jarrod said:Wright wasn't an invented story. And honestly, that was a far, far more potentially damaging debacle than anything on Clinton's end... how do you think it'd have gone if it were Clinton's longtime pastor and "spiritual advisor" or whatever on those (out of context) soundbytes?
Tamanon said:Yeah I don't agree with stimulus packages, both candidates agreed with doing it though.
King_Slender said:Let's see the Great Orator without a teleprompter:
(has this been posted yet - I searched, couldn't find anything)
The training wheels are off :lol
He named the wrong concentration camp, and it was corrected immidiately after. He actually mis-spoke. Oh teh noes.jarrod said:And... uh... Obama's grandfather liberating camps wasn't a lie?
Today, I am proud to announce that our presidential campaign will be the first in a generation to deploy and maintain staff in every single state.
The network of volunteers and the infrastructure built up during the historic primary season -- on behalf of all the Democratic campaigns -- have given us an enormous and unprecedented opportunity in the general election.
We need to register new voters and bring people back into the political process. We need to reach out to Independents and Republicans who know that our country cannot afford another four years of George W. Bush's disastrous policies.
And we need to overcome the three-month head start that John McCain has had to raise money and build support.
Your past support has brought us to the Democratic nomination. But we need to expand our base in order to build this 50-state organization. You can do that by encouraging a fellow supporter to step up and own a piece of this campaign.
Will you promise to match the gift of a first-time donor and double their impact? You can even exchange a note with them about why you are supporting this movement for change.
Help reach our goal of 30,000 new donors by making a matching donation of $25 now:
As in every presidential election, some states will be more competitive than others, and we will scale our resources accordingly.
But unprecedented grassroots energy during the primary means that the list of competitive states will be longer than ever before -- and it will include states like Virginia and Montana that aren't traditionally within reach for a Democratic presidential candidate.
And in every single state, our staff will build volunteer capacity that will provide help where we need it and impact races up and down the ballot this November.
Every day counts -- voters head to the polls in less than five months. This is your opportunity to shape the election by helping to launch our unprecedented 50-state campaign now:
Oh please, Parsely's a nutcase but his relationship to McCain isn't at all comparable to Obama/Wright.thekad said:Probably would have gotten as much attention as McCain's "spiritual guide", Rod Parsley, who called Islam an inherently evil religion.
Just sayin'.
Clinton used the Bosnia case as an example of her leadership and gained experience during the Clinton presidency. it also didn't help that CBS had direct video evidence countering Clinton's ancedote of a corkscrew landing and sniper fire.jarrod said:Wright wasn't an invented story. And honestly, that was a far, far more potentially damaging debacle than anything on Clinton's end... how do you think it'd have gone if it were Clinton's longtime pastor and "spiritual advisor" or whatever on those (out of context) soundbytes?
VanMardigan said:Tagged for when I'm home and youtube isn't firewalled.
BTW, when Hillary and McCain proposed the gas tax holiday, I remember the argument I was given was that it wouldn't matter since the oil companies would just jack up the price anyway. now that Obama is proposing a profit windfall tax, wouldn't that have the same effect of the oil companies simply raising their prices to have consumers pay for the tax?
Er... he certainly did in the debates.BotoxAgent said:Just because Obama didn't bitch, whine, and moan about negative press like Hillary doesn't mean he didn't get any.
Misspoke repeatedly? It was a great-uncle too. And Auschwitz was liberated by the Russians even, it's a pretty dumb gaffe at the least.GhaleonEB said:He named the wrong concentration camp, and it was corrected immidiately after. He actually mis-spoke. Oh teh noes.
Interesting images today. Barack Obama, Mark Warner in southwest Virginia. This is real redneck, sort of, bordering on Appalachia country. This is not the Northern Virginia, you know, sort of high-tech corridor. And these are voters that he would not logically be, you know, gravitating to. This is the beginning of a pivot.
You damn kids get off my lawn!ViperVisor said:
She needs to get some sleep. Srsly!Tamanon said::lol Andrea Mitchell actually said this on the air.
