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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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testicles on a cold fall morning
syllogism said:
Might not have to wait long as ABC News and Bloomberg today invited them to to participate in a town hall meeting at New York City’s Federal Hall.
yessss. close to my work and the building over from my gym.


listen to the mad man
gkrykewy said:

Who would Americans vote for? (Gallup, 2007)
If the candidate is… I would vote for them I would not vote for them
Catholic 95% 4%
Jewish 92% 7%
Mormon 72% 24%
Homosexual 55% 43%
Atheist 45% 53%

Who would self-identified conservative Americans vote for? (Gallup, 2007)
If the candidate is… I would vote for them
Catholic 94%
Jewish 91%
Mormon 66%
Homosexual 36%
Atheist 29%

IIRC this poll was early 2007, before the primary race had really heated up.
scorcho said:
yessss. close to my work and the building over from my gym.

ABC news? I'm reminded of when Homer was trying to ingratiate himself into the day to day lives of the Flandereses and Ned told him they were visiting Grandma Flanders and that it was "Family only."

Undeterred, Homer replied, "Right. No reporters."
BenjaminBirdie said:
ABC news? I'm reminded of when Homer was trying to ingratiate himself into the day to day lives of the Flandereses and Ned told him they were visiting Grandma Flanders and that it was "Family only."

Undeterred, Homer replied, "Right. No reporters."

"Drive faster, Daddy!"
"I CAN'T. IT'S A GEO!!!"

Anyways, as Martin Lawrence eloquently put it, this shit just got real. Get your popcorn poppin!

PS. I say you call all marriages "civil unions" from a government legal point of view and then leave marriage up to the specific churches. I would hesitate to say that a large majority of church goers want to dictate their rules to other churches, so this takes the marriage issue out of the hands of the government and puts it in the hands of the churches, which are harder to go after. That way, everyone's equal and everyone can just blame the other church for "allowing blasphemy" or whatever.


listen to the mad man
Skiptastic said:
PS. I say you call all marriages "civil unions" from a government legal point of view and then leave marriage up to the specific churches. I would hesitate to say that a large majority of church goers want to dictate their rules to other churches, so this takes the marriage issue out of the hands of the government and puts it in the hands of the churches, which are harder to go after. That way, everyone's equal and everyone can just blame the other church for "allowing blasphemy" or whatever.

Countries and areas that legalized gay marriage (in full; no hanky panky about terminology) found that the desire to implement these sorts of plans (separate marriage and civil union, call all marriages civil unions, dissolve marriage benefits entirely) dropped off pretty quickly as most of the soft anti-gay marriage folk realized that the sky wasn't falling and the rapture wasn't coming.


First tragedy, then farce.
Gaborn said:
If Obama does go with Webb (and I think he will ultimately) then my guess is a darkhorse candidate for McCain could be Jim Gilmore

I dont think that is an option, Democratic Governor. If he won the senate race and won the VP slot, the governor would get to install a dem as senator. Would be too big of a loss to the republicans. I think any sentors (or potential senators) for VP have to come from a state where someone of their same party gets to appoint a replacement.


I just turned on CNN and they were talking about that damn fist pound still! The host asked "is this what all the brothers do now a days?"



Cheebs said:
I just turned on CNN and they were talking about that damn fist pound still! The host asked "is this what all the brothers do now a days?"


He can the entire panel daps!


First tragedy, then farce.
Stumpokapow said:
Countries and areas that legalized gay marriage (in full; no hanky panky about terminology) found that the desire to implement these sorts of plans (separate marriage and civil union, call all marriages civil unions, dissolve marriage benefits entirely) dropped off pretty quickly as most of the soft anti-gay marriage folk realized that the sky wasn't falling and the rapture wasn't coming.

While I agree 100% with this, I think its easier for the "soft" anti-gay marriage people to support calling everyting a civil union in the first place. I think its silly we cant just call it marriage for everyone (and if Cali actually votes down this law my faith in humanity will be restored).

I agree, the arguement that makes the most sense is for the state to only recognize civil unions and leave marriage to the church... that removes the religious element from the equation and would undercut many arguements against it.
icarus-daedelus said:
So when the McCain advertisement that says "Is it OK to unconditionally meet with Anti-American foreign leaders?" pops up on this site, and I click yes, because it is, it still leads back to his website saying "elect a leader with good judgment," pressing me for donations. Sounds like false advertising to me, folks.

Time to sue the fuck out of Wal-Mart John McCain!


Cheebs said:
I just turned on CNN and they were talking about that damn fist pound still! The host asked "is this what all the brothers do now a days?"


That's almost as bad as the in-depth report ABC did on the fist bump being the new high five, complete with the history of said fist-pound.


