Smiles and Cries
v1cious said:rasmussen has him up by 10. i don't care how siamese try to justify it, there's definitely trend here. something has gone horribly wrong.
how can Obama up be wrong?
v1cious said:rasmussen has him up by 10. i don't care how siamese try to justify it, there's definitely trend here. something has gone horribly wrong.
Totally, I just though it was a funny analogy is all.GhaleonEB said:It's NPD, but every day.
I find the overall trend lines interesting.
APF said:Interesting. Your suggestion is that someone who professes themselves to be a certain thing needs to be held to a higher standard of behavior than someone who does not make such claims. Fascinating. Any idea where else such a belief should be applied? One that perhaps has something to do with all of this [looks at thread]?
Anyway, post those links where you praise Hillary and her campaign. You made the claim, you post the links. Or admit you're a hypocrite troll and STFU.
Slurpy said:Na, thats fine. To appease you? There's no fucking reason I should do that. I'd rather you comment on the fact that the vast majority of posters in this thread believe you're a troll, and how they could have all possibly come to this conclusion.
Slurpy said:Na, thats fine. To appease you? There's no fucking reason I should do that. I'd rather you comment on the fact that the vast majority of posters in this thread believe you're a troll, and how they could have all possibly come to this conclusion.
Smiles and Cries said:how can Obama up be wrong?
harSon said:APF you honestly need to look in a mirror. There is nothing wrong with being a Hillary supporter, I'll never condemn someone based solely on preferential reasons. What gets annoying is the fact that you rag on others for being sheep when in actuality you're one yourself.
v1cious said:not for Obama
Tamanon said:Now now, he's not a sheep, he doesn't actually believe most of what he says![]()
No, it's just watered-down Kool-Aid.maynerd said:You are all delusional and drunk on the obama 'water'.
You throw around the word hypocrite like you aren't one.APF said:No, it's just watered-down Kool-Aid.
But I think I proved my point that Slurpy is an insubstantial troll who can only sling insults and can't back anything up, even to show he's less of a hypocrite than he's accusing me of being. Diatribes like Slurpy's here only underscore the point that since this is an Obama stronghold, people who are skeptical of his candidacy are held to an extremely unbalanced level of scrutiny and standard of behavior, that no other poster can themselves adhere to. /cross-to-bear
No, it's just watered-down Kool-Aid.maynerd said:You are all delusional and drunk on the obama 'water'.
APF said:No, it's just watered-down Kool-Aid.
But I think I proved my point that Slurpy is an insubstantial troll who can only sling insults and can't back anything up, even to show he's less of a hypocrite than he's accusing me of being. Diatribes like Slurpy's here only underscore the point that since this is an Obama stronghold, people who are skeptical of his candidacy are held to an extremely unbalanced level of scrutiny and standard of behavior, that no other poster can themselves adhere to. /cross-to-bear
harSon: who are you to question my integrity? Show me where you criticize Obama, and praise Hillary.
Just look back last night, to my conversation with Ami. Now you put up or STFU. Seriously guys, it's hilarious that you're calling me a sheep. Troll, asshole, ok, I can see that. But sheep? Look in the mirror guys.harSon said:The only thing you've managed to do is solidify the notion that you're a troll. Why don't you supply the very same information you asked for.
APF said:Just look back last night, to my conversation with Ami. Now you put up or STFU. Seriously guys, it's hilarious that you're calling me a sheep. Troll, asshole, ok, I can see that. But sheep? Look in the mirror guys.
John McCain's temper is well documented. He's called opponents and colleagues "shitheads," "assholes" and in at least one case "a fucking jerk."
But a new book on the presumptive Republican nominee will air perhaps the most shocking angry exchange to date.
The Real McCain by Cliff Schecter, which will arrive in bookstores next month, reports an angry exchange between McCain and his wife that happened in full view of aides and reporters during a 1992 campaign stop. An advance copy of the book was obtained by RAW STORY.
