Karma Kramer
So when is McCain planning on announcing his VP anyway... his he just waiting for Obama? Seems kinda lame.
Yep.Karma Kramer said:So when is McCain planning on announcing his VP anyway... his he just waiting for Obama? Seems kinda lame.
McCain will be right at home!reilo said:WTF CNN?
"Is the Russia-Georgia conflict the start of a new Cold War?"
What in the world?
They've said their timeline is not dependant on Obama, but at the same time it's an advantage to go second. So probably sometime after Obama announces, maybe after the convention to try and mitigate the bounce.Karma Kramer said:So when is McCain planning on announcing his VP anyway... his he just waiting for Obama? Seems kinda lame.
reilo said:Isn't it great though that Obama is able to dismiss potential VP picks based on one or two very minor things, as opposed to McCain's possible Veeps choices which got a laundry list of problems?
Would any of us really be distraught if Obama picked any of the following: Clark, Biden, Sebellius, Kaine, etc?
GhaleonEB said:McCain will be right at home!
They've said their timeline is not dependant on Obama, but at the same time it's an advantage to go second. So probably sometime after Obama announces, maybe after the convention to try and mitigate the bounce.
worldrunover said:I don't think we're the ones he's after. He'll get slurpage here regardless. The question is which one would potentially sway undecideds?
Think of it like Nintendo going after non-gamers. Gamers are going to buy the Wii regardless of its lineup of questionably "game-like" games.
reilo said:Can't wait!
Obama, after speaking infront of 75,000 strong, announces someone like Clark as his Veep. McCain follows with... Joe Lieberman or Mitt Romney!
Karma Kramer said:I think McCain's VP is going to be completely from leftfield... someone like Bill Gates (not him obviously). But someone who isn't really even in politics.
maynerd said:I dunno it should be someone who people think can handle the country if McCain dies in office.
maynerd said:I dunno it should be someone who people think can handle the country if McCain dies in office.
I read a statistical study the other day that crunched the likelihood of Obama and McCain living through two terms. They predicted McCain is likely to die in his second.maynerd said:I dunno it should be someone who people think can handle the country if McCain dies in office.
Karma Kramer said:Well then Tom Ridge is the most likely candidate.
GhaleonEB said:I read a statistical study the other day that crunched the likelihood of Obama and McCain living through two terms. They predicted McCain is likely to die in his second.
reilo said:Tom Ridge was on the Daily Show and has said he's not even sure which candidate to support, but he's slightly leaning McCain, but would consider voting for Obama.
So, ugh, yeah.
Karma Kramer said:Really?
Wth... :lol
Nevermind then. Fucking CNN...
THey just ran a story about him being a likely candidate.
soul creator said:Obama having trouble with Christians! Wait, no.
with Sen. Obama maintaining a substantial 43% to 34% lead among those who are likely to vote in November, with 5% selecting minor party candidates. ...
CNN has gone downhill as Fox has turned news into info-tainment. Ratings trump responsible journalism. Thus, it was in the interest of news stations to make the Obama/Clinton battle last far longer than realistically necessary. (She was out of it for a long time but it is better for ratings to make it seems like a contest.)reilo said:WTF CNN?
"Is the Russia-Georgia conflict the start of a new Cold War?"
What in the world?
speculawyer said:CNN has gone downhill as Fox has turned news into info-tainment. Ratings trump responsible journalism. Thus, it was in the interest of news stations to make the Obama/Clinton battle last far longer than realistically necessary. (She was out of it for a long time but it is better for ratings to make it seems like a contest.)
Thus, CNN is making this tragic but not earth-shaking event into a bigger conflict than it really is.
Yeah but using the same logic you are never right. So it must be Clark!Cheebs said:I dont think ANY newsoutlet ever speculated on Clark. Not even once. Only gaf and the bloggers have.
Meaning? Don't expect it kids. Foreign policy guy that got all the buzz was Biden.
grandjedi6 said:Yeah but using the same logic you are never right. So it must be Clark!![]()
:lolgrandjedi6 said:Yeah but using the same logic you are never right. So it must be Clark!![]()
http://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/2008/08/cindy_mccain_sustains_minor_ha.phpCindy McCain treated for "minor sprain" after supporter shook her hand too hard
Republican John McCain's wife has been treated for a "minor sprain" after someone at a campaign event in Michigan shook her hand firmly.
A campaign spokeswoman says Cindy McCain left the West Bloomfield, Mich., campaign event Wednesday for X-rays at a local hospital after an enthusiastic supporter squeezed too much. McCain's wife has had previous surgeries for carpal tunnel syndrome and the handshake exacerbated the condition.
Spokeswoman Jill Hazelbaker says Mrs. McCain will campaign as planned on Thursday.
reilo said:New Quinnipiac: Obama up 10% among LIKELY VOTERS in New Jersey.
Hunters favor McCain over Obama by 14 points.
Omg, game over. The hunters![]()
You do like Matthews, right?reilo said:No Mathews again?
The hell is with him?
reilo said:15 years ago, could you have imagined CNN running with this:
"The Balkan War: Could this be the spark plug that ignites WWIII?"
Again . . . it is in the interest of news stations to make races look closer than they really are. Ratings first, news second.maximum360 said:Way to go Hardball. Show all the polls for today that show things tighter for Obama than the other polls out today.
yeah, i dont like this guy.reilo said:No Mathews again?
The hell is with him?
Dax01 said:You do like Matthews, right?
This is an odd situation where competition made things worse.reilo said:15 years ago, could you have imagined CNN running with this:
"The Balkan War: Could this be the spark plug that ignites WWIII?"
Shiggie said:why does his Edwards shit still matter? how is it news?
He said "No."Jason's Ultimatum said:So will Powell speak at the DNC or what?
Shiggie said:why does his Edwards shit still matter? how is it news?
Former Rep. Jim Leach of Iowa was among Republicans the Obama campaign said were crossing party lines to support Obama. The Illinois senators campaign said he was also being backed by the Republican mayor of Fairbanks, Alaska, Jim Whitaker. The campaign did not release the names of other GOP supporters or the size of the group.
Im convinced that the national interest demands a new approach to our interaction with the world, Leach, a foreign service officer before being elected to Congress, said in a conference call with reporters.
Leach predicted that many Republicans and independents would be attracted by Obamas campaign but said his decision to endorse a Democratic presidential candidate for the first time wasnt easy.
yeah that was fucking re tadr ed! GOD I HATE THIS GUY!!Karma Kramer said:Wow David sounded like an angry Batman fanboy...
"Hey George promise to never star in another movie as bad as 1997's Batman and Robin!"
Awesome.Jason's Ultimatum said:Sorry if posted:
Former Republican congressman Jim Leach of Iowa endorses Obama!
Shiggie said:shes a liar McCain beats her!
:lolworldrunover said:Maybe she plastered on the makeup too violently one morning.
Karma Kramer said:Well then Tom Ridge is the most likely candidate.