OCTOBER 16th 5-9pm
Featuring free concert performances by
and Special Guest Speakers
Avoid the lines on Election Day. Charter buses will be shuttling ID-carrying, registered voters to Hamilton County Election Headquarters from the Square and back during the rally so participants can cast their ballot. VOTE EARLY extends beyond the rally. Early voting begins September 30 at Election Headquarters at 824 Broadway. Monday - Friday 8-5pm. Extended hours begin October 13th, M - F 8-8pm. For more information go to www.vote-ohio.net.
:lol :lolHitokage said:That's a missed opportunity...
In Russia, Putin pushes all trains WITH HIS BARE HANDS.
Can someone tell me again what the fucking point of a Democratic congress is? Might as well stuff a bunch of blow up dolls in their seats.Krowley said:Not sure if it's been discussed yet, but I just heard on TV that the democratic congress has decided to give up and let the offshore oil ban expire.
Mercury Fred said:Can someone tell me again what the fucking point of a Democratic congress is? Might as well stuff a bunch of blow up dolls in their seats.
:lol :lol :lol :lol~Devil Trigger~ said::lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Sorry if old But CHRIS ROCK >> Bill Clinton
SHE LOST!!:lol
Psshh. No. My skills are Civ Rev are decent, not unacceptable.Hootie said:Just like your skills at Civilization Revolution amirite
The unspoken if widely shared view in the political class has been that Florida was going to be a big lift for Obama this year.
But new polling out today shows him with a small lead there, he spent part of last weekend in the state and he's back there now prepping for the debate.
Yet all that pales compared to the evidence tonight from ad-watching guru Evan Tracey, by way of TPM's Greg Sargent:
In the week ending Sept. 21, Obama spent $9.4 million on TV ads in roughly 15 states, up from $6.5 million in the week that ended two weeks ago, Evan Tracey, who tracks national ad buys for the Campaign Media Analysis Group, tells me. Tracey's analysis is based on fresh data he obtained this afternoon.
In Florida, where the jump is perhaps most dramatic, Obama's spending has climbed to $1.9 million for the week ending on Sept. 21, from $1.2 million the week before that and $807,000 the week before that. Obama has closed in on McCain in the polls.
Hitokage said:Democrats won't have an actual voting majority in the Senate until next year. That said, control of all Senatorial committees is nothing to sniff at.
CharlieDigital said:The amazing thing is that so many people are so clueless on this topic....
So aggravating....
Krowley said:Not sure if it's been discussed yet, but I just heard on TV that the democratic congress has decided to give up and let the offshore oil ban expire.
Right, but one of the key differences between Democrats and Republicans is the way they deal with razor thin majorities (or minorities for that matter). When Bush was appointed president in 2000, he claimed to have a "mandate." Democrats are too fucking demure. I'm amazed that in the case of drilling, the Democrats can't delay until after the election.CharlieDigital said:The amazing thing is that so many people are so clueless on this topic....
So aggravating....
ChrisGoldstein said:It's whats on tv too, they make it sound like it's a huge majority.
The debate is friday at what time plz?
PantherLotus said:Up next:
1. Global Warming shwarming!
2. Offshore drilling is chic!
3. Intelligence is elitism!
4. Wearing fur is cool again!
What the fuck has happened to my country.
Mercury Fred said:Can someone tell me again what the fucking point of a Democratic congress is? Might as well stuff a bunch of blow up dolls in their seats.
AniHawk said:Basically, Republicans found a way to power by keeping people sick, stupid, afraid, and hateful.
Mercury Fred said:Right, but one of the key differences between Democrats and Republicans is the way they deal with razor thin majorities (or minorities for that matter). When Bush was appointed president in 2000, he claimed to have a "mandate." Democrats are too fucking demure. I'm amazed that in the case of drilling, the Democrats can't delay until after the election.
reilo said:So, by keeping them republican?
