Thunder Monkey
Same for Kansas.GhaleonEB said:It was common in Iowa when I lived there. Also said in jest.
Mainly used by my brother.
Same for Kansas.GhaleonEB said:It was common in Iowa when I lived there. Also said in jest.
By Eric Kleefeld - June 18, 2008, 9:05AM
Joe Lieberman's support of John McCain is starting to generate some readily apparent conflicts with his participation in the Democratic caucus. When Barack Obama's top strategist David Axelrod briefed the Senate Dems' weekly policy lunch yesterday, Lieberman skipped the meeting.
"It was my decision," Lieberman said. "I thought it would be awkward for everybody."
This begs the question: Will he start attending the Republicans' policy meetings?
Deus Ex Machina said:Lieberman Skips Senate Dems' Strategy Meeting
Why should he have to switch parties?Justin Bailey said:When is Lieberman going to go ahead and switch parties already?
Yeah, here in St. Louis too. It's a joke, not some leet-speak.omgimaninja said:Tons of people here in Texas pronounce Target as Tayjay (mainly as a joke). It's totally common.
I dunno, seems like he might as well.avatar299 said:Why should he have to switch parties?
Cheebs said:I am getting more and more convinced Obama is going to win by Reagan like margins.
Justin Bailey said:When is Lieberman going to go ahead and switch parties already?
Name Economic Social Foreign Total
Lieberman, Joe, ID-Conn. 72 59 38 57.5
McCaskill, Claire, D-Mo. 51 58 59 57.3
Baucus, Max, D-Mont. 53 55 59 57.3
Conrad, Kent, D-N.D. 53 55 59 57.3
Pryor, Mark, D-Ark. 63 53 47 55
Landrieu, Mary, D-La. 49 54 54 53.2
Snowe, Olympia, R-Maine 46 49 46 47.8
Collins, Susan, R-Maine 48 47 45 47.2
Smith, Gordon, R-Ore. 44 43 53 47.2
Nelson, Ben, D-Neb. 46 44 48 46.7
Rush was going on and on yesterday about how Barack must be on hopium if he thought the dems could win without florida or ohio. he was trying to sell it as they had abandoned those states and that their was no way to win with the lesser swing statessyllogism said:
Ventrue said:If a person betting against him is right, he gets $10x1, $10.
If he wins, he gets $10x17, $170.
(although presumably with more than two people, a pool of money).
A few paces away, I catch up with a man named Ron Saucier and a woman who would only identify herself as Mary. Ron says his problem with Obama is the integrity thing. "He exaggerates too much," Ron says. "He's not honest."
"OK," I say. "What does he exaggerate about?"
"Well, like that time he was saying he had a white mother and a white grandmother," he says.
I ask him how this is an exaggeration.
"Well, he was saying . . ." he begins. "As if that qualifies him to . . ."
Despite my repeated prodding, Ron seems unable or unwilling to say aloud exactly what he means. Finally, his friend Mary, a grave-looking blonde with fierce anger lines around her eyes, jumps in, points a finger and blurts out one of the all-time man-on-the-street quotes.
"Look, you either are or you aren't," she says.
"And he aren't," Ron says, nodding with relief.
Maybe the anti-smear site is helping already?Battle of the Spouses: A Bit Better for Obama
Early Edge is Michelle Obama's, But Plenty of Room to Move for Cindy McCain
June 18, 2008
In the battle of the spouses the early edge is Michelle Obama's, in favorable views and intensity of sentiment alike. But there are sharp differences among groups, and plenty of room to move for the less well-known Cindy McCain.
Forty-eight percent of Americans in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll see Obama favorably, vs. 39 percent for McCain, a 9-point Obama advantage. Slightly more, though, also view Obama unfavorably 29 percent vs. McCain's 25 percent.
:lol Awesome. I just made a $1 bet with a friend from PA that Obama would carry the state. She lives in central PA, and I think that her perspective has been skewed because of it. 538 has Obama winning by a healthy margin, so I think I'm good.Incognito said:In Pennsylvania, Obama holds a commanding 95-1% advantage. :lol
Ben Smith made a good point that the new Quinnipac polls are notable for not under-estimating the black vote for Obama. SUSA did some polling last month that only had Obama getting in the 80% range, which skewed their results a bit. Even if Obama just makes Florida close, McCain is going to be sweating it and spending lots of quality time there.Incognito said:In Pennsylvania, Obama holds a commanding 95-1% advantage. :lol
Clevinger said:A good article about McCain (if you can excuse the tasteless art) by Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone
One of my favorite parts, where he talks to people at a McCain event:
:lol So awful...
