reilo said:
Is that a parody site? That has to be.
Days Since Obama Visited Iraq
Days Since Obama Invited To Townhalls
The RNC site is pretty damn embarrassing.
It's clear they acknowledge that the path to victory is not publicizing McCain, it's attempting to depublicize Barack. But it's really because they love him so...
RNC Goon:
(drying tears) Oh shit... that Barack gives a good god damn fuck.
RNC Tard: Amen!
RNC Goon: Ok ok...we've got to keep it together.
RNC Tard: Right right... so what do you think we should put on the website?
RNC Goon: Well, McCain's face should be front and center. The people need to clearly see who our candidate is!
RNC Tard: Eh...I don't know...
RNC Goon: What?
RNC Tard: It's... well... you know. You've seen him, right? You really want that mug representing our party's website? Holy shit my kids will have liver spotted nightmares.
RNC Goon: Fuck, you're right.
RNC Tard: So no McCain on the site. If people have a chance to see this guy it will be fucking devastating in the polls.
RNC Tard:
RNC Goon: I propose we put up pictures of Obama! I've got a shitload of them in my private folder. There's this one where he's wearing jeans, ya know? And like, he lifted his one leg up on a bus seat.
RNC Goon: That's my desktop! Who's got a little captain in them?!
RNC Goon/Tard: OBAMA!!!
(high fives)