Tamanon said:Wait, what did Andrea Mitchell say about Virginia people? She apologized for saying something, but didn't mention what it was?:lol
:lol I mean I understand how other countries are fascinated with our elections because of our clout in world politics, but goddamn.Tieno said:A few months ago some Belgians (no, they weren't american) were campaining for Obama here in Belgium. They were putting up big posters at main access roads to Brugge. Pretty cool.
scorcho said:that's akin to saying - "I vastly prefer solid shit over liquid kind", as opposed to damning shit altogether.
also - i'd fail to qualify Russert as a journalist. he hosts TV shows and is a pundit on others.
jarrod said:Er... he certainly did in the debates.
Misspoke repeatedly? It was a great-uncle too. And Auschwitz was liberated by the Russians even, it's a pretty dumb gaffe at the least.
I call my great uncle, uncle as well. Wanna fight about it?jarrod said:Er... he certainly did in the debates.
Misspoke repeatedly? It was a great-uncle too. And Auschwitz was liberated by the Russians even, it's a pretty dumb gaffe at the least.
Just once from what I know.jarrod said:Misspoke repeatedly?
Like has been said, Obama got the name wrong. Having the name of the most famous concentration come to mind when speaking of concentration camps is about the most understandable kind of gaffe I can think off.And Auschwitz was liberated by the Russians even, it's a pretty dumb gaffe at the least.
jarrod said:Er... he certainly did in the debates.
Misspoke repeatedly? It was a great-uncle too. And Auschwitz was liberated by the Russians even, it's a pretty dumb gaffe at the least.
Azih said:Just once from what I know.
This is the first time I've seen something like this too. I call it the Bush-Obama delta effect.Justin Bailey said::lol I mean I understand how other countries are fascinated with our elections because of our clout in world politics, but goddamn.
jarrod said:Oh please, Parsely's a nutcase but his relationship to McCain isn't at all comparable to Obama/Wright.
Honestly, I'm surprised Obama weathered it as well as he has (and not from the media end, that story's still running even)... it'd have easily sunk Clinton or McCain imo.
Truly OBamania!:lolTieno said:A few months ago some Belgians (no, they weren't american) were campaining for Obama here in Belgium. They were putting up big posters at main access roads to Brugge (most american tourists come to Brugge via those roads). Pretty cool.
And this is important - he's admitted that he mis-spoke and said he was wrong. And then corrected himself.Azih said:Just once from what I know.
Like has been said, Obama got the name wrong. Having the name of the most famous concentration come to mind when speaking of concentration camps is about the most understandable kind of gaffe I can think off.
Mountains out of molehills.
Oh come on, it was an obvious and planned rebuff to the media coverage, his surrogates were all parroting the same line afterward evenworldrunover said:He complained about the lack of focus on the issues in the debates, yes. But he never called out the media, moreso the other candidates for running attack ads.
I think it's a fair point, and all those running have made plenty of flubs. I just refute the idea that McCain's really had an easier time of things than Obama in this area, and I think Hillary (rightly or wrongly, doesn't matter) been put under a lot more examination comparably. Sure she bitches about it, but hey... it's all she's got left.worldrunover said:I don't understand how people expect politicians to be perfect when they talk non-stop for hours a day in front of thousands of people. Mistakes are bound to happen.
Hey, I wasn't the one bringing Clinton into it... she's over and so are her flubs largely in the media's eyes post endorsement.thekad said:I find it amazing that you can argue that Obama and his "spiritual adviser" have a different connection than McCain and his "spiritual guide", while arguing, too, that Hillary's account of sniper fire and evasive manuevers is the same as Obama's mistaking of death camps that his uncle liberated. Clintonian, even.
Was McCain as active in Parsley church as Obama was in Wrights?thekad said:I find it amazing that you can argue that Obama and his "spiritual adviser" have a different connection than McCain and his "spiritual guide", while arguing, too, that Hillary's account of sniper fire and evasive manuevers is the same as Obama's mistaking of death camps that his uncle liberated. Clintonian, even.
avatar299 said:Was McCain as active in Parsley church as Obama was in Wrights?
John McCain said:The number one issue in this election...is will this person carry on in the Judeo-Christian principles, tradition, that has made this nation the greatest experiment in the history of mankind.
I think that's true... the media basically forced his eventual disavowing of him, and it was readily apparent it was a painful process on Obama's end. I honestly don't think anything Wright said was too outlandish, though it's obvious why it'd be problematic for Obama's election.CowboyAstronaut said:Because he stands by what he believes in and doesn't let anyone dictate how he thinks. I know people that are like Rev Wright. All black preachers say some controversial shit at one point or another, but in the end they are really good people, the ones that I know anyway, and I wouldn't doubt the same to be true of Wright.