To be fair, your analogy sucks.Branduil said:To be fair Republicans are just following the example set by LBJ and FDR.
Branduil said:To be fair Republicans are just following the example set by LBJ and FDR.
:lolBranduil said:To be fair Republicans are just following the example set by LBJ and FDR.
http://thepage.time.com/2008/09/23/shaken-and-stirred/Latest LA Times/Bloomberg poll finds 55% of Americans dont believe the government should be responsible for funding an economic bailout plan.
When asked which candidate could do a better job of handling the financial crisis:
Obama 48, McCain 35
79% of adults also say they think the country is on the wrong track, the highest ever recorded by the Times Poll.
62% believe insufficient government regulation was partly responsible for the financial crisis.
32% blamed Wall Street financial institutions and 26% blamed the Bush administration for the crisis.
64% oppose government loans to automotive firms, 25% were in favor.
81% say the economy is doing badly, an increase from the 76% in August and close to the record high of 82% recorded in June, when energy prices were soaring.
50% said they felt less secure financially now than they did six months ago and 49% said they felt no different or more secure.
Of those who said they felt less secure, 59% favored Obama, 30% favored McCain. But of those who did not feel less secure, 58% favored McCain, 33% favored Obama.
While the democrats want to corrupt us from the outside-in!reilo said:Actually, they are following in the footsteps of Nixon by corrupting the country from the inside out.
So Obama is the star of a boring, over-bloated movie with lots of pretentious dialogue about nothing in between brief periods of nonsensical, manufactured conflict?oldschoolpinball said:
Branduil said:So Obama is the star of a boring, over-bloated movie with lots of pretentious dialogue about nothing in between brief periods of nonsensical, manufactured conflict?
Sounds like the perfect analogy for this election season, actually.
Who are these 21% of people that think we're doing fine? I mean the ultra rich would account for 1 MAYBE 2 percent of that, where's the other 19-20% coming from?PhoenixDark said:
Hitokage said:In Japanese government, people aren't interested in who runs the train because that's somebody else's problem and don't want to be told about the people run over some years ago either.
Good to know Branduil's come around.HomerSimpson-Man said:So then....Obama's the "One" who will save us.
ronito said:Who are these 21% of people that think we're doing fine? I mean the ultra rich would account for 1 MAYBE 2 percent of that, where's the other 19-20% coming from?
fixed.sp0rsk said:In Japan the trains are always on time because it's pickachu bread! That's right. Pikachu bread! I'm telling you. Pikachu bread!
But in the end the One actually capitulated and helped the machines instead of destroying them.HomerSimpson-Man said:So then....Obama's the "One" who will save us.
To be fair Republicans are repeating their example of Hoover.Branduil said:To be fair Republicans are just following the example set by LBJ and FDR.
HomerSimpson-Man said:So then....Obama's the "One" who will save us.
Branduil said:But in the end the One actually capitulated and helped the machines instead of destroying them.
thekad said:Wow @ CNN. McCain might have started a fight he can't win.
ronito said:Who are these 21% of people that think we're doing fine? I mean the ultra rich would account for 1 MAYBE 2 percent of that, where's the other 19-20% coming from?
To be fair, I'm pretty sure that "to be fair" is part of the public domain.Tamanon said:You motherfuckers better be paying me royalties.
Yes but the point is, he didn't stop the movie from sucking.AniHawk said:That's true. He did stop the war.
Religious fundamentalists and other social conservatives. Due to abortion, gay marriage, and other 'culture war' issues, they'll say & do anything to support the GOP whether or not it is true or makes sense. You can lay them off or end their healthcare and they'll still say they are better off.ronito said:Who are these 21% of people that think we're doing fine? I mean the ultra rich would account for 1 MAYBE 2 percent of that, where's the other 19-20% coming from?
ronito said:To be fair, I'm pretty sure that "to be fair" is part of the public domain.
Branduil said:Yes but the point is, he didn't stop the movie from sucking.