Let's put it simply. People who don't understand how contraception works get pregnant. Republicans don't want schools to teach people how contraception works. This increases the number of unwanted pregnancies. Increasing the number of unwanted pregnancies increases the number of abortions.Dr_Cogent said:Right, it's all the Republicans fault again. Can you find a better argument than that tired kool aid argument? No one is responsible for their actions! It's those damn Republicans! They made me do it!
Once again, no one is responsible for their own actions, it's always entirely someone else's fault.
reilo said:I give up:
Since you obviously don't read, or are just very bad at comprehension, let me point out something: That website I linked to, it's from the House Oversight committee.
And let me just quote the very first fucking paragraph:
Jak140 said:Let's put it simply. People who don't understand how sex works get pregnant. Republicans don't want schools to teach people how sex works. This increases the number of unwanted pregnancies.
Dr_Cogent said:I'm not even going to comment on whether it should be taught or not. I don't really care. That, to me, is the parents job - not the schools.
I will say condoms are not a 100% way of preventing sexually transmitted diseases. Abstinence is. If you really want a 100% sure way to keep from getting it, you shouldn't have sex. Not the fun option, but it's the safest.
No where can you point to me that it's the Republicans fault that there are high rates of abortions. You are only speculating and cannot prove it with any real scientific evidence.
I give up. You obviously have some blockage in your brain that prevents you from using logic.Dr_Cogent said:I'm not even going to comment on whether it should be taught or not. I don't really care. That, to me, is the parents job - not the schools.
I will say condoms are not a 100% way of preventing sexually transmitted diseases. Abstinence is. If you really want a 100% sure way to keep from getting it, you shouldn't have sex. Not the fun option, but it's the safest.
No where can you point to me that it's the Republicans fault that there are high rates of abortions. You are only speculating and cannot prove it with any real scientific evidence.
I think he does. Voter registration is going through the roof. And just as importantly, McCain is having to shift resources there to defend it - and forcing McCain to spread out to defend traditional red states was part of Obama's plan all along.Dax01 said:Does anyone here think Obama has a real chance of turning NC blue?
AniHawk said:A map of 269 EC votes that's 'likely' or more is pretty awesome though.
Dr_Cogent said:I think they need to come up with some regulations that keep this sort of shit from happening again. The bailout should have some accountability attached to it if anything. It shouldn't be a free loan with no strings attached.
Dr_Cogent said:Wow, again, I would not want you as my lawyer. I never said "large numbers" ever. Find that post and prove me wrong.
And that is gonna be great for society. Let's me certain that the stupid of the stupid have lots of kids. Great plan.Dr_Cogent said:Agreed. If you are that fucking stupid, then you are that fucking stupid.
DenogginizerOS said:It has happened before. And I bet more than 47% if those that made a mistake in the past have gotten us into this mess. I say let the baby be born that these clowns irresponsibly made and let them be responsible for raising it. Because as you said, life isn't fair and people have to take responsibility for their actions.
:lol :lol :lolGhaleonEB said:I think he does. Voter registration is going through the roof. And just as importantly, McCain is having to shift resources there to defend it - and forcing McCain to spread out to defend traditional red states was part of Obama's plan all along.![]()
so_awes said:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/23/contessa-brewer-wins-late_n_128693.html
this guy is terrible! :lol :lol i want to see him vs. Austan Goolsbee. FIGHT!!!!!!!
Trakdown said:He was bitching ALL DAY LONG about people not loving the Paulson plan as much as he did. Then again, if anybody wants to give me a huge sum of money for being a fuckup, I'd love them too.
I'd agree on the 2nd point if it wasn't for the fact that not addressing some of those issues is part of the reason the economy is the way it is. Some of the plans are crucial to our economy progressing (energy, for instance), and Obama's going to get looked at just as bad, if not worse, if he doesn't do anything. Also, since when has a huge deficit stopped us from spending, even under a Democratic president?
Trakdown said:He was bitching ALL DAY LONG about people not loving the Paulson plan as much as he did. Then again, if anybody wants to give me a huge sum of money for being a fuckup, I'd love them too.
I'd agree on the 2nd point if it wasn't for the fact that not addressing some of those issues is part of the reason the economy is the way it is. Some of the plans are crucial to our economy progressing (energy, for instance), and Obama's going to get looked at just as bad, if not worse, if he doesn't do anything. Also, since when has a huge deficit stopped us from spending, even under a Democratic president?
speculawyer said:Mr. Literalist is at it again. So . . . when you say "women use abortion for birth control", you are then only being intentionally misleading because you are really only talking about one in a million women who are nutcases.
so_awes said:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/23/contessa-brewer-wins-late_n_128693.html
this guy is terrible! :lol :lol i want to see him vs. Austan Goolsbee. FIGHT!!!!!!!
