Cheney would be getting his ass kicked -- or should I say, his face "peppered" -- right now.
I'm starting to truly get concerned about Obama's chances. During the primaries I was just getting frustrated with it dragging out like everyone else was, but there seems to be a LOT of things working against Obama, more than I thought. I just see things tightening up and being more of the same (that is, 2000 and 2004).
Why in a year like THIS can the Democrat not have a HUGE lead in the polls right now? I just don't get it.
I think what people don't understand about Obama is that he generates a lot of his own hype. He IS his own media machine. Seriously. People say he's a media darling, but not really. It is McCain who is the real media darling this year; he always HAS BEEN, as every news network just loves to call him a Maverick instead of pointing out all of the things that have made the Straight Talk Express make far too many U-Turns.

Nobody wants to be too critical of McCain. They'd rather pick on Obama because it seems easier for some reason, even though McCain has plenty of faults of his own.
And the thing that's really worrying is, if
Barack Obama can't manage more than what seems to be a max of a 9-10 point lead, typically only a couple points ahead or tied, then WHO COULD? I don't think Hillary would have been able to; people
greatly exaggerated her appeal to the everyman. She is an
extremely polarizing figure, and I think she would have been an instant loss for the Dems this year, I really do. I'm so glad she did not win the nomination; it would've been over before it started. Plus, look at how selfish and incompetent her campaign was during the primaries... can you imagine that against the GOP in the fall?!
But, really, regardless of how optimistic or pessimistic you feel about his chances: If Obama loses this Presidential election, no Democrat will finally be able to take back the White House in a long, long time. He's a once in a lifetime opportunity for the party.