Yes, the stakes are very high. So high, in fact, that Ive decided that a vote for BHO drives a stake into the heart of true democratic ideals. He is no democrat, but an opportunist. For BHO, this isnt about us, ts all about him. Now matter how many lofty speeches he gives, his actions speak much louder than anything coming out of his mouth. He has neither the judgement nor honorable character to lead the nation. He has stated that he isnt a hands on type, but would surround himself with (NOI) experts.
He is poison and is surrounded by unscrupulous antagonists. He represents something other than what almost 18 million people voted for in supporting HRCs progressive agenda with the skills to implement.
Sitting down with the worlds worst dictators without preconditions shows what little regard BHO has for this country and its citizens. This is not acceptable. He has no emotional investment in this country, our history, our heritage. His only perspective has been formed by a communist mentor in Hawaii, Nation of Islam beliefs promoted at TUCC, St. Sabina and other churches, and other mentors such as William Ayers. His habits away from the political arena do not meet the smell test, even with a wife and children.
I respect your right to do what you think you must, but I would ask that you keep an open mind and be a Hillary supporter who holds him fully accountable for his deeds and actions before earning your vote.