That's it that's the entire argument. McCain is a canny enough old goat to know that the public's insatiable appetite for traitorous enemies will do the rest. He'll wave as many flags and stand in front of as many fucking fighter jets as you like, while the other guy lectures us about why he doesn't always need to wear a flag pin in his lapel and calls a bomb-throwing Sixties terrorist "a guy who lives in my neighborhood" instead of calling for his immediate beheading.
Cindy Oestriecher, a McCain supporter who turned out for his speech in New Orleans, is stumped when I ask her for an example of Obama's lack of patriotism. "What was that thing about anti-American?" she asks a friend. "What were they referring to?"
"What thing?" asks the friend.
"People were talking about that thing, that anti-American thing," Cindy says, frowning.
"You mean about the flag, the thing on the Internet?" the friend replies.
"Yeah, I guess," says Cindy. "The anti-American thing." "That bothers you?" I ask.
"Of course it does!"
"But you don't even know what it is," I say. "You just know that someone else said he was anti-American. You don't even know who it was that said it!"
She shrugs. What's my point? We all know what the deal is. When it comes to presidential politics, you either are or you aren't. And Barack Obama aren't. If you can't grasp the simple math of that statement, you don't know much about elections in this country. It's not about the war, or the economy, or the faltering Republican brand, or any of that: This is about hate and fear, and a dark instinct in our blood going all the way back to Salem, and whether or not a desperately ambitious ex-heretic named John McCain can whip up a big enough mob in time to drown the latest witch.
syllogism said:
mckmas8808 said:Bu.bu.bu.b.b.b. the TV host told me that Obama will lose Florida easily and could lose Ohio and Pennsylvania too all in the same year!!
Liara T'Soni said:Exactly...the media does not care about the country at all...they want this to be some sort of crazy drama-filled, legendary election.
Look at how Obama's so called "suburban women problem" has been blown up. First it's women in general...then he wins them. Then it's Hillary supporters...she endorses him and polls show that the high majority will support him. So then they fucking find ONE category he's not winning and all of a sudden it's "Oh...will Obama be able to pull white women suburban voters over 40" and shit. Some have even tried to make an issue over him losing white men (An area Democrats never win). The media wants more then anything to dramatize this fucking thing like it's a soap opera. Does Obama need to poll above McSame in every state and in every demographic before he doesn't have a "problem"??? How could ANYONE thats objectively looking at this race right now say that McCain doesn't have bigger problems then Barack? He's the older mother fucker ever to run for the white house, running on a platform that has destroyed our economy, culture, and standing in the world, and has publicly stated on MANY occasions that he supports the policies of a man that is going to go down in the history books as one of, if not THE, WORST president in the history of this nation!!! I'm not saying it's over, but DAMN, get off Obama's dick and stop trying to force all this negativity on his campaign!
They LOOOOVE drawing upon this "The voters don't trust him" and "The voters need to know more about him" shit. How long does this man have to be in the fucking public spotlight before people know who the fuck Barack Obama is? The guy has the most internet support of any candidate in history. He's been on the cover of magazines, newspapers, and fliers. He has written TWO BESTSELLING BOOKS! He has won a grammy! He has been on the news EVERY FUCKING DAY FOR THE PAST YEAR! He is the FIRST SERIOUS BLACK CANDIDATE EVER! He is the most popular democrat in the fucking country! Yet, Wolf Blitzer still thinks that "Voters need to get to know him better"...fucking Christ! Does Obama need to fucking go door to door and talk to 300 million plus Americans before people "know him"??? Just because McCain has been in the Senate for 40,000 years, and ran for president before, doesn't mean that people know him any fucking better then they do Obama. The people that follow this shit JUST A LITTLE BIT know who Barack Obama is and what he's about. The people that don't follow this shit at all couldn't tell John McCain from fucking John Wayne, and thats the damned truth!
Two Muslim women at Barack Obama's rally in Detroit Monday were barred from sitting behind the podium by campaign volunteers seeking to prevent the women's headscarves from appearing in photographs or on television with the candidate.
The campaign has apologized to the women, all Obama supporters who said they felt betrayed by their treatment at the rally.
"This is of course not the policy of the campaign. It is offensive and counter to Obama's commitment to bring Americans together and simply not the kind of campaign we run," said Obama spokesman Bill Burton. "We sincerely apologize for the behavior of these volunteers."
Someone was being over-protective of the Muslim smears and didn't want give them material. Stupid to go there. Though I think Politico is blowing it way out of proportion (par for the course for them.)scorcho said:very stupid PR move by Obama's people.
