Thunder Monkey
Not from me.UltimaKilo said:I don't care what the guy says, just harms himself not me. I was just saying that there is a little of a double standard.
Dicks are Dicks are Dicks.
Not from me.UltimaKilo said:I don't care what the guy says, just harms himself not me. I was just saying that there is a little of a double standard.
Door2Dawn said:[IM][/IMG]
Tamanon said:Karma: A good day. Nothing bad happened, just the second day analysis of the Palin pick which has been pretty negative so far. For the day, Obama/Biden just did some palling around in Ohio.
typhonsentra said:It should also be pointed out that he hasn't held the position in over a decade either. How did Redstate even get this footage?
Fragamemnon said:lol@zogby interactive
King_Slender said:The day after the announcement, Zogby has it:
McCain/Palin: 47%
Obama/Biden: 45%
UltimaKilo said:what poll was Obama up 4-9 points on? I heard it in the background yesterday.
UltimaKilo said:what poll was Obama up 4-9 points on? I heard it in the background yesterday.
Gallup gave him a 10 point post-convention bounce. Down by 2 before, and up by 8 after.UltimaKilo said:what poll was Obama up 4-9 points on? I heard it in the background yesterday.
Karma Kramer said:Ugh... someone please just give me a summary...
I was traveling all day... I really want to know!
UltimaKilo said:Would Jindal even be old enough to run for President in 2012?
UltimaKilo said:Would Jindal even be old enough to run for President in 2012?
He went from down by 2 to up by 8 in the Gallup polling. That's a 10 point swing.King_Slender said:Polling data...
King_Slender said:I actually have no idea as to the reputation of Zogby.
But, according to Rasmussen
Traditionally, candidates get a 10-13% bump out of a convention, and Obama got 4-8% (depending on the source). To boot, the speech that liberals are falling all over for (honestly, a fantastic SHOW, but a pretty typical convention speech with all the Democratic talking points), only gave him a 1% bump from 8/29 to 8/30 when pitted up against the Palin selection.
quadriplegicjon said:where do you see that candidates get a 10-13% bump? there was a post here earlier with graphs and numbers showing that traditionally, its a 6% bump! bill clinton had one of the largest with a 13-14% bump .. obama had, what? 8% ? which is above the norm.
quadriplegicjon said:where do you see that candidates get a 10-13% bump? there was a post here earlier with graphs and numbers showing that traditionally, its a 6% bump! bill clinton had one of the largest with a 13-14% bump .. obama had, what? 8% ? which is above the norm.
reilo said:Obama had a +10 in Gallup and a +5 with Rasmussen.
King_Slender said:I actually have no idea as to the reputation of Zogby.
But, according to Rasmussen
Traditionally, candidates get a 10-13% bump out of a convention, and Obama got 4-8% (depending on the source). To boot, the speech that liberals are falling all over for (honestly, a fantastic SHOW, but a pretty typical convention speech with all the Democratic talking points), only gave him a 1% bump from 8/29 to 8/30 when pitted up against the Palin selection.
Note that we find the average peak bounce to be about 6 points. This is highly consistent with Tom Holbrook's research, where he found the average bounce to be 5.9 points in conventions conducted since 1964. A 6-point convention bounce represents par. If a candidate gets a bounce larger than 6 points, that can be considered to be a good sign. If the bounce is smaller than 6 points, that can be considered to be a bad sign.
quadriplegicjon said:where do you see that candidates get a 10-13% bump? there was a post here earlier with graphs and numbers showing that traditionally, its a 6% bump! bill clinton had one of the largest with a 13-14% bump .. obama had, what? 8% ? which is above the norm.
King_Slender said:I actually have no idea as to the reputation of Zogby.
But, according to Rasmussen
Traditionally, candidates get a 10-13% bump out of a convention, and Obama got 4-8% (depending on the source). To boot, the speech that liberals are falling all over for (honestly, a fantastic SHOW, but a pretty typical convention speech with all the Democratic talking points), only gave him a 1% bump from 8/29 to 8/30 when pitted up against the Palin selection.
King_Slender said:I actually have no idea as to the reputation of Zogby.
But, according to Rasmussen
Traditionally, candidates get a 10-13% bump out of a convention, and Obama got 4-8% (depending on the source). To boot, the speech that liberals are falling all over for (honestly, a fantastic SHOW, but a pretty typical convention speech with all the Democratic talking points), only gave him a 1% bump from 8/29 to 8/30 when pitted up against the Palin selection.
I'm pretty sure Bush got 13% the first time around.
Fragamemnon said:total shit
Actually the average "bounce" is six points. Big post, but worth reading:
And more data:
Obama's getting an average bounce-however, in the age of later and later conventions and less interest overall in the conventions (though Obama did seem to change that this year, ratings were overall excellent), it's important to note that convention bounces aren't what they used to be.
King_Slender said:True - probably due to the instant availability of information on the net - everything is pretty much known before the conventions - which is what makes Palin such a wild card. If she even comes out even with Biden in the VP debate, it will be a total embarassment for him.
NLB2 said:The LA NG is currently being mobilized to help relief efforts. They're not in Iraq atm.
The Blackwater roll call looks like a good oportunity for some GAFers to make good money.
True - probably due to the instant availability of information on the net - everything is pretty much known before the conventions - which is what makes Palin such a wild card. If she even comes out even with Biden in the VP debate, it will be a total embarassment for him.
AniHawk said:Considering that absolutely won't happen, they're gonna play the sexism card a lot.
King_Slender said:True - probably due to the instant availability of information on the net - everything is pretty much known before the conventions - which is what makes Palin such a wild card. If she even comes out even with Biden in the VP debate, it will be a total embarassment for him.
Fragamemnon said:every time someone mentions that she might "come out even" with biden in a debate I'm reminded of that Cheers episode where Cliff goes on Jeopardy and the categories are like "beer", "postal stamps", and "boston red sox".
They play the accusation card a lot and well.King_Slender said:I guarantee that won't happen - Republicans are not ones to play the victim card.
One word: Checkers.King_Slender said:I guarantee that won't happen - Republicans are not ones to play the victim card.
Thunder Monkey said:They play the accusation card a lot and well.
King_Slender said:I guarantee that won't happen - Republicans are not ones to play the victim card.
Fragamemnon said:every time someone mentions that she might "come out even" with biden in a debate I'm reminded of that Cheers episode where Cliff goes on Jeopardy and the categories are like "beer", "postal stamps", and "boston red sox".
Tamanon said::lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Now that's a points-worthy post!
King_Slender said:I guarantee that won't happen - Republicans are not ones to play the victim card.
King_Slender said:Do link.
Haha. Obviously you didn't see the female talking head that the Repubs put on CNN yesterday. She was blatantly threatening the sexism card. Not to mention that every criticism of McCain inevitably devolves into "how dare you! he was a POW."King_Slender said:I guarantee that won't happen - Republicans are not ones to play the victim card.
King_Slender said:Who are 3 people that have never been in my kitchen?
King_Slender said:I guarantee that won't happen - Republicans are not ones to play the victim card.
lopaz said:
FWIW, Gallup has been measuring convention bounces for decades (and is one of the data points in fivethirtyeight's analysis) and also found a 5-6 point to be typical.Agent Icebeezy said:
oh I'll hold you to thatKing_Slender said:I guarantee that won't happen - Republicans are not ones to play the victim card.
"Really!?" - ScheifferKing_Slender said:How is the fact that McCain was a POW playing up the victim card? Nobody is attacking him for being a POW :lol