I swear, have people never seen the fist pound before? wtf

le poll said:
Additionally, 78% of all voters say they could vote for an African-American for President. But, only 56% believe their family, friends and co-workers are willing to do the same.
...so people really are willing to vote for an African-American, they just aren't confident their friends, family and co-workers will? But if 78% of all individual voters say yes, doesn't that kind of thwart their own fears?


grandjedi6 said:
So your problem with Obama is that he advocates letting the states address same sex marriage instead of advocating full marriage rights himself? Well what is your alternative then? Nader?

I completely believe in a states rights approach to same sex marriage, BUT that has very little to do with federal recognition of marriage which we were discussing. Don't change the conversation in mid stream.

As Mandark said, scientific reality directly conflicts with the libertarian ideal. You can't both believe in global warming and its effects but also oppose any kind of climate change regulation/policy without being either ignorant or suicidal. While you are correct that not believing global warming has little effect on simplist libertarian policy, it does make me not trust the candidate on any climate related issues.

Fair enough, I simply disagree with you.

StoOge - The reason they'd go with Gilmore in that situation is that the Democrats would likely control congress in any circumstance, better to lose a senate seat that is already held by a Democrat to another Democrat than to lose the white house if they believe that would be to their advantage. Again though, just a wild guess.


Gaborn said:
I completely believe in a states rights approach to same sex marriage, BUT that has very little to do with federal recognition of marriage which we were discussing. Don't change the conversation in mid stream.

Wait. Wait... wait.

You advocate the states rights in approaching same sex marriage how they like... but then also insist that marriage is recognised at a federal level? What am I missing here?

The word marriage is a stupid hurdle; I'm a pragmatic man; I'd settle from removing 'marriage' from the legal vernacular all together, and replacing it with 'personal union', with personal union been applied to all instances of marriage, and granting any couple the ability for a personal union, which implies all the legal and social benefits of marriage in the popular sense.

That way, the religos can keep their precious semantics, and anyone else that wants to fight for the use of the marriage can waste their time doing so.


So what do you think this year's big 527 attack ad on the nominee, Obama, will be?

I don't think it will be as easy to swiftboat Obama. All they really have is Rev. Wright saying "god damn America", to be looped a billion times in a commercial.

Or maybe they'll have people on camera saying Obama gave blowjobs and did crack :lol


Zaptruder said:
You advocate the states rights in approaching same sex marriage how they like... but then also insist that marriage is recognised at a federal level? What am I missing here?
Gaborn strikes me as the kind of person who truly wants to be a Libertarian, but can't quite pull it off.

I don't know why people feel the need to cling to political labels anyway, other than to feel like they're part of something bigger.


Well, one of those things would be true. He did use cocaine, and said as much.

Course personally, I think the shit should be legal, but people that do use it are fucking retarded.


JayDubya said:
Well, one of those things would be true. He did use cocaine, and said as much.

Course personally, I think the shit should be legal, but people that do use it are fucking retarded.

Smoking crack is not the same as doing cocaine. At least in the eyes of the law:(

And wait, when did he say he did cocaine? Nvm, he tried cocaine in high school. That'd make 2 presidents in a row!


JayDubya said:
Well, one of those things would be true. He did use cocaine, and said as much.

Course personally, I think the shit should be legal, but people that do use it are fucking retarded.
But I mean, people on camera saying he used coke and had oral sex parties etc.
Diablos said:
So what do you think this year's big 527 attack ad on the nominee, Obama, will be?

I don't think it will be as easy to swiftboat Obama. All they really have is Rev. Wright saying "god damn America", to be looped a billion times in a commercial.

Or maybe they'll have people on camera saying Obama gave blowjobs and did crack :lol

Oh god. I have a feeling they're going to pull out everything on this guy. McCain will publicly dismiss the smears, but behind closed doors, he'll leave it up to the 527s.
Zaptruder said:
Wait. Wait... wait.

You advocate the states rights in approaching same sex marriage how they like... but then also insist that marriage is recognised at a federal level? What am I missing here?
No, he realizes that it will probably be recognized at the federal level, and since it is, government should recognize all unions (or something like that.)


Diablos said:
But I mean, people on camera saying he used coke and had oral sex parties etc.
I still don't recall him ever saying he used cocaine. I read an article where his old friends listed things they've seen him do and they insisted cocaine wasn't one of them.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Oh god. I have a feeling they're going to pull out everything on this guy. McCain will publicly dismiss the smears, but behind closed doors, he'll leave it up to the 527s.
Yep. I expect smear tactics to the extreme since the GOP knows they're not getting congress and McCain doesn't seem to be polling that well.


In the book, Obama acknowledges that he used cocaine as a high school student but rejected heroin. "Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though," he says.


Zeed said:
I still don't recall him ever saying he used cocaine. I read an article where his old friends listed things they've seen him do and they insisted cocaine wasn't one of them.