Doesn't seem like it'll have any negative reprecussions though. I mean, Obama supporters will either not care or be okay with it based on the quick apology, the muslim women aren't seen in behind Obama during his speech which might cause delusional people to think that he is a muslim, and maybe some clueless slobbering retards who think Obama might be a muslim see this story and have second thoughts. Win-win-win.scorcho said:very stupid PR move by Obama's people.
Texas GOP: stunned regarding racist button sold @ convention - it "was about unity and diversity"HylianTom said:Sorry if this has been posted already.. has anyone seen this button that was for sale at the Texas GOP convention?
Hans Klingler, spokesman for the Republican Party of Texas, said party officials had no idea the button was for sale until they saw it blogged. He said that the party doesnt review the content of booths during the convention, adding that there will be procedures put in place in the future to scout for objectionable items.
We were stunned; the whole convention was about unity and diversity, Klingler said. It was heartbreaking.
We would never want anything offensive or overtly bigoted to be at our convention, he said.
Klingler said the party plans to donate its $1,500 in proceeds from the booth rental to flood relief in the Midwest.
First small clip is up!Deus Ex Machina said:Michelle Obama Hosting On The View Today
Deus Ex Machina said:Texas GOP: shocked, SHOCKED regarding racist button sold @ convention - it "was about unity and diversity"
Fixed.Deus Ex Machina said:Texas GOP: stunned regarding racist button sold @ convention - it "was about unityand diversitybetween whites"from those damn darkies
I'm impressed. Very likeable and open.Deus Ex Machina said:First small clip is up!
Michelle Obama On Hillary and Sexism, On "The View"
Basically, the best first lady are those who stay behind the kitchen and make everyone a sammich?mckmas8808 said:This is the realest shit you ever wrote. This lady straight telling the truth for real. I was embarrassed how somebody on CNN yesterday stated that Michelle Obama's image could be better had she NOT been so aggressive,bold, blunt, honest, up front, and open about her looks and fashion.
It felt like the guy was saying that she should be more like Cindy McCain and not talk much.
Cheebs said:+5 in todays gallup
Senator Obamas Senior Working Group on National Security includes:
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
Senator David Boren, former Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Secretary of State Warren Christopher
Greg Craig, former director of the State Department Office of Policy Planning
Secretary of the Navy Richard Danzig
Representative Lee Hamilton, former Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee
Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder
Dr. Tony Lake, former National Security Advisor
Senator Sam Nunn, former Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Secretary of Defense William Perry
Dr. Susan Rice, former Assistant Secretary of State
Representative Tim Roemer, 9/11 Commissioner
Jim Steinberg, former Deputy National Security Advisor
CHICAGO, IL Senator Obama today announced the formation of his Senior Working Group on National Security, a group of advisors that he will consult on a regular basis between now and the election. Obama will meet with the group for the first time today in Washington, DC for a wide-ranging discussion of the immense challenges faced by the United States in the wake of the disastrous foreign policies of George Bush.
Each individual here today has provided extraordinary service to our nation in the executive branch and Congress. Several have been advising my campaign for some time. Were also honored to be joined by some of Senator Clintons senior advisors. In the months to come, well be reaching out to others, as well as leaders in Congress, Senator Obama said. The stakes in this election could not be higher. John McCain wants to continue George Bush's foreign policy which has made us less safe, less respected, and less able to lead the world. It's time to change course. It's time to end the war in Iraq responsibly, refocus on Afghanistan and al Qaeda, and renew our global leadership so that we can tackle the huge challenges of the 21st century.
Later today, he will also meet with a group of nearly 40 retired Admirals and Generals to discuss the state of our armed forces, and the challenges facing our military in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the world. This meeting is part of an ongoing dialogue between Senator Obama and current and former military officers of various ranks and views.
They are surprising, though Quinnipiac polls kind of suck.Tamanon said:I'm actually shocked at those Quinnipiac polls, and that's before offshore drilling. Awesome.![]()
scorcho said:very stupid PR move by Obama's people.
that wasnt the event in question. the event in question was the rally.mckmas8808 said:What exactly did they do wrong? I see those same ladies in a picture with him.
the disgruntled gamer said:They are surprising, though Quinnipiac polls kind of suck.
The Muslim thing is anti what Obama believes... the volunteers should know matter.Cheebs said:that wasnt the event in question. the event in question was the rally.
They do this at all candidates rallies. Google.And I have known about this personally. I was at a rally where I'd say about 70% of the crowd was black and it was being filmed by CNN/MSNBC...etc. One of Obama's handlers put my family on stage behind at a rally because "we need more white people for the tv cameras"