keep my eyes shut and my ears blocked! La la la la la la !
Everyone's fucking the same thing! So let me just vote the party I've always voted in the past.
The American people did that in 2000 and 2004 and look where the fuck we are now.
If you want to remain so cynical, go ahead and do so, but you're not doing anything for yourself and for this country.
I'm not asking you to vote for Obama, but your reason for voting for Republican is so cynical it's disgusting. Have some more respect of your own vote, man!