Three reporters from Arizona, on the condition of anonymity, also let me in on another incident involving McCain�s intemperateness. In his 1992 Senate bid, McCain was joined on the campaign trail by his wife, Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole and consultant Wes Gullett. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain's hair and said, "You're getting a little thin up there." McCain's face reddened, and he responded, "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt." McCain's excuse was that it had been a long day. If elected president of the United States, McCain would have many long days.
:lol :lolTamanon said:
APF said:Just look back last night, to my conversation with Ami. Now you put up or STFU. Seriously guys, it's hilarious that you're calling me a sheep. Troll, asshole, ok, I can see that. But sheep? Look in the mirror guys.
Dahellisdat: how am I a hypocrite? You've done nothing but attack me personally; isn't that a hypocritical stance for someone who is allegedly supporting someone who is against the politics of personal destruction, and argues for bringing political debate to a higher level?
harSon: so you confess, you're in no position to judge my integrity. Apology accepted.
:lol :lol :lolTamanon said:
You must hate GAF's 60 second reply limit.APF said:I never said I didn't have a clear and obvious preference, but no one can say I share the irrational and emotional tie to my candidate that many people here have for theirs. My support is emotionally-grounded and reality-based, and I defy anyone to prove otherwise.
Tamanon said:
APF said:I never said I didn't have a clear and obvious preference, but no one can say I share the irrational and emotional tie to my candidate that many people here have for theirs. My support is emotionally-grounded and reality-based, and I defy anyone to prove otherwise.
GaimeGuy said:APF is like the Drinky of gaf politics.
APF said:I never said I didn't have a clear and obvious preference (Obama might have been my third or fourth choice for a Dem nom) but no one can say I share the irrational and emotional tie to my candidate that many people here have for theirs. My support is emotionally-grounded and reality-based, and I defy anyone to prove otherwise. As weak a proof it should be in a perfect world, the mere fact that apparently no one here can point to places where they've praised their opponent or criticized their candidate points to the legitimacy of my point. said:You must hate GAF's 60 second reply limit.
I think you've added about 0% to this thread in your last 15 posts.
Do you take everything so literally? :lolAPF said:
Is a really interesting article. Also, I posted a factual tidbit about John McCain.
The fact that you are baiting Obama supporters is proof enough. Whether the ones you bait may or may not have rational reasons for supporting him is none of your business nor your concern. You have no obligation to expose such people and all you do is further prove that you are a troll with the sole purpose of baiting other users.APF said:I never said I didn't have a clear and obvious preference (Obama might have been my third or fourth choice for a Dem nom) but no one can say I share the irrational and emotional tie to my candidate that many people here have for theirs. My support is emotionally-grounded and reality-based, and I defy anyone to prove otherwise. As weak a proof it should be in a perfect world, the mere fact that apparently no one here can point to places where they've praised their opponent or criticized their candidate points to the legitimacy of my point.
"When God said, 'Let there be light' he just went *click (light switch)*"RubxQub said:Do you take everything so literally? :lol
APF said:
Is a really interesting article. Also, I posted a factual tidbit about John McCain.
harSon: put up or shut up. Right now, you're admitting you're a hypocrite by forcing upon me a higher standard of behavior than you place yourself. Seriously, back up your trolling or back the fuck down. I think even you can live up to the standard of behavior that you need to support your claims.
APF said:Aah, so I'm a hypocrite because I have substantial disagreements with people and talk about those disagreements even though I'm not contractually obligated to do so.
On a message board.
I never called you a hypocrite. Please learn to read.APF said:Aah, so I'm a hypocrite because I have substantial disagreements with people and talk about those disagreements even though I'm not contractually obligated to do so.
On a message board.
Rahm Emanuel has been described as a street fighter with a killer instinctas explosive, profane, wired and ruthlesssometimes as a compliment, sometimes not. But no one has ever cast him in the role of elder statesman, at least up until now. Emanuel, a 48-year-old congressman who grew up, somewhat weirdly, to study ballet and practice Chicago politics, has generally adapted to his situation in a combative, not diplomatic, manner. As an indifferent high-school student, he badly cut his finger on the beef-slicing machine at Arby's. That night, after his high-school prom, he jumped into Lake Michigan. The tip of his finger became infected and he nearly died. Ever since, Emanuel has relished raising his hacked-off middle figure at his foes. In conversation with almost anyone about anything, Emanuel uses the F word like a sergeant in a World War II motor pool.