He admitted it in one of his books.


I can see the Republicans using that quote in a commercial, a guy with a deep, devious voice reading it, with a bassy BWWWEHHHHHHHH sound effect in the backround like it's so horrific :lol
soul creator said:
it would actually be the politically clever way to approach everything:

"I don't have a belief in the existence of divine beings, but I am absolutely not an atheist!"

Reminds me of Karl Roves statement that he doesn't have the "gift of faith."


icarus-daedelus said:
No, he realizes that it will probably be recognized at the federal level, and since it is, government should recognize all unions (or something like that.)

What? A marriage isn't a marriage isn't a marriage? Are you saying other states won't recognize a gay marriage if you move out of california?


icarus-daedelus said:
No, he realizes that it will probably be recognized at the federal level, and since it is, government should recognize all unions (or something like that.)

That's nearly right. I think first of all that gay marriages performed in the US should be recognized with the same rights, benefits and responsibilities as civil unions and domestic partnerships. Repealing DOMA is a step towards that, but it doesn't go far enough. Obama seems unwilling to push specifically for federal recognition of full marriage equality for gays under the law, just the right to be recognized in a civil union. That of course is aside from using the bully pulpit to influence the gay marriage discussion beyond second class "civil unions" cloaked as "equality".


Gaborn said:
That's nearly right. I think first of all that gay marriages performed in the US should be recognized with the same rights, benefits and responsibilities as civil unions and domestic partnerships. Repealing DOMA is a step towards that, but it doesn't go far enough. Obama seems unwilling to push specifically for federal recognition of full marriage equality for gays under the law, just the right to be recognized in a civil union. That of course is aside from using the bully pulpit to influence the gay marriage discussion beyond second class "civil unions" cloaked as "equality".

So, which candidate advocates that?


I think the official smear campaign will run with the Manchurian Candidate bit. It doesn't have to be believable or even make sense; it just has to stick. And Fox and friends will make sure it does.

"But what if he is a traitor?"


"What they'll say is what'll cost us too much money. But you know what? It would cost about about it would cost about the same as what we would spend. Eh, over the course of ten years it would cost what it would cost us the it would cost us about the same as it would cost for about - hold-on one second I can't hear myself."

- Barack Obama, June 6th 2008


Tamanon said:
So, which candidate advocates that?

Full Marriage equality is one of the planks of the libertarian platform. Barr has already called for a repeal of DOMA but either way the fact of his label as a libertarian is advocacy enough to attract attention to that section of the platform.
Diablos said:
I swear, have people never seen the fist pound before? wtf

...so people really are willing to vote for an African-American, they just aren't confident their friends, family and co-workers will? But if 78% of all individual voters say yes, doesn't that kind of thwart their own fears?
It depends how they mean the family, friends, co-workers part. ALL of them? SOME of them? MOST of them? How extended are we going? If I go with only 10 people near me, and each has a 78% chance of doing X, then there's only an 8% chance that ALL of them would do X.


Right, but Bob Barr doesn't advocate that himself, plus the Libertarian view is that the Government doesn't even recognize marriages period. It's odd, because it seems they want all relationships of any kind to have the exact same benefits. So my bud and I could get a tax break, because we're friends. Or my next door neighbor also!
Diablos said:
So what do you think this year's big 527 attack ad on the nominee, Obama, will be?

I don't think it will be as easy to swiftboat Obama. All they really have is Rev. Wright saying "god damn America", to be looped a billion times in a commercial.

Or maybe they'll have people on camera saying Obama gave blowjobs and did crack :lol

They'll mention how he has bad judgment and this is even evident in his younger days when he was selling coke on the sidewalks to poor white children who had lost both their parents serving their Country proudly in the armed services, something Obama didn't do.

I just summed up their big commercial.


Tamanon said:
Right, but Bob Barr doesn't advocate that himself, plus the Libertarian view is that the Government doesn't even recognize marriages period. It's odd, because it seems they want all relationships of any kind to have the exact same benefits. So my bud and I could get a tax break, because we're friends. Or my next door neighbor also!

True, I think the basic principle involved is the government shouldn't be giving a special status to some not all. I think though that non-viable 3rd party candidates (and Barr, while I do believe he's going to get a couple percentage points is NOT viable overall) serve more as a symbol of their parties, I think specifically their personal positions matter less (unless it was that STUPID fucker Mary Ruwart with her child porn advocacy) because they represent their party more than say the two major party candidates. Most people who vote Libertarian or Green or Constitution party aren't voting for the CANDIDATE who they never heard of, they're voting for the party's position to be given more prominence.


LOL I was just watching late edition on CNN and the democratic and republican pundits gave each other a fist bump after they debated. :lol
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