Parsing on specfics of language... now who's Clintonian? :lolthekad said:Explain to me how that changes Parsley being McCain's "spiritual guide?" :lol
avatar299 said:Was McCain as active in Parsley church as Obama was in Wrights?
thekad said:Look, do I think McCain gives a shit about Parsley or his views or his "spiritual advice?" No, but you cannot wave around Obama's association with "agents of intolerance," while at the same time ignoring McCain's embrace of them.
Although he did, in classic McCain fashion, throw Parsley and Hagee under the bus once he was done with them.
CowboyAstronaut said:Had Obama seeked endorsements from the likes of Al Sharpton do you guys have any idea how bad things would've been for Obama? He wouldn't have made it to Super Tuesday.
Post of the day!BotoxAgent said:Just because Obama didn't bitch, whine, and moan about negative press like Hillary doesn't mean he didn't get any.
Clevinger said:Why? He seems like a douche, but I doubt he's said any of the kind of crazy shit Hagee has.
I asked a question, you ass. I didn't dispute anyone's "guide"thekad said:Explain to me how that changes Parsley being McCain's "spiritual guide?" :lol
Define crazy shitWhy? He seems like a douche, but I doubt he's said any of the kind of crazy shit Hagee has.
jarrod said:Er... he certainly did in the debates.
And I really don't see how you can say that at all. Hell McCain was invisible during the Obama-Clinton protracted death march. Plus someone else on here mentioned all the assanine gates that Obama has been involved it (finger scratch gate!) and that doesn't even include the OMG Whitey Michelle Obama tape bullshit rumours. As for Clinton it took months of Clinton repeating the Bosnia 'no tea becaues of snipers' story for the mainstream media to pick it up and that was after youtube made it completely impossible to ignore. Shit Sinbad had to jump in the fray to get the mainstream's attention on that one.jarrod said:I just refute the idea that McCain's really had an easier time of things than Obama in this area,
Endlessly changing metrics for weeks showing how how Hillary was actually winning while being behind on delegates will do that.I love that Clintonian's a bad word now
jarrod said:Er... he certainly did in the debates.
And it's part of Obama's campaign theme to focus on the issues. He would actually be hypocritical to say so and then not call out lines of questioning that distract from that.bob_arctor said:This is always interesting to me. I've read various comments like this that equate Obama pointing out how the media loves to ignore actual news that's important to the American people in lieu of gossip-style gotcha games better fit for rags like In Touch to whining, bitching, moaning. This is where the unwarranted "thin-skinned" label comes from. He recently rebuffed a reporter in the same way when asked about the purported Michelle Obama video tape. And again, the comments, the negative ones at least, all said generally the same thing.
I don't get it. He obviously can't tell 'em to STFU already with the nonsense so instead he calls 'em out as much as he can. This is a good thing, especially in light of that "debate" in Philly.
I hope Obama keeps pushing back against that type of questioning and he most certainly will in the coming months. The more he points out that what the American people worry about (economy, Iraq) is what's really important, the better it is for him.
CowboyAstronaut said:Obama never askd for Wright to become politically involved with his campaign or sought out a public endorsement.
Well, I agree on all your points. And yeah, I hope Obama takes the media to task for diversionary character issues more too.bob_arctor said:This is always interesting to me. I've read various comments like this that equate Obama pointing out how the media loves to ignore actual news that's important to the American people in lieu of gossip-style gotcha games better fit for rags like In Touch to whining, bitching, moaning. This is where the unwarranted "thin-skinned" label comes from. He recently rebuffed a reporter in the same way when asked about the purported Michelle Obama video tape. And again, the comments, the negative ones at least, all said generally the same thing.
I don't get it. He obviously can't tell 'em to STFU already with the nonsense so instead he calls 'em out as much as he can. This is a good thing, especially in light of that "debate" in Philly.
I hope Obama keeps pushing back against that type of questioning and he most certainly will in the coming months. The more he points out that what the American people worry about (economy, Iraq) is what's really important, the better it is for him.
sangreal said:He did, actually. Reverend Wright (and Father Pfleger?) were members of Obama's Spiritual Advisory Committee