Dr_Cogent said:Kids need schools to learn how sex works? I didn't. Kids are that stupid these days?
No matter how the Republicans try, I don't see how they will not learn about it regardless. Those damn Republicans.
Teacher? How does sex work? :lol
You think kids are really that ignorant in this day and age of the internet?
DenogginizerOS said:It has happened before. And I bet more than 47% if those that made a mistake in the past have gotten us into this mess. I say let the baby be born that these clowns irresponsibly made and let them be responsible for raising it. Because as you said, life isn't fair and people have to take responsibility for their actions.
so_awes said:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/23/contessa-brewer-wins-late_n_128693.html
this guy is terrible! :lol :lol i want to see him vs. Austan Goolsbee. FIGHT!!!!!!!
so_awes said:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/23/contessa-brewer-wins-late_n_128693.html
this guy is terrible! :lol :lol i want to see him vs. Austan Goolsbee. FIGHT!!!!!!!
Jak140 said:I mean specifically that they don't teach contraception. Understanding where to get and how to use contraception is not something that comes naturally. And you are assuming a lot about a country where only 71% can locate the Pacific Ocean on a map.
AniHawk said:A map of 269 EC votes that's 'likely' or more is pretty awesome though. It really comes down to keeping PA and NH safe (and getting VA, OH, FL, NV and NC for ultimate hilarity).
Dr_Cogent said:Can they identify where their gentiles are?
CharlieDigital said:TDS is fucking brilliant :lol
beermonkey@tehbias said:You mean Greece, Rome, places like that?
Dr_Cogent said:Can they identify where their gentiles are?
capslock said:I am seriously starting to think that Tucker Bounds is a plant by the Obama campaign to make the McCain campaign look bad by repeatedly getting owned by TV anchors.
besada said:The midwest, mostly.
Dr_Cogent said:I said "some" speculawyer. Some. Do you know what "some" means? I believe I almost always qualified it the statement with "some".
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=12916906&postcount=23643Dr_Cogent said:I'm not even professing that they should outlaw abortion (although I don't agree with it). My point still stands, people use it as a form of birth control.
You do mean to be intentionally misleading when you take the common phrase 'birth control' and instead break up the phrase and interpret the two words literally.I was never being intentionally misleading. Your inability to comprehend simple statements is clearly not my problem.
Yes . . . I am sensitive about the subject. I don't like suffering children. Millions of children die of starvation and disease each year and that really really really bothers me. I don't want that to happen. So I think it is very good policy to prevent unwanted births. I don't understand why other people are not bothered by dying children.I'm guessing you are simply over sensitive to the subject because you have such strong convictions and you are only seeing what you want to see. Kind of like your stupid ass argument about Iraq shouldn't be buying F-16s because they clearly don't need them. You are so blinded by your ideology, it's like you are cross eyed.
Dr_Cogent said:You were beaten and it's fixed. Spelling police begone!
Stoney Mason said:Wake me when the abortion debate is over...
Dr_Cogent said:Can they identify where their genitalia are? I bet they can identify that. I bet they can identify a contraceptive as well. I still am not buying the argument that kids in this day and age are that fucking stupid.
I bet at least most of them can read the directions on a condom wrapper. It's not fucking rocket science.
RubxQub said:Screw the bailout...I want my 2000 McD's apple pies :lol
Ether_Snake said:Well it's just that there is no way he can spend on top of the projected deficit. So you'd think it would be 4 years of deficit management.
I really wish that the US didn't have to delay for at least four years massive investment in renewable energy development. The implications are so important. Any delay will simply allow China, Europe, and others, to get a major and probably permanent head-start.
EDIT: Tucker always gets it handed to him by hot reporters. I think they pair him up with them on purpose! :lol
Dr_Cogent said:Can they identify where their genitalia are? I bet they can identify that. I bet they can identify a contraceptive as well. I still am not buying the argument that kids in this day and age are that fucking stupid.
Dr_Cogent said:Can they identify where their genitalia are? I bet they can identify that. I bet they can identify a contraceptive as well. I still am not buying the argument that kids in this day and age are that fucking stupid.
Of women having abortions,
* 46% did not use contraception during the month they became pregnant
* 8% never used a method of birth control