HocusPocus said:
Bobby Jindal = All forms of awesome. I predict a landslide McCain win if he picks Jindal.
I do not like Bobby Jindal, obviously because I disagree with him on just about everything. He also comes off as being way too smug and I think he's stuck on himself. Cute wife, though.
If McCain picks Jindal, I think it'll just add more onto the suspicion that the best his campaign can do is copy Obama. Everything from a certain picture on McCain's site looking like it was designed by the Obama web team, to the slogan "that's not change we can believe in" 50 billion times in a speech, to "a leader we can believe in", to picking a guy who has a name that's not even remotely close to sounding like something you'd expect out of a President or Vice President, and isn't white. It would all but confirm that the best the McCain camp can do is copy Obama and modify his incredibly effective campaign to suit their needs, which is pathetic.
Furthermore -- and I do not say this to disrespect Bobby Jindal -- if exit polls are an indication, there are some moderate and even liberal (but likely racist) Democrats who do not like Obama. I can tell you personally talking to some Democrats over the past year or so that they are uneasy about a guy with such a name being the next President. The Democratic party is much more diverse in terms of race than Republicans, indicating voters seem to have less of a problem with that, yet you still hear people talking about how they're uneasy about Obama for whatever reason(s). So for Republicans, can you imagine the far-right being supportive of a ticket that says
Jindal on it? McCain has already pissed off the most of the core of the GOP by simply running. I think he'd be taking a big risk by putting Jindal on the ticket, which is pathetic, but could very well prove to be true.
My theory is this: If Obama picks a woman as his VP, McCain seriously considers and perhaps even picks a non-white male as his VP. If Obama picks a white dude, McCain picks a woman.
He'd never tell it to your face, but even McCain has caught some Obama fever.