"He's in a good position," says Axelrod. "He's very, very close with Barack and is very close with the Clintons. He thinks of Barack as a peer, but he's very mindful and respectful of the Clintons." The only uncommitted superdelegate from Illinois, Emanuel has been joking for months that he is "hiding under his desk." Last week he told NEWSWEEK that he is not ready to play Barry Goldwater, and doesn't think he'll need to. "I may, but there's as good a chance I may not have to," he says. With perhaps more hope than the realism for which he is generally known, Emanuel continued: "I have confidence in both of my friends that they will be good Democrats. Both candidates will do what's necessary to help the party. Neither wants to be seen as a spoiler They [the Clintons] are dear friends, and they have been selfless in their commitment to Democratic Party ideals."
Joe Sinsheimer, an old friend of Emanuel's and onetime staffer on the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, tells NEWSWEEK that Emanuel can't serve as a broker because the Clintons don't totally trust him, in large part due to his alliance with Axelrod. Emanuel has always been closer to Bill than Hillary. Indeed, Hillary tried to get Emanuel fired as a White House aide in 1993 (reportedly because he was too abrasive with others), but Emanuel refused to leave until the president personally told him to pack his bags. Bill couldn't bring himself to do it. Sinsheimer says that Emanuel may have selfish reasons for wanting to stay uninvolved and avoid playing the role of party elder. "Rahm has his own ambitions," says Sinsheimer. If he runs for Speaker in four or six years, "why does he want to have 5, 10, 15 people on one side of this chasm or another mad at him over something?"
:lolCertainly, there is nothing bland about Emanuel and never has been. Although he once won a summer scholarship with the Joffrey Ballet, he preferred the combat of politics. As a Democratic Party official, he once sent a pollster who was late delivering polling results a dead fish in a box. Old Clinton hands still laugh about the night after Bill Clinton won the 1992 presidential election. In his book, "The Thumpin': How Rahm Emanuel and the Democrats Learned to Be Ruthless and Ended the Republican Revolution," Chicago Tribune deputy Washington bureau chief Naftali Bendavid writes that, as about a score of them sat around a picnic table mushily declaring their love for one another, Emanuel picked up a knife and called out the names of different politicians who had "fed us." After each name, Emanuel would cry out, "Dead man!"and stab the knife into the table. Bendavid recounts that "Emanuel, jokingly called 'Rahmbo,' even by his mother, muscled weaker Democrats out of races in favor of stronger ones, and ridiculed the chairman of his own party."
Please learn not to argue red herrings then.pxleyes said:I never called you a hypocrite. Please learn to read.
APF said:Aah, so I'm a hypocrite because I have substantial disagreements with people and talk about those disagreements even though I'm not contractually obligated to do so.
On a message board.
harSon: because you are unable to back that claim up, period.
PhoenixDark said:Spike Lee on Obama/Clinton
Absolutely stupid comments on Clinton.
Wat? So you are admitting you are trolling? Shocker.APF said:Please learn not to argue red herrings then.
SRG01 said:I don't see how they are stupid comments as he is pretty spot on about the change in sentiments of the Clintons from the 90s to now.
PhoenixDark said:Interesting article on Emmanuel possibly being the king maker. Dude is a badass
harSon said:Emanuel Cleaver?!
Edit: Oh, Rahm Emanuel :lol
That's not a proof that I'm an alleged hypocrite. What you're experiencing right now is called, "cognitive dissonance." You see, the idea that I'm somehow not as "bad" as you in this way causes you emotional pain, because you hate me so much that to admit this would cause you to reevaluate your own judgment of yourself. Therefore, in order to maintain your self-image, you need to convince yourself of something you admit you have no evidence to support. It's quite sad, really.harSon said:Click on APF
Find more posts by APF
There is your proof.
RubxQub said::lol :lol :lol
McCain's vocab list:
Hillary's vocab list:
Obama's vocab list:
Mother fucker
John McCain said:"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?
Because her father is